Danger Dave
New member
I don't own a Baretta, but I was told years ago (before the Jet Li movie was released) that it was possible to remove the slide off a Baretta like that. Since the guy who told me is a 7th degree black belt and an LEO who had just been issued a Baretta, I figured it was true.
What you're relying on all the "disarm a gunman" techniques is action vs. reaction times. It takes a human being on average about 0.3 seconds to see that they should do something, decide what to do (assuming it's a practiced or simple response), the nuerons to fire, and their muscles to move. You've got to get control of the gun and get it pointed away from you within that time frame. It ain't much time and you only get one try at it, but with practice and the confidence to do it without hesitation or telegraphing (hesitation & telegraphing rob you of precious time), it's usually enough. Usually.
What you're relying on all the "disarm a gunman" techniques is action vs. reaction times. It takes a human being on average about 0.3 seconds to see that they should do something, decide what to do (assuming it's a practiced or simple response), the nuerons to fire, and their muscles to move. You've got to get control of the gun and get it pointed away from you within that time frame. It ain't much time and you only get one try at it, but with practice and the confidence to do it without hesitation or telegraphing (hesitation & telegraphing rob you of precious time), it's usually enough. Usually.