Gun Makers Face Shrinking Market

Locally I have been seeing more people in gun stores, more buying. A lot more women lately, too. Lots more people getting ammo by pointing at cases and saying "two of these, one of these and all of your 30-06". Hmmmm....
So, there's a stigma attached to gun ownership? To some extent this is probably true. I remember leaving the local gun shop one afternoon with a Ruger 10/22 under my arm when a complete stranger in the parking lot decided to use me as a target for her hatred of guns and gunowners.

These days, however, a stigma is attached to a lot of things that are honorable, decent, and traditional. Things like: individual responsibility, accepting the consequences of one's own mistakes, the sanctity of marriage, involvement in the upbringing of one's own children, Judeo-Christian faith, the principle that the family rather than the Federal Government is the basic unit of society, refusal to be gulled by political handouts, belief in the American melting pot and a color-blind society, etc., etc.

In sum: stigmatized and proud of it!
My front license plate (only a rear actual license plate is required in my state) reads LIFE MEMBER after the NRA emblem/logo. When I get a minute, I'm putting the "Charlton Heston Is My President" sticker on the rear window. So far no vehicle break-ins. I'm really fishing for an argument with an anti - trouble is, there are so few here...
Think I'll jump in here with my $.02. From what I've seen in the local gun stores in Dallas, gun ownership is on the rise. The stores I frequently visit are always busy. (I've got my next purchase on layaway, BTW...drool drool) I often see other women in these stores, either going shooting, or looking at the guns with their hubbys. I was also at a recent gunshow, and it was PACKED!

I don't put ANY stock in the WSJ's article, or any other biased, anti-gun establishment. As has been said numerous times on this board, polls and such things often don't reflect reality. I've never once been polled on my beliefs!

I will also say "AMEN" to Will Beararms, who said that bit about the South seceding. Let's see 'em try and take the guns!

And, not all us "city-slickers" are lacking in the common sense dept. We are trying to get out of the city!

One more thing... About "advertising" the fact that one is a gun owner: I find it interesting that we are one of the few houses in our neighborhood that hasn't been broken into recently. We have signs on our windows that say "Occupants are armed and will use deadly force...nothing in this house is worth your life..." Could be a coinky-dink, but I don't think so.
"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited October 29, 1999).]
The WSJ article will stop meny potential investors from investing in the gun industry.

This could damage us in that a lack of new investments could keep a company from tooling up for new products or cut into advertising funds or many things that wont have an effect untill down the road. What it hurt was the future.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Right on Will, I like you southern accent. I have buddy (our kind of people) moving to Arkansas.

It was funny that the hunting and everything else has been dropping off? I applied for Wyoming atelope and deer in Kali and wasn't drawn for either. All gun stores in the southern kali DMZ are full of customers.

I will be leaving in few hours to the Great western, not much sleep but I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead. I have no thoughts that the show will be empty but if it is I will be forced to take up the slack and buy as much as possible.

Gale I want one of those 50s they make me all warm and fuzzy inside. I just got vang shotgun back after 3 months wait and am still waiting for benneli he said I should forget that I own it, it will be a while 5-6 months. Havent got to shoot it yet but the work is great looking especially how he blends the vent rib into the front MMC ghost ring sight, this rib make it look especially out of place here in Kali, just the way I want it.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 30, 1999).]
Gleaned from an anti-gun website containing
an alarmist Y2K viewpoint titled "Web Site Recommends Gun Purchases" --

"Such Y2K worries are leading some people to buy guns for the first time, and prompting some gun owners to buy more weapons. "They're buying everything: handguns, rifles and shotguns," said a salesman in FirePower, a Matthews, N.C., gun shop. The gun shop said it has seen a surge in business as a result of Y2K concerns.

On another Internet Y2K survival site, Gary Winstead recommended that people arm themselves with powerful "survival rifles." Based on his observations, he said, it appears people are heeding his warning.
"While viewing many gun shows over the years, I have noticed a whole different crowd in the last few months," Winstead said. "There are many more family types, Dad and Mom shopping for a firearm together. I have also noticed more single women purchasing handguns. Gun shows used to consist almost entirely of middle-aged and older men." "

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Geography, I think, determines peoples support or non support of firearms. Big cities,except for the gaNGBANGERS, are the leaders in anti gun politicos. rural areAS are progun. The reason we have so many anti gun laws is that THERE ARE SO MANY BIG CITY POLITICIANS IN CONGRESS! And many states are ruled by the blasted cities and suburbs where there are so many anti gun politicos. Lets face it, the sloburbinites and big city folk are manily anti gun and put these anti gun politicos in power across the country. Here in Maryland is a perfect example of the crummy big city counties of Montgomery and Prince george counties and "ballmer" city ruling the entire state with huge taxes and wicked gun control measures. We rural folk just dont have enough political clout anymore and will not be able to reverse the trend. And,because of the declining agricultural business in America and the deaths of small towns and farms, the population supporting pro gun measures soon may disappear. This population decline in rural areas may be the biggest threat to the second amendment. And the millions of new immigrents to this country settle in the cities and come from nations with no history at all of gun ownership for civilians. The demographics of the situation dont favor firearms ownership in this nation at all. The only threat to the Federal regime complete control of America comes from the rural folk who are still armed. And ,listening to FBI propaganda about the "warrior', one sees where the people still maintain the ability to defend themselves from govwernment intrusion. Its in the country and, like Hank Jr. says, a country boy will survive!
Ivan has something here. I would add that circumstances also can influence someone's need for a weapon. Case in point: while a family member was in the hospital, various members of our family kept a vigil which meant at times traveling to and from the hospital at all hours of the night. During one such episode my mother asked if I had a handgun she could learn how to use and carry. I replied by asking: "Mother, I thought you were against handguns? She answered back: "that was before I had to travel late at night through dangerous areas". We lived at that time in a State that considers your vehicle an extension of the homestead and a glove box gun is legal. Additionally, that fine state has a law on the books allowing citizens to thwart off carjackers with a weapon!

Thank God for the Country. We have been blessed to be able to maintain a cottage in Dixie should things in the socialist urban jungle get "Caddywompus". I am from the country and dearly miss it. "I can run a trot line and skin a buck deer and a country boy will survive." (With God's help)

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."