"Gun Guys" say law-abiding gun owners are on steroids....

GunGuys.com is just an anti-gun site disguised as a pro-gun site.

A couple of years ago it used to be. If you look through the archives you can still see posts from 2005 which had a slight pro-gun lead and then turned anti (it was always pretty obvious to anyone who read very much).

Any more they're just an open shill for Freedom States Alliance.

This particular site is special to me because it was instrumental in taking me off the fence and making me actively pro-gun. Although I've owned firearms and hung around with blue collar "hunter" types I never concerned myself too much with gun legislation. I was sadly in the "that doesn't affect me" bunch.

But when I started doing some research during the debate over legal CCW in Colorado, I started really reading up on the anti-gun side. And doing what they hope you never will, applying logic.

Sites like this just made me see red. They tell blatant lies, fabricate facts, twist every story, ignore any facts they don't like, and all for the purpose of taking away a RIGHT that all Americans have enjoyed for decades! How can you take away a part of a culture with lies and deceit and look yourself in the mirror? Something that families, especially father's and sons, have shared since this country became a nation? I couldn't.

At least some anti-gun people are honest; they know that outlawing guns won't really make much of a difference on crime or murder; they just don't like the thought of people having them and so they want them banned (angering as well, but I'll always respect honesty).

Gunguys.com is the most deceitful and lying of them all. Anytime you start getting complacent or start thinking that writing letters to congress or making another membership payment/contribution to the NRA or GOA is not worthwhile, just spend a few minutes on gunguys.com. It'll fire you back up.
The "gun guys", in their defense, just mistakenly *think* that us gun owners are on steroids, given the increased level of testosterone we have, relative to them, seeing as how they have no huevos at all.
And if you can actually enjoy an Army-run range, you must really have a natural love of shooting!

Just what I was thinking. My range is lots of fun. You can shoot any gun at any target you brought along. You should see what a 30-30 does to a large plastic bottle of ketchup. Watermelons, oranges, grapefruit, soda cans filled with water, etc. I'd be bored to tears if I could only shoot paper.