"Gun Guys" say law-abiding gun owners are on steroids....

Another missrepresentaion

Although the .50 was in there posesion it does not appear it was used in a crime was it ?
Im a little confused here. So one group of four people out of the 124 arrested had a .50 cal. How does this connect the .50 cal to steroids? Did they have a palm pilot as well? Perhaps we can connect palm pilots to steroids and get them banned while we are at it.

Heres an idea, why dont we wait until one is actually USED in a crime before we start calling for a ban. Not that Im advocating a ban mind you, it just makes a little more sense.
Local press and certainly the internet is rampant with wanna-be journalist. These people are capable of death defying leaps of logic to arrive at the most credulous and absurd conclusions, all in their quest to promote their agenda. The use of double speak and a flood of flawed or erroneous claims based or derived from flawed and erroneous foundations in order to put past ideas that simply won’t survive sound reasoning is a technique that must be taught in modern journalist schools these days.

The idea appears to be to pile up so many wrong statements and falsehoods that themselves are extrapolated from other wrong and down right false assertions that before a rebuttal can be launched one is overwhelmed just deciding where to start. It’s like before you can address the idiocy you must first re-educate these people in world history, U.S. history, and current events.
Somebody else gets their kicks from the gunguys.com as well. I love that site.

Seeing their utter lack of logic just reinforces my beliefs. It was sites and logic like that which made me much more fiercly pro 2nd amendment.

I'll be 3/4's of their viewers are pro-gun guys like us who go their daily for a laugh and/or a reminder of the kind of people who are trying to take our rights away from us.
Jesus. Did you guys see that 50caliberterror.com website?

"Why do we permit the sale of a weapon that is powerful enough to threaten civilian airplanes taxiing on the runway or during landing and takeoff?"

Right. If they're a good shot. And a .30-06 will **** up a plane just as easily.

" These powerful sniper rifles which were designed for the battlefield to puncture armor and destroy targets from long range are easier to get than a handgun in the United States."

If you have the $5000+ to spend on one, plus $5 a round.

".50 Caliber sniper rifles are a terrorist's dream come true considering the death and destruction they could inflict."

Ahh... if you ask me, i think they're a lot happier with flying planes into buildings and blowing **** up instead of shooting.

"These weapons have been listed by authorities as a serious threat against our nuclear and chemical plants."

Again, i'd be more worried about big bombs than 'big' guns.

Now i want to get a 30mm cannon just to really ruffle these peoples feathers.
Heres an idea, why dont we wait until one is actually USED in a crime before we start calling for a ban. Not that Im advocating a ban mind you, it just makes a little more sense.

There is that case in 1995 or 96, I forget...where the guy in Cali went to his wife's work & started shooting at her with his Barret .50. When police arrived, he popped a few shots at them with it as well.

Generally, though...the .50 BMG is slow-firing and does not allow many rounds to be sent into the air without having to reload (most in the civilian market are even single-shot only). Things like Semi-Auto AR-15 and AK47 variants are much more dangerous when used illegally. Yet, anything is illegal if used illegally, right??? Law abiding citizens should not be hindered from their non-violent and non-harming entertainment because of a few bad apples. If that is the case, we should ban cars because of the numerous deaths related to drunk driving.
Right. If they're a good shot. And a .30-06 will **** up a plane just as easily.

I'd think a Garand with a full clip of blacktip WWII AP in it would be a lot more dangerous to an aircraft due to the speed of fire, but don't give them any ideas, right. :P
Frankly if you are hunting airplanes you would be better of using a rocket.

Rockets are not that hard to build. I used to be into model rockets and they really aren’t that hard to build. Do some searches on rocketry and solid fuel engines and components. It’s all readily available on the internet. Also some really great videos out there on rockets. Some of these guys take their rockets very seriously.:D:D:D

Just shows that these anti gun people are obsessed with guns. If they actually knew anything…well let’s face it, if they actually knew anything they wouldn’t be such idiots and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
I don't see any connection to the items in the story.

I'm sure that the people involved also had cornflakes for breakfast, but I doubt that common thread effected their criminal enterprise.

Many of my clients enjoy the fine, hand-rolled cigars I give away for advertising. To date, I have never seen anyone, not one, dating an over weight young girl wearing a blue dress.

Does the idea of "cause and affect" mean anything to modern reporters, or can they just start making stuff up--I mean, more than usual?
.50 calibers ... a fear looking for a rationalization.

Remember when those terrorists in Jersey were planning an assault on soldiers? They disdained the semi auto black rifle variants to get full auto (which is how they got caught) but the anti-gunners still made the most of it.

Some used this incident as why those awful black rifles need to be outlawed (even though they had chosen not to use the semi auto versions).

Another used it to push the NJ .50 caliber ban. Because (and I love this) one lawmaker actually said, "what if they had decided to use the more powerful .50 caliber rifle."

LOL -- that would mean they were trying to do maximum carnage with a single shot rifle.

Bottom line is ... if you have to expend the resources to get a terrorist in place to take down an airliner, you're not going to base your plan on a 1 in a million shot because if it's missed, your terrorist is taken into custody or shot after having done nothing.

I personally have no desire to own a .50 (though I suppose if I were rich enough I might just to say I did) but there's no reason not to allow others to own one.
And this .50 was connected to the steroids how again? Gun Guys would be even more hilarious if I didn't think that some people take it seriously.

".50 Caliber sniper rifles are a terrorist's dream come true considering the death and destruction they could inflict."
There's better, cheaper and more efficient ways to cause chaos and panic.
Gezzz it’s too bad they don’t have a forum. That really would be a hoot. I could have endless hours of fun on a site like that.:D:D:D
GunGuys.com is just an anti-gun site disguised as a pro-gun site.

Cosmetically. Read one sentence and it becomes apparent.

P.T. Barnum would likely want to punch these guys in the face.

Mr. Barnum, like most businessmen of his time, probably carried a revolver and derringer backup.
I really liked how they kept called the .50s "sniper" rifles. "Sniping" as related to firearms is just an application of the firearm to a particular type of shooting situation. Given that that vast majority of civilians never engage or need to engage in the practice of sniping, the term "sniper" is applied to rifle to help promote the sentiment of the weapon as being unnecessary in civilian hands. In other words, they are trying to assign a negative value to .50 caliber rifles by classifying them in this manner. In reality, they could call just about any hunting rifle a sniper rifle.
I think the best cure for these people is to politely invite them out to the range for an afternoon of .22's, .223's, .45, and .338 just to see what they think about it after having some first hand experience rather than just blathering about stuff they don't know about. Curing the ignorance seems to me to be the solution to the problem.
I think the best cure for these people is to politely invite them out to the range for an afternoon of .22's, .223's, .45, and .338 just to see what they think about it after having some first hand experience rather than just blathering about stuff they don't know about. Curing the ignorance seems to me to be the solution to the problem.

Coming from somebody who was once staunchly anti-gun, I have to agree with this. I was even lucky enough to have my Uncle Sam pay for it! :D

It's amazing how quickly my position changed when I realized that A) guns aren't magical death machines, but rather tools just like any other, B) I enjoyed shooting, and C) I was actually good at it!

And if you can actually enjoy an Army-run range, you must really have a natural love of shooting!