[Are there any gun-friendly northeastern states? Between New Jersey, New York, Mass, etc, they all seem to have a problem with the 2nd Amendment.]
[Great states, but what about the big ones with lots of influence in the government?]
It's ironic, considering the role Mass. played in the founding of our country.
Where was the NRA for the last 50 years up there?]
Martin Luther
First off, none of the Founding Fathers were from the Massachusetts, NY or PA as we know those States today! So please don't go there!
Having said that, Massachusetts is a mystery to all of us. I have asked many folks from Massachusetts, how is it that John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and Barney Frank keep getting elected. I have not found anyone from Mass. who admits to voting for any of them, yet they keep getting re-elected.
Western Massachusetts (West of Worcester) is beautiful country. Like colonial times. They don't think like the East, and most will tell you the Massachusetts border ends at Worcester. They have the land mass but they're stuck because the population, and control is in the lefty East.
Maine is a pretty good gun freedom State still, but we are being over-run by Mass-holes from the South who bring their left wing views with them. In fact most of us think, anything Portland South is indeed Massachusetts.
Like Maine, and Western Massachusetts, New Hampshire is also being invaded, and in some areas over-run by Mass-holes. Any summer Friday driving West on I93 (bumper to bumper traffic) most of the license plates are from Massachusetts, heading for their elaborate 2nd homes in the NH Lakes Region. And, many Mass-holes have migrated, and have become residents of N.H. to avoid Massachusetts Commonwealth, sales tax, registration fees, and other taxes.
The two senators from Maine, Snow and Collins are not exactly powerless, mostly because they call themselves Republican. They both hold powerful chairs in the Senate, and we (Republicans) do have a majority in the House & Senate. Fact is, both are sheep in wolves clothing, and cannot be trusted with our gunrights.
I happen to be an NRA member, and the gun club I belong to is very active as friends of the NRA. Like RR, Charlton Heston is one of my hero's.
So I would caution you not to lump any of us from the NorthEast into the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts. We're not going to like it, or you for pushing the issue.
Thank you!