Gun-Free Zones - US Military Installations

If this is indeed solely up to the base commander then any commander that forbids his soldiers to carry on base should be relieved of command, stripped of all rank and forced to pick up cigarette butts for the rest of his life.

Uhhh, right...
Magi, are you saying this is a stupid idea or it would never happen? I have personally seen a full bird Colonel stripped of rank and picking up butts.
No it was actually for a much less serious offense. Being a veteran I am quite familiar with the UCMJ but I will never agree with giving up the most basic human right because you signed a contract to serve a Government. Every restriction I have read of concerning weapons on a military installation were posted by direction of the base command authority. I am not saying this applies to every case.
You should recognise that as a member of the military, you do not have the same constitutional rights as a civilian. Your enlistment is a contract where you voluntarily agree to the suspension of your rights
Interesting point here. Although i would absolutely agree it is the case, I am now thinking about the constitutionality of it. I know there were many companies with contracts limiting rights 50 or 100 years ago and it was deemed illegal. The only time it is done now is basically when it concerns company property(piracy and non-disclosure agreements). Even non-compete agreements have been neutered to such an extent they are basically pointless. At least that is my impression.
Drail & raimius:

From what I've read, it IS strictly up to the installation commander; for Army installations anyway. Currently, Army installations with which I am familiar require registration. Firearms are only permitted in places of authorized use (hunting areas and shooting ranges). Travel to and from these areas must be by the most direct route; no stops along the way for shopping, etc. Firearms must be transported unloaded and stored separate from ammunition. On-post residents in family housing are normally allowed to keep firearms in their quarters, unloaded and locked up. Soldiers living in dormitories store their firearms in unit armories (naturally). Do all of these rules constitute a gun-free zone? You be the judge. Some interesting reading here for those interested. The US Constitution, Public Law 90-618, and the Firearms Owners Protection Act (prohibits regisration databases) would appear to prohibit such stringent rules. Department of the Army's AR 190-11 doesn't even impose such strict rules. Yet, rules at most Army bases are very similar. Does anyone know the source of these rules?
An interesting point. In this thread it has been stated this has been policy for Army, Navy, and AF for a long time. USMC was specifiically omitted. Speaking of Rwilson 452s post. I assume policy is the same. I know there are no firearms in base housing, at least barracks, but what about CCW from personnel living off base?
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