Gun-free zone list?


New member
Good day to one and all. I've been a distant admirer for quite awhile and a member for not too long. I've been in other areas of this phenomenal forum but this is my first time being in this section(legal and political) Please pardon me if I make any mistakes and please feel free in moving this post if necessary.

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way. Will you fine ladies and gents direct me to an appropriate source(s) of info that lists any and all anti-gun/gun-free zones please?...preferably a local list if possible, I'm in Oklahoma. Would wish to know which businesses I should not give my business to. Or if I had no other options but to enter one of these potential death cages, at least I know I should make a trip back to my vehicle.

Thank you in advance, and keep up the prodigious efforts in helping the rest of us further understand our allowences and rights.
What are you talking about GUN free zone? Laws are laws and that is the way it is.

Banks, Federal Building, Schools, and Bars or any establishment that sells Alcohol are Gun Free Zones. With exception of Wall Mart, They sell guns and beer?

Of Cource the Chines have there way , Don't they!:D
Maybe I mispoken. Let me give you an example. AMC Theathers from what I understand does not allow firearms. They do not sell/serve alcohol nor sell guns(accept the image of guns on their screens) and still do not honor my permit.

Please re-advise.
If your talking about CCW. You have to respect the property owner. It is thers! Just don't go there if you don't like it! I smoke and don't go places that don't let me smoke. I don't go meny places any more!:D
Banks, Federal Building, Schools, and Bars or any establishment that sells Alcohol are Gun Free Zones. With exception of Wal Mart, They sell guns and beer?
Be careful not to assume laws you might be familiar with apply universally. Lots of places are much more liberal, especially when it comes to banks and alcohol vendors.

What the OP wants is a list of known posted businesses in his area.

OP: You're being way to vague for us to be any help. What town are you talking about? Even then, the only way you're going to get solid info is from first hand knowledge of those that live near you. The NRA has an anti-gun corporate list, but it's exceedingly long. It's hard to avoid supporting all of them.
Your aloud to carry a fire arm in the the open here! No Banks , federal buildings and as mentioned. That's the way it should be! No Pretend, No What if, That is the way it is! If you have one every one See's it . Not a problem. People don't mess with the ones that have one! I like it. They don't do the gang banger aggro! They don't get in your face and tell you , you got in there face, they don't Even talk to you unless they have to! I like that! I can carry it in my grocery store with out problems.
Pa is another state with no laws on open carry. It's also a shall issue state. Fees vary from sheriff to sheriff but usually between 25-50 buck with most being on the low end. there is one place where open carry requires a LTCF that is filthydelphia. There are few areas that you can't pack a concealed firearm. courts, the capital buildings. The law is rather fuzzy about packing in a school. the information I have is that to date no DA has wanted to take a case to court to clear it up. You can even pack an SBR if you have paid the tax to uncle. We also have a state preemption law. also according to our Uniform Firearms Act the LTCF is a one page form put out by the state police. no test required. most sheriffs just run a PICS check then issue. Oh, PICS is PA's own NICS system

Yes, you can even pack in a bar.
You can't pack in you car without a LTCF as that is considered concealed carry.
If your traveling from another state you can keep a loaded pistol in your car with a permit from any state, but a limited list for CC outside your car.

Ah, no loaded long guns in your car.
homefires said:
Banks, Federal Building, Schools, and Bars or any establishment that sells Alcohol are Gun Free Zones.
That may be what it is in New Mexico, but I'd be willing to bet that in OK (that is where the OP said he was from, did ya miss it?) it is different.

Here in Idaho, you can carry openly or CCW in all of the above except schools. You can CCW in schools with the permission of the local School Board.

So, your one size fits all.... don't.

TRiCoN45, someone from your area will be along shortly to fill you in.
Oklahoma CCW laws are pretty close to Arkansa laws, but not identical.

The only difference I am aware of is that you have to tell the police you are armed in OK. In AR it is optional.

I am going to check out OK laws now that it has been brought up. I haven't checked for updates for a few years.

The only places off limits here are hospitals, schools (inside of), extra curricular school events that aren't firearms based (no guns at the football game etc..), buisnesses that post a no guns sign within ten feet of the entrance, police stations, court houses, and federal buildings.

Bars are only off limits if you are going to consume alcohol. Designated drivers need not fear the LEO.

I really don't like Arkansas, but the permit system is sorta ok.
Maybe I mispoken. Let me give you an example. AMC Theathers from what I understand does not allow firearms. They do not sell/serve alcohol nor sell guns(accept the image of guns on their screens) and still do not honor my permit

If you have a permit, then I know you were issued a copy of the permit laws in class. Where are your copies?

Read them. They will tell you where and how you are required to carry.

If you need a new copy go see you local prosecuting attorney. They are required to give you copies of the laws upon request.
Wow! thats another reason why I enjoy this forum so much.....quick responses. That is correct, I am from Oklahoma. My state is conceal carry only (this post all implies under assumption of a CCL holder), no open carry allowed unless hunting. You may carry "open" inside your vehicle, but since guns are alittle taboo still around here, same as most other places Im sure, I still keep it decently concealed inside my car. Would hate for my time to be wasted just because some dill-weed gets interested in what is in my car while I'm in it and sees my gun and decides to freak out and call the police. I understand the laws here enough to know not to carry within a post office, any federal building, any schools unless I have written permission from the dean....places like that. Not that I dont understand why they prohibit it, but hell, from what I understand, I cant even have it in my vehicle while my vehicle is parked on any school property if I'm not in my vehicle. Cant carry in any business that incurs most of their revenue from the sells of alcohol...etc...etc. What my intentions were was to find a list, if there even is such a list in existance, that will tell me what local and/ or state retailers/vendors will not honor my permit. I understand that law is law, I also understand that if there is a no-gun sign visible(usualy on entrance doors) you cannot carry, I even undertand that if the door says "21+" than that is a fine print of "no-guns" What I dont know is if there is a list that shows the businesses that voluntarily doesnt honor my permit and not just because they must by law . Like the example earlier, AMC Theaters.

-cold dead hands

you are correct, if a CCL holder is confronted by a LEO for any reason, even a routine traffic stop and the holder is carrying, the CCL holder must disclose to the officer that they are carrying.

cold dead hands said:
buisnesses that post a no guns sign within ten feet of the entrance

I would like to have a list that lists these businesses.

I evidently mispoke when i said "gun-free zone" What i meant was "no guns allowed" my appologies for the mix-up.
Try this.

Try this site.
Information by state, including those places off limits.

Not a list of GFZ's by name, but it will get you started with the legal end.
A thought might be to contact some of the following, as they may be able to help in you state.

Try your local:
DA's office
Better Business Beareau
State Police Office
Sheriff's Department

They may be able to help if you need.
From previous link.

This is a copy from the link in my previous post. They have a seperate code regarding primary schools and universities.

Unlawful Carry in Certain Places
A. It shall be unlawful for any person in possession of a valid concealed handgun license issued pursuant to the provisions
of the Oklahoma SelfDefense
Act, Section 1290.1 et seq. of this title, to carry any concealed handgun into any of the
following places:
1. Any structure, building, or office space which is owned or leased by a city, town, county, state, or federal governmental
authority for the purpose of conducting business with the public;
2. Any meeting of any city, town, county, state or federal officials, school board members, legislative members, or any
other elected or appointed officials;
3. Any prison, jail, detention facility or any facility used to process, hold, or house arrested persons, prisoners or persons
alleged delinquent or adjudicated delinquent;
4. Any elementary, secondary, or vocationaltechnical
school property;
5. Any sports arena during a professional sporting event;
6. Any place where parimutuel
wagering is authorized by law; and
7. Any other place specifically prohibited by law.
B. For purposes of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of subsection A of this section, the prohibited place does not include and
specifically excludes the following property:
a. any property set aside for the use of any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, by a city, town, county, state, or federal
governmental authority,
b. any property set aside for the use of any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, by any entity offering any professional
sporting event which is open to the public for admission, or by any entity engaged in parimutuel
wagering authorized by
c. any property adjacent to a structure, building, or office space in which concealed weapons are prohibited by the
provisions of this section,
d. any property designated by a city, town, county, or state, governmental authority as a park, recreational area, or
fairgrounds; provided nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed to authorize any entry by a person in possession of a
concealed handgun into any structure, building, or office space which is specifically prohibited by the provisions of
subsection A of this section.
D. No person in possession of any concealed handgun pursuant to the Oklahoma SelfDefense
Act shall be authorized to
carry the handgun into or upon any college or university property, except as provided in this subsection. For purposes of
this subsection, the following property shall not be prohibited for persons having a valid concealed handgun license:
1. Any property set aside for the use of any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, provided the handgun is carried or
stored as required by law and the handgun is not removed from the vehicle without the prior consent of the college or
university president while the vehicle is on any college or university property;
2. Any property authorized for possession or use of handguns by college or university policy;
3. Any property authorized by the written consent of the college or university president, provided the written consent is
carried with the handgun and the valid concealed handgun license while on college or university property.
The college or university may notify the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation within ten (10) days of a violation of any
provision of this subsection by a licensee. Upon receipt of a written notification of violation, the Bureau shall give a
reasonable notice to the licensee and hold a hearing. At the hearing upon a determination that the licensee has violated any
provision of this subsection, the licensee may be subject to an administrative fine of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00)
and may have the concealed handgun license suspended for three (3) months.
Nothing contained in any provision of this subsection shall be construed to limit the authority of any college or university in
this state from taking administrative action against any student for any violation of any provision of this subsection.
E. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not apply to any law enforcement officer or to any person authorized
by law to carry a pistol in the course of their employment.

Hope that helps get you started.
I will take the advice suggested above and contact the listed authorities in hopes of obtaining the requested list.

But please don't hesitate to further advise.

It would just be nice to know what retailers does not support my thoughts of optimal self protection so I can practice my "advance-planning"
TRiCoN45, I think the biggest problem you will find is that there are no real lists of private businesses that display "no guns" signs.

It's a big enough problem to list all the individual States rules and regs, let alone (in some/many areas) the legal requirements of the various counties and cities. And these are just the laws, we are required to live by.

In any city of 50K population or more, the task to document all private businesses would be daunting, to say the least. No business is required to report to any agency if they permit guns or not. It would require individuals to personally inspect each place of business to see if they have signs up.
TriCon45 wrote:
...Will you fine ladies and gents direct me to an appropriate source(s) of info that lists any and all anti-gun/gun-free zones please?...preferably a local list if possible...

In Ohio we have an EXCELLENT gun-rights organization, Ohioans for Concealed Carry. They print a statewide list of businesses that prohibit concealed carry by posting "No Guns" signs, that unfortunately carry the weight of law in Ohio.

The list is called the "DO NOT PATRONIZE WHILE ARMED" list, and can be searched by county, by name or by zip code. List can be seen here:

Unfortunately, I can't help you with Oklahoma, but I wanted to point out just one of the great things a good statewide gun-rights organization can do.
