A few of thoughts.
The poll is entirely skewed as to lead one to conclude gun dealers are bad people. That right there is enough of a reason to shut this thread down.
The opening post isn't any better. If anything, it is preaching. Preaching a one sided message that brooks no discussion or dissent from the basic premise. Reason number two, to shut this down.
The opening post is also a thinly veiled attack on one member, in general. I'm not the only one who caught the reference (even after Dave so thoughtfully edited the original post, which I never read). A third reason to shut the thread down.
The opening post paints all FFL holders with a very broad brush and leaves no room for discussion as to its merits. It says, "Agree with me or just get the hell off my thread." Further posts by the originator only adds merit to reason number 2, to shut the thread down.
I believe Trip20 said it well enough for any reasonable man to understand.
I'm going to say this out loud. The RKBA is not the be-all or end-all of our liberties. It is only one facet among many. Take your blinders off and see the bigger picture. That's what L&P was intended for. I don't believe Rich ever intended for this forum to be a sanctuary for such niggardly world views.
Fair Warning: If you are here, at TFL, to preach your absolutist RKBA message; If you are not here to to discuss the various legal and political issues of our times, but only to spout the platitudes of the Church of the Gun and the follies of all of us sinners... Get Out!
True Liberty is much more than some single simple-minded issue that we have been seeing here of late. TFL is not the counterpoint to the Democratic Underground.
The signal to noise ratio has gotten so bad, it is hard to find any signal at all.