Gun Control is Good (or The Terrible People-Tyranny!! )

From "A' to "Z" in I sec or Less

"A friend ...
informed me that since they relieved them of there fire arms..."

That's not the intent of me nor anyone I refer to. I really don't believe controls over my blood pressure medicine means someone is taking it away. Do you really believe that taking steps to make sure the guy passing you in the street with a legal hidden lethal weapon hasn't a history of psychotic rages, is the same as taking your gun away from you? I dunno, "Z" does not come after "A" I don't expect.

Sorry that absolute thinking and logic jumps don't keep us safe, because it's pretty easy and very automatic to do that, but it doesn't. In any case, the world is safer than it was here, crime is way down, so if gun control is really such an omnipresent and huge enveloping threat to everyone, it's got some pretty weird coincidences going on that most of us kind of like - and I and my family, friends have no problem owning and using weapons responsibly at the same time. Not such a bad deal where controls are applied... even in the haphazard way they are.
But too easy for guns in large numbers to be sold, transported then re-sold illegally for us. As someone here just said: let's keep the guns out of the criminals hands, (or, at the least,not make it worse).

Have a good holiday all
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The comparison to a drivers license is a bad one.

You DON'T need a driver's license to operate a motor vehicle. You DO need a drivers license to operate a motor vehicle on public land.

Also, you don't need a driver's license to own or buy a motor vehicle, even on public land.

So, if anything is going to be made of the analogy to a drivers license it should be that you need a license to discharge a firearm on public land.
To my way of thinking Gun Control can be compared to Pandora's box. It's far too late to have any effective control, centuries too late. A big hint, criminals don't obey the law.

To my way of thinking Gun Control can be compared to Pandora's box. It's far too late to have any effective control, centuries too late. A big hint, criminals don't obey the law.

They can be effective within the limits imposed by differing states applying radically different approaches to weapons and controls. But easy purchases of
multiple weapons in "easy" states, transported and sold to criminals and/or gang-youth impede another state's attempts to keep weapons funneled to law-abiding people and away from killers and said youth who will become easy-killers.

You get one with the other which is what many of us don't want: insist on no-controls for RX medicines: quite a few get ineffective or toxic medicinal contents; insist on no control of lethal weapons, especially handguns: you enable a large population to have ready access to easy means of death for many, undifferentiated by criminal past and intent, or the violent mental illnesses, or by addiction, by age, or anything. This creates more weapons that are used to perpetrate violent crime; which then is said to justify statements such as the above, while also seeming to require less controls than ever so more are able to protect themselves. An unconscious pyramid scheme inimical to my safety and my family's and millions more of us who want this circularity stopped by the same rationale safeguards we want in all other danger-producing areas and enterprises of society-

"We" get the results of the absolutism of the minority extremes.

Its time for me to leave the topic. (few read the many individual posts at this point in threads anyway.)
Most of your fellows just can't live in the danger of absolutes and know that reasonable controls for our safety are not the same as taking away guns. We're your "villains", if you have to have them; we're the "government".
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I guess we will just agree to disagree. I think your concept is flawed. There are somewhere in the area of 300,000,000 firearms in this country alone that the government knows of. This doesn't include firearms that fall under C&R rules. No one has any idea of how many of those there are. If the bad guys can import drugs by the ton what makes you think guns will be any different? Guns today are being smuggled into the US. most of which are full auto machine pistols brought in by violent gang member for their use. Should you get laws banning firearms of any nature all it will do is lose any control over them. It might cause a slight increase in street value. It might shock you to learn the guns sold on the black market generally sell for less that legal guns in a store. The real cure for violence in this country is not gun control but criminal control. Are you aware that when a prohibited person is caught with a firearm that charge is usually plead away? The average felon when on the street commits 187 crimes per year. Do the math.
It all goes back to the beginning. Why did the Founding Fathers grant us the right to bear arms in the first place; to defend ourselves from all comers, even our own government if need be. Our right to bear arms ultimately underpins each and every right we have. It is one of the ultimate checks and balances built into the Constitution. Would new and stringent gun laws make me feel safer? No. I feel safe because I know I can respond, if necessary, to any threat posed. It is all about a level playing field. Let us never forget that there are those who wish to deprive us of our right to bear arms. The UN wishes to eliminate all private ownership of firearms, and that idealology has very many proponents here in the US. The attempts to whittle away at our rights has met with only limited success, but they will continue to try. Do we really need more laws?. No. We have laws already on the books to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them. If enforced, they will do a good job.
Let us never forget that, ultimately, a gun is power. It can be used for good or bad. To allow one segment of a society to have power, whether it be the military, law enforcement, criminals, etc. is very dangerous. As I said before, it is all about a level playing field. I believe Ben Franklin said something to the effect: A society that gives up some of it's freedom for security deserves neither. We have already started down a slippery slope, look at the Pat. Act and HR1955. We do not need any new forms of gun control, period.