Gun Control is Good (or The Terrible People-Tyranny!! )


Re: the usual remarks frequently expressed: "the federal, state, and local governments have been actively trying to take away my guns for years and are NOW!" Ie, the "We are Victims of Tyranny!" theme.

No governments have not been trying to take your guns away - the fellow members of your society, me and my family and friends and millions like us, who elect and toss out governments, do not want their families endangered by criminals, disturbed individuals or addicts having our permission to carry lethal weapons, or anyone owning any kind of weapon they feel like, no matter what's it's capabilities of mass loss of life. We also would feel much safer if the transportation and sale of illegal handguns was stopped So, we desire the same freedoms + safeguards we want required in cars, drivers, pilots & aircraft, food preparation in restaurants, the medicines we purchase, and the machinery we operate, etc. That way my family can enjoy their own responsible use of each family member's guns, having the right to arms, in the same way they can enjoy cars, driving, eating at restaurants, taken trips far away on planes, etc. without fearing lethal jeopardy all the time, and having those fears realized perhaps. And at least the permit process in NY State is an example of good procedures for arming people with hidden lethal weapons, while helping insure safety for everyone. Rights to not exist independently of responsibility to others.

So don't go attacking governments for taking anything away, go start attacking your fellows who want what most governments want because we elect them and/or permit their staying in office : freedom + the right to bear arms + reasonable safety. Scream at your fellow citizens. Scream at us, your dictators.

I am responsible gun owner and ccw. Many folks feel the same way as my, family, relatives, friends, neighbors, fellow-workers, and casual acquaintances seem to. Just regular people.... Why not put away your victim-costume or get at us, Halloween is long over. Gun controls are good. And we want them.
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I was struck by the paranoia of the "gun culture" when I first got here...I still am a little bit. The victim syndrome at first appeared a little over the edge, but I see it now, a bit anyway.

A lot of it probably stems from the AWB, and the laws in CA and NY, and Illinois. Those are the three strictest states on firearms that I have heard of. Add in stories about persecution of legal gun owners (like the story about our TFL member BlackWaterOps) and liberal news media constantly reporting about how dangerous guns are and I think it just breeds that paranoia and fear.

I think there is a small fringe that would like to de-arm all citizens, most others on the right, middle, and near left want what they call "reasonable" control. That "reasonable" control varies and infuriates any Constitutionalist. Some say it's a state issue, some say it's protected by the 2A and any limitations are federal violations...

I believe taxes will be used to "punish" gun owners (ammo/gun sales and manufacturing) just like they have been used to punish's an alternative act not recommended by the government and anyone who partakes in it will be hit hard in the wallet.

Add that to the dreaded assault weapons ban (and other similar bans restricting mag capacities and calibers) and you'll have the beginning of a slippery fact we're already on that slope. I think we're still pretty high on that slope and still have a chance to stop the slide through.

So, it's not all un-founded victimization, I think it's dramatized at times but I believe that it is a real threat in the long run. There will be no hard and clear move by any group to get guns and ammo off the streets, it'll be a gradual process that occurs over decades.
the fellow members of your society, me and my family and friends and millions like us, who elect and toss out governments
Never worked in a government job have you? :D

While I won't disagree that "the people" need to get far more involved in government operations (asking questions, giving directions, etc), an awful percentage of politicians have done a very good job of "insulating" themselves leaving them relatively free to pursue -personal- agendas and taking them distressingly "wide of the path" in their stewardship of this country.

So do "we the people" bear some responsibility for this situation? Certainly, we need to stop being lazy and put some time and effort into the running of this country. We need to resume OUR stewardship and quit taking the easy path of passing the buck, BUT it IS tricky because the above mentioned politicians are VERY careful to defend their turf and situation.
Gun Control Is Good

My point was that gun control is good. And supported by most of the country. Who at the same time support a right for law-abiding citizens to own guns. How can this be? The same as it is for scores of other rights-protected activities, products, mechanisms, processes, from voting to travel to particpation in financial markets, they all are applied with reasonable procedures and safeguards for the rest of society that the people themselves institute through election. Gun control and the 2nd Amendment are not two different things. And the hysteria and one-note absolutism that is sometimes found here, is contrary to the well-being and safety of others. That is what was meant. "We" are not taking away anyone's guns, we are making sure the 2nd Amendment doesn't kill us while it protects certain rights.
Beware of "reasonable" men bearing gifts.

The Left has been claiming its ever-increasing control of the individual is grounded in reason and benevolence. Yes, of course it is.

A "small fringe" wants to disarm us? Well, that "small fringe" has all but disarmed the developed world's private citizenry already, in case you haven't noticed.

Enjoy the benign and well-intentioned police state that is in your future.
My point was that gun control is good.

Depends on what you mean by gun control. Most gun owners support reasonable restrictions, like instant background checks to keep guns out of the hands of criminals/mental incompetants and severe punishment for those who use guns for criminal acts. Other than that, most of us are opposed to any form of gun control.

Also, getting rid of an entrenched government agency is no easy task. If it was, the IRS would have been gone a long time ago. But it isn't, no matter who wins at the polls. To ignore the fact that a government as large as that of the US Federal government is largely run by people who aren't elected and keep their jobs for most of their working life no matter which party is in control is ignoring reality.
I for one believe some people just plainly should not have firearms, Just as some people should never be allowed to drive a car. I also believe , I am sick and tired of being treated like a moron by the people that want to control every aspect of my life.

People have become so dependent on the Government to take care of there affairs that it has them, The Government actually believing this is there manifiesto!

This is not PARRANOID! This is Fact! Gun Control Does Not Work! Period!

Like the Drunk Driver, Gang Bangers, and other mentally Deficient people out there, they will do what they want to do!

No laws restricting my access to firearms is going to prevent these things from happening.

Now, I need to call my Nanny and see if I can go outside and play!:cool:
Gun controls are good. And we want them. Sorry for the inconvenience of being checked out but as you say
Like the Drunk Driver, Gang Bangers, and other mentally Deficient people out there, they will do what they want to do!
, we don't want that, hence the investigations for people wanting hidden lethal weapons.
No laws restricting my access to firearms is going to prevent these things from happening.
Well, it would make it more difficult if you did these things.

That plus tight new restrictions and enforcement much increased of mass gun purchases and transportation of same interstate, for illegal sales to criminals, as a start to prevent our families from murder by additional illegal weapons on our streets. Sorry, too dangerous for others, this "do what I want to do" orientation. Or just stay away from lethal weapons save rifles. But if you want all sorts of various freedoms with various types and modes of carry of lethal means of killing my people and others, well, can't avoid some scrutiny you know. We have rights too and that's life.
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We had a close brush with tyranny, but the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. To paraphrase Winston Churchill'--America is the worst country, except for all the other ones.
Most hellholes are that way because some small group has all the guns; we still have guns (and rights) because of folks (like the NRA) who are willing to work within the system; we're on a roll now--look at Hillary backpedal.
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
I like the old system where the militia drilled Sunday afternoons on the village green; gave you a chance to get to know your neighbors.
I am about the most back woods individual that can read and write and use the internet that you will ever meet! I am a redneck 'til my dieing breath! I am nearly uneducated in schooling. I know it is wrong for thugs, and "gangstas" to have illegal arms! I am wise enuff to assure you that they already have plenty of ill gotten and legally aquired arms to sustain them for many years even if legal sales were 100% stopped today! Taking anymore rights to acquire and own guns from legal citizens is just disarming the legal citizen! Background checks and every other law does 0 zip zilch NADA to keep guns from illegal owners and uses! As slow to reload as a muzzle loader may be... a criminal can go to my walmart and buy rifles from 99 to 299 dollars with no back ground check and leave with it right than and there. It is a very good one shot gun and with many loaded at once can hold off for a while. Handguns are more concealable but criminals are not needing to buy them in retail sources for the most part. Enuff dopers are robbing homes to support their drug habits and they will trade a 500.00 gun for 50-100 bucks worth of their drug of choice. I am against anymore laws than we already have! Enforce what we got and get back to me!
I said nothing of hidden lethal weapons! I have no Concealed Carry Permit, I have no idea of obtaining one. I will Carrie in the open if is see fit, thank you!

Ok Gun control worked for the people in the U.K.! Now the bad man have them and the good guys don't! The ones that don't have guns just us explosives instead!

A friend of mine in Australia, informed me that since they relieved them of there fire arms, everyone is a proud owner of a samurai sward. While defending their homes, they find themselves in a gun fight!

Instant check filters the dumpiest of the bad guys! Most have other access to them. Like steeling yours!

Every step of gun control is escilated to the next level. If every firearm was required to contain a genetic sample of the owner, it would not stop crime. If I could push the magic button and stop all sales of firearms, the bad man would still have them.

The cat was out of the bag every sense man found he could throw a rock, he had a weapon!

You would be better off educating people on the safe and correct use of a firearm. Here in New Mexico, you have to take a DUI class before being issued a first time Drivers licence. Junior hunters, need a hunters safety class before licence issue . How about a general Firearms safety class for gun ownership. No Tracking of legal firearms purchased. I will bend that far!
Again, this will not stop the bad man from obtaining what they want! Just make us better safer.

Last I heard, There was some 43,000 people killed in automobile accidents last year! How many killed by illegal or any other fire arms? The number of people driving that should not be is colossal compared to the number of people in possession of a firearm that should not be.

I Know! I'm kicking a dead horse! You just don't understand GUN CONTROL DON'T WORK!:eek::rolleyes:
For an "uneducated redneck" you said it very well. Let's enforce the laws that keep the guns from criminals. I would feel much more secure.
Whatever a person views of gun control may be, there can be little doubt that anti-gun control advocates are absolutists and stridently so.

Just as some Christians are easily manipulated by playing to their fears. The political right has used the gun issue to play to the fears of some gun owners.

Absolutism as a political tactic has worked to a certain extent but I suspect there will be a backlash that will adversely affect me.
If the day comes when I won't be allowed to hunt

BTW thanks to whoever coined the word tacticool.
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Good evening all and Merry Christmas,,,,
New Gun Laws come along because our Politicians and Society in General are spineless to take care of the real problem and that is the person behind the gun!
Gun Laws are the easy way and feel good way out!
loknload: Thank you! If a person does the crime don't put them in jail , place them under it! Until then , leave me alone! The United state are a bunch of panzzies! In Singapor, if you get cought Taging a car or building they place you in the public square and cane your azz. They don't do that there! We just write them a ticket and the poor slobs propertie that got taged git fined if he don't clean it up fast enough!:barf:
Anyway, to at least pretend that I'm on topic: I love how people like longeyes act as if gun control is part of some covert leftist plot to disarm and tyrannize the populace, usually defending their theory where gun control was (quickly and forcibly) implemented for those purposes, and more bizarrely by just calling attention to how easy it is to tyrannize a disarmed populace, as if it's a compelling argument that it's the actual reason. You know, kinda like me saying "that guy must want to be a car bomber, because he's trying to buy a car." Pointlessly assuming malicious intent where there is no visible indicator of any.
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On one hand, I agree that our freedoms are in better shape that we would think from just one or two internet sites. Remember that some of the bloggers, commentors, and magazines you read are carefully designed to elicit emotions about the articles they present. (I work in aviation, and if you believed the union magazines, you'd think the government and the airlines were conspiring to take away private airplanes. Hogwash. The unions, and their trade magazines, gin up scare stories to increase membership. A little like some of the gun owner organizations).

On the other hand, I'm a proud member of the NRA, have been for years, and have been shooting since the early '70s. I work and vote to ensure the future of shooting for my children.

Finally, I don't think the government is any better or any worse than we make it. We all benefit from the government in one way or another (GPS, interstate highways, air transportation), and I'm not ashamed to point out what I think are the good things. I guess that makes me kind of a middle-of-the-road Republican. In these forums over the years I haven't always felt welcome, due to my non-Libertarian status.

Oh well. There are many here like me, I'm sure.
good gun control is hitting what you are aiming at. i feel i have the right to own what i want. buy what i need or want if i can afford it. i feel the same way as my father after all these years. i agree that all they are doing is making it harder for the right/good people to own and have firearms,pointy sticks,knives,cars/trucks,etc. gun control worked well in russia and germany. too well, so well many were killed. why? someone didn't like them. and had others to back them up in this. people will continue to hurt others, with whatever is available. but when someone is attacked no matter where they are they have the right to defend themselves. with whatever means are available. take the firearm out the loop of protection it makes it tough for most to defend themselves. a baseball bat or stick against a guy or girl with a firearm be it new or old. will most likely lose. last i checked a baseball bat does not have a 25 yard+ kill zone. i wonder if louisville slugger will make a long range model? how about a knife against a firearm? the old rule of draw fast and fire first usually won i guess. but this isn't the late 1800's. so i guess i better start preparing for the worst and hope for the best. is it wrong to defend yourself and family against any attack? no matter who or what it is?
Is this where we will end up?

A friend of mine in Australia, informed me that since they relieved them of there fire arms, everyone is a proud owner of a samurai sward. While defending their homes, they find themselves in a gun fight!

:eek: Not Me!:D