Gun Control. I believe in it.

Hey Guys

I think that we are obligated to own firearms. The Second Amendment was not placed into the Bill of Rights to allow us to protect ourseld from common criminals. It was enacted so that the citizen could rise up against the government if it became tyrannical.
The only problem is that starting such a movement was very difficult until the advent of the internet. You see, the supreme court ruled that the frist amendment protects you freedom of speech in all cases except
1. slander
2. yelling fire in a crowded theater
3. planning an armed overthrow of the US government.

The Internet and PGP have made it a lot easier for people to get together and plan these sort of things.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not supporting an armed overthrow of the government, cuz that would leave this country in shambles, I just think that every day, the US becomes a little more communists, and one day they'll come looking for our guns. when that happens, they've thrown the Constitution out the window and time to stand up and protect your rights.

Remember, there are no amendments without the second amendment. And unarmed population is like a herd of cattle, they live and die by their leader.

The WMD thing is all relative. I can kill a lot of people barehanded but it would take a while.Am I WMD?
What about conventional old fashioned field artillery?
What about a B-52 strike?

Better days to be,

Weapons of Mass destruction? I would use this rule: If a weapon is too dangerous for an individual to own or control then it is too dangerous for a government to own or control.

Governments are composed of individuals. All weapons of mass destruction are ultimately controlled by a single individual. If a weapon is too dangerous for a private individual to control it is certainly too dangerous for a politician to control. If you examine the actions of private individuals as a group with the actions of politicians as a might make more sense and more safety for private individuals to control these weapons and ban the politicians.
Curious that is has been stated that the U.S.

would become more like Russia.

Around WWII, there was an economist named

(I think) David Strumpeter (sp?) who wrote a

book stating that we would become more like
Russia, and they would become like the U.S.

He also stated that communism would collapse

in Russia around 1998, as I recall.

Everybody thought he was nuts at the time.

The founding fathers thought that the gun
issue was so important, it's second only to

the freedom of speech. Think about it. The

second amendment ultimately guarantees all
the others.
WRT Weapons of Mass Destruction: Governments have done more damage to the human race than any individual citizen. Any organization that would needlessly send its young men to die should have that ability taken away from them in a hurry. I'd be a lot happier if we had the access to the button and not the other way around.
HCI is now classifying Class III firearms as "Weapons of Mass Destruction". I think they've got some more legislation in line for those of use who like full auto. In light of the regulations already in place, what could be next? Licensing of all Class III owners with renewal clauses. An annual $200 (Or $2000, inflation don't you know) tax? Do they now think they have the strength to go for a total ban?
Gentlemen: When the II Amendment was written it almost became the I'st Amendment but was moved back one notch. Arms, at that time, were thought to mean the individual's personal arms, pistol, musket, sword, etc. not cannon. However, cannon were not restricted to only the government, private militias had cannon aas the militias were to augment the military when and if needed.

It has been said by some anti-private firearm ownership person after a study of the II Amendment that if all Liberals were to read that amendment like they did the rest of the amendments, they would REQUIRE private ownership of firearms.

Just my 2cents.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I would be inclined to say "no controls on arms of any kind". Yes, I am concerned about a neighbor with two tons of C4 and a flamethrower and a jar of anthrax in his fridge and a machine gun slaved to motion sensors...but I am LESS concerned about those people than I am about proven and evident menace of politicians, elected or otherwise who think that they have military superiority over their peasants.

Even when the fight is lost, take some with you.
Personally I would hesitate to classify nukes, pukes, and bugs as "arms." Governmental genocidal devices is closer to the mark.