Gun Control Group Braces for Court Loss

If Bush got anything right it was court appointments and for that he should be thanked

Bush most definitely did NOT get his SCOTUS picks "right." Alito you may recall, was not Bush's first pick to replace O'Connor. That was Harriet Meyers. Meyers is a standout attorney by all accounts, but not qualified in any way for the Supreme Court. Alito was forced on Bush after howls of derisive laughter from the Senate Judiciary Committee followed the Meyers announcement.

No, I think it's safe to assume that Roberts and Alito were picked by a selection committee with little or no input from Bush.

You beat me to the punchline on this one. The Harriet Meyes fiasco was stunning even coming from Bush.
When I moved to California after getting out of the AF in 1969, it was paradise ... clean air, not crowded, housing cheap, weather perfect ... When I retired in 2003, it had turned to hell on earth ... every road jammed every day, prices preposterous for everything from housing to gas to food ... all that was left was the weather ... we live in Texas now, love every minute of it ... prices way low, roads busy but nothing like the Golden State ... and the politics are far more to my liking ...

by the way, if harriet myers wasn't qualified ... how does Hillary get on the Dems list of potential justices? THAT would be a nightmare ...
All you California guys, seriously, i was not being a butthead. I really wanted to know. I have spent little time there. I see alot of these bonehead Celebrities that are very liberal, such as Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon and the like. Im hoping by the way Susan Sarandon actually will follow through on her threat to move to another country. :D I hear the horror stories of your gun laws, Crime, Cost of Living, and traffic and shudder at the mere thought of living there. I did spend alot of time in Connecticut and know all to much of the High cost, traffic , over liberalism and crime. Connecticut, dont get me wrong is gorgeous, but, only tolerable for my warm blood in the Summer. I was only there for Military service. I am glad Im back home where the people and government leave you be. ( for now any how)
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I don't get the California thing, either, but moving is hard, finding a new job is hard, and not everybody cares all that much about guns.
I don't know about others, but the only thing holding me in California is an elderly parent who needs some part-time assistance. We moved to CA in 1961 and it was beautiful. By 1980 it was "crowded" because the electronics industry was booming. By 1990 it was going downhill. Don't get me wrong... if you like cities & suburbs, it's not too bad. But because of all the people, you can't hardly get out into nature without some kind of fee, permit or both.

There are many "safe" cities in California ... safe as in the sense that if you stay out of the gang areas and don't do drugs you'll see very little crime.

I read about some of you living in other areas where people are stealing out of your closed garages, from your back yards... getting a car stolen or broken into ... and I wonder how you cope with it.

Then I hear from a friend in Missiouri who says thieves tried to take his lawn tractor a 2nd time. He'd tied it down with heavy chain thru the frame and to an anchor cemented 3 feet deep in the ground. Instead of attacking the chain or padlock, these three rocket scientists tried using their truck to pull the anchor out of the ground. Burnt up the clutch, ditched the tractor and hobbled the little truck down the road a mile before it gave up. So this explains some of it, I guess.
Im hoping every single gun ban gets repealed. WHAT has happened in DC, California, New york, Massachussets, Ilinois, and Michigan is unconstutional. I hate the Brady Bunch. If they dont like guns, fine, dont buy them, or use them. Take them away from your security guards and Secret Service agents. They have no need for guns themselves because they have These Sercret service guys. Liberal Celebrities have and employ armed Security guards. therefore, they see no need for guns.
Im hoping every single gun ban gets repealed. WHAT has happened in DC, California, New york, Massachussets, Ilinois, and Michigan is unconstutional. I hate the Brady Bunch. If they dont like guns, fine, dont buy them, or use them. Take them away from your security guards and Secret Service agents. They have no need for guns themselves because they have These Sercret service guys. Liberal Celebrities have and employ armed Security guards. therefore, they see no need for guns.
