Gun confiscation in Britain, the U.S. is next

We have this Gizmo called the 2nd Amendment! They did not have one. If WE THE PEOPLE, FIGHT FOR IT ,IT WILL NOT JUST ROLE UP AND GO AWAY!

Actually they did. It's in the English Bill of Rights.

It's people like the above that keeps the kitties of the NRA filled. Are you a plant?

Actually it's people like Lautenburg, Schumer, Boxer, Clinton and Obama that keep money flowing to the NRA.

Let's see... We've gone from being able to buy automatic weapons by mail order to a nearly effective ban on autos, semi-auto bans in several states, handgun bans in cities. They're chipping away steadily at our rights while we bicker. It can happen here. Dare I say, it WILL happen here. Give it time.
80 million gun owners in this country would probably take issue with that.

They haven't so far. No one seems to care as long as it's someone else's gun that's being banned. Small groups of the existing gun owners get trod upon. Listen to the pistol shooter in that video. No one really cared about the gun rights except the affected gun owners until the hunting bans.

I keep hearing "we won't let it happen here". Bull****. It's already happened here. We've been letting it happen here since 1935.
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semi auto guns

Guess you missed where Obama was talking about 'reasonable gun control' or where he talked about getting rid of all semi auto's. Bye bye all handguns, most rifles and shotguns. Sounds reasonable to me. Only takes 50% +1 in congress and 1 in the White House.

Or didn't you learn anything from 6 of the last 8 years.

What did Bush say? If we're breaking the law we'll just change the law.

Habeus corpus? Torture? Need more examples, there are quite a few.
Even if Obama gets elected, which I doubt, he won't confiscate firearms that are currently legal to own.

Reading through a few of Winston's posts, it's pretty clear to me that I'm not the only one who finds most of his posts to be nonsensical. :cool:
I just buttered me up some pop-corn!!

Gun confiscation won't work this country. The antis will use back door methods to ban guns. For example high taxes on ammo and guns, banning lead in bullets, insurance for all gun owners, high registration fees, micro stamping etc. Before we know it most people will not be able to afford to own a gun. This tactic will take longer but be far more effective in the long run. If you don't believe me look what is happening in California, and New Jersey.
+1, forwardassist

I don't ever see a britain style confiscation here. I see the process becoming so complicated most people wouldn't bother. Either they would own guns illegally or not at all. A training program, background check or psychological examination could be prohibitive.

Even registration would kill us. At some point they would simply stop registering guns. They would never be confiscated, but anyone who wanted a gun would have to pay full auto prices to own one.
Confiscation or legislation

Are we arguing about whether an actual round up of guns will take place or whether the opportunity to own and operate guns will be legislated out of existence.

Two separate issues there.

If you are going to post, make sure which you are addressing. The OP is referring to confiscation.
Add one more facet to the threat

Besides taxes and serial numbering of ammo, remember the single most dangerous potential threat, the computer.

Yes, that's right, the computer. Not especially the one you are reading this on, but the one in your gun! "Smart" guns are potentially the worst threat we face in the long run, because of how "safe" and "reasonable" they could be.

How can you object to a gun that only fires for it's legal designated owner? Think of how much safer we would all be, with no accidental shootings by children finding a gun, or taking a gun to school? No more shootings by criminals, gang members, etc. All this and more is in the promise of the smart gun. It might even be able to use biometric feedback to determine the owners state of mind and disable itself so it would prevent a suicide! Think how we would ALL be so much better off!

Once smart gun technology "prooves" itself, there will be a huge rush to ban all non-smart guns, since they are not safe enough. ALL of them, rifles, pistols, shotguns, all will have to be turned in, but hey, you can replace them with smart versions, so you can still hunt, and protect your family. Smart guns could even prevent violations of game laws, like hunting out of season, or before/after shooting hours, or (with a GPS) prevent hunting in prohibited areas, etc.

The Government might just not require us to turn in our "dumb" guns, they could even go so far as to assist us with their replacement with smart guns, vouchers, tax credits, etc. There are lots of things they could do, and do under current law to make that happen.

Any potential flaws in the idea will be ignored, or steamrollered into nothingness in our transition to a truly safe society. Little things like the smart guns not working when needed, or criminals defeating the lockout technology (and it will certainly be a crime to do so), and of course, the one feature that anyone mentioning it will be considered a loon, the feature that could be built in, a LEO override. Think how many lives will be saved if the cops (local, state, and Fed) could disable a gun at a distance! They won't need to confiscate any guns after a hurricane, they'll just broadcast the signal that turns them all off! Think of all the trouble that will save!

There are lots of possibilities, and we are on the edge of practicality for some of them. Don't scoff, some gun company might even lead the way, because, after all, they are not in business to protect us, or our rights, they are in business to make money.

Other countries needed worry too much, as they have already banned most guns. In fact, it might even be that smart guns would be allowed, even popular in places like Britain, Australia, maybe even Europe. I mean, hey, a gun that could not be misused? One that would only fire with Govt permission? How could they object to that?

The smart gun is the edge of a tremendous slippery slope to Hell, and while we are not sliding on it yet, you can see it from here. Be aware.