I've come to the conclusion that many of today's shooters were trained in gun cleaning practices by their fathers, who were WWII vets.
WWII weapons generally shot corrosive ammo and regular and thorough cleaning was absolutely necessary. We don't have to shoot corrosive ammo for most guns, any more -- but the habits of years past continue to repeat themselves.
I'll wipe a gun down and maybe even use a "bore snake"-type device after a range trip, but unless lead buildup is an issue, won't clean it like it's got to be carried into a surgical suite in the next few minutes.
I've taken both a CZ and a Glock, neither of which were carry guns, and shot them over a long period without cleaning, just to see what they'd do. Both continued to function flawlessly, for almost a year, with several thousand rounds through both. I finally cleaned them both thoroughly, because I was afraid someone would see them in their dirty condition. <grin> Maybe not all guns will do that, but many will.
Clean them as often as you want.