Gun-carrying survey


Here is my question...and soon it will be a problem that I will have think hard about and solve.

You are a college student living in an apartment. You are no longer in your safe house with Daddy and all his guns! :( Probably by the time you turn 21, you'll take a safety course apply for your Concealed Weapons permit and get a gun. :) The school campus in a FIREARM FREE ZONE!!! Because of your intended major you have to be at school some late you carry your gun with you, or leave it in your car?
Oh boy... this is probably *the* contentious debate amongst this crowd. :)

Your choices are essentially this:

1) Obey your school's victim-disarmament policy and perhaps die, or
2) Disregard your school's victim-disarmament policy and perhaps be expelled or go to jail

That's a call only you can make. Some here, myself included, advocate being armed at all times, just in case. Others advocate following the rules, which is a valid point as well.

As I said above, it's really your call. You're an adult (sorry, Karanas :) ), you make the decision, and bear the responsibility for that decision.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
That, my dear, is a very controversial question - and a good one at that.

Fact: if you get caught with the gun on campus, at the very least you'll be expelled - if they don't press charges with the police.

Fact: if you should need the gun to defend your life - and you don't have it - you're dead.

I guess you have to look at the worst case scenarios for each example. Expulsion, criminal charges - death? You, personally have to weigh the risks and consequesces of both decision directions.

Is there an alternative to carrying a gun? Mace? Pepper spray? What are the chances that you would be caught if you did carry a gun (who would know? - friends? - friends may spill the beans - accidently)?

What are you prepared to do to aviod the two consequences, death or expulsion/charges?

I won't even begin to give you a recommendation. I can only hope that my blathering will help you to make the decision yourself while being informed and comfortable with your chioce.

I look forward to some responses from other TFL members...

There's an old phrase that says, "It's better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6."


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!

[This message has been edited by CMOS (edited December 10, 1999).]
I'd say carry. Don't tell anyone. Not roommates, friends, teachers, whatever. The more you keep your mouth shut, the the less reason to suspect you of any wrongdoing, and no one to blow a whistle on you if they get in a pinch and need a scapegoat. If you get busted, vigorously excercise your right to remain silent until you speak to an attorney. Silence is golden.
I can only tell you what I would do. When I was in college, I was a liberal wanker, so guns were icky to me. However, now that I've seen the light, I would carry a gun and tell absolutely no one about it. And I mean no one.
Glockgirl 79 -you are in a zero tollerance
non- self defense DEAD VICTIMS ZONE called the US school system. The only thing you can do is what the anti gun politicians do .....hire armed body guards or unarmed body guards, which are cheaper.

As a pratical point, since you are a girl, you can probably find a huge hunk of
a guy to be (your boyfriend??) and gaurd you for free....just a low cost alternative....
otherwise, just find a crowd to escort you
back & froth from class,maybe some people in that class you can make friends with.

Another alternative is to just talk to some of the people in your class about banding together for self defense to watch
each others backs and present a united front,
safety in numbers.
I know that this is lame compared to
conceled carry weapons, but you want to graduate college without getting suspenned and arrested and having a felony conviction
on your record that prevents you from ever
buying a firearm legally or revocation of your pistol permit.

While at school ,you are forced to play by their lame laws, unfortunately.
out of trouble.
GlockGirl, I'm in exactly the same situation right now. My college campus is a zero-commonsense, er, that is, zero-TOLERANCE zone, and although I'm 21 I can't get a CCP due to the fact that I'm not a state resident. Even worse, I can't keep any firearms in the dorm where I live.

It's not a nice situation.

I don't carry on campus, more due to the no-CCW situation than the campus rules. However, I do carry a couple of good sized knives, train for profeciency with them, and practice a VERY high level of situational awareness at all times. It's not a perfect solution, but it's better than nothing.

Is this a solution for you? Dunno. As has been said above, you need to make the decision, and deal with whatever consequences may arise.

Good luck.


[This message has been edited by Christopher II (edited December 10, 1999).]
Chris, you beat me to it with almost exactly the same advice. I'm at college in IL so there's no CCW for anyone. I do store a gun (Ruger .22 I bought this fall) in my dorm room, in a locked case, unloaded, and hidden away. I THINK if I'm ever caught with it this way they'll be lenient, but I don't know. Sense is not the admin's strong point. I don't carry a gun. I carry at least one knife (fixed blade) at all times, plus flashlight after dark and cell phone at all times. I have trained somewhat to use the knife as well as hand 2 hand.
Personally, I decided that the risk of being attacked is still less than the chance of being caught. I live alone because I'm an RA, but my girlfriend would know if I carried. If you have a roommate, you will have ZERO chance of hiding this from them, and if you try they will overreact when they do find out since odds are they'll have some fear of guns anyway.

OTOH, I can afford this point of view. My campus is overwhelmingly female and I am a 6'2" 300lb male of somewhat fierce appearance, so I figure I'm a last-resort target. :) Also, since my school has a rule against concealed weapons, I carry my fixed blade openly in my right hand in the sheath, which if the BG is smart enough should be a deterrent as well.
Things to think about:
1. CAN you possibly keep the gun a secret? If not, the worst-case scenarios won't matter.

2. If not, does your school allow you to carry pepper spray or knives? They may not, you gotta check! Also, you can't choose these options without training in their use, although a knife is IMHO easier to use and harder to disarm than a handgun.

3. At my school, you can call the central office and get a security guard to escort you on campus after dark until 11:00. It's not perfect (they're unarmed as well) but it's better than being alone and unarmed in the dark. Check into this option at your school.

Bottom line is, I can give you ideas but it's all up to you. Good luck.

AAAACK! I forgot situational awareness! Bad Pooh! Bad!
You must be aware of where you are, who else is there, what they're doing, and alert for danger at all times. There is NO perfectly safe time (one member here was attacked in daylight at a car wash.) If your friends make fun of you for being paranoid and seeing goblins in every shadow, you're doing it right. :)

"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited December 10, 1999).]
I was in a situation similar to yours some years ago. I did have a CCW permit, but I was taking classes late at night in another town. Let's just say, a judicious use of Thunderwear and silence solved my problem.
(Thunderwear is a holster that wraps around your waste and carries the gun muzzle down in front of your pelvis under your pants/shorts. It is about as deeply concealed as you can get and shouldn't be in danger of being discovered unless you're about to become intimate with someone, which hopefully you won't be doing in class or a parking lot.<g> )
A college chick who shoots Glocks in our midst? I'm getting giddy....

There was a recent thread on this by another young college student too I think she was, attending a school in Calif (within last 30-45 days). Do a search this thread and you will find a wealth of opinions on the subject.
That, young lady is really something that you and your dad really need to sit down and discuss.
Best to you,
I trust Karanas has the wisdom of Solomon and
the patience of an English anvil!
I would never advocate an illegal activity. I faced this when I was in college and my son faces it now. I suggest pepper spray and a good knife. Also ask the administration for a letter specifically telling you that you may not carry a firearm. Draw up a notice, preferably with a lawyer, telling the school your schedule, why you are concerned (history of violence on campus helps here), that you have a CHL and that by denying your use of the license that you are holding them personally accountable for your safety. Send a copy of the letter you wrote and the letter of denial to every member of the senior administration of the school (deans and president especially) and to each member of the board of regents. You have put them on notice that you feel that you are likely in danger and if they deny your right to self defense and something happens that they will be sued for failing to provide your security. You may not win, but I would bet that an attorney would be happy to file 30 personal liability lawsuits on your behalf and the insurance companies would probably not want to take a chance of losing. This tactic works with companies also.

Obviously, you are confronted with a real dilemma. I would try hard to remain within the law; a felony conviction really could ruin your life and completely undermine your future.

However, if absolutely compelled by legitimate personal safety concerns, I would also consider carrying in the most deeply concealed manner possible and - as recommended by many other posters - I would ensure that NO ONE was aware that I was "packing".

A final point: I agree with Jeff OTMG's basic suggestion, posted just before these comments. A few months ago, a TFL thread concerned concealed carry in a hospital. An insightful poster suggested a letter to the hospital - in your case the university - indicating:
- that you have a state CCW permit;
- that campus regulations preclude legal concealed carriage;
- that your campus can be a dangerous place, particularly at night [citing all types of germane data];
- therefore, if you are constrained from self-protection, you place the university on notice that they are completely liable for your well-being.

Hope this helps.
Glockgirl79, I am a graduate student at a university in South Florida which has a no carry firearms allowed policy. I also have to be on campus very very late at nights and I NEVER FAIL TO CARRY. I just make sure that no one else knows and that I am never made. I would rather be kicked out of school that find myself six feet under. The choice IMHO is quite simple.
JeffOTMG, you will NEVER advocate breaking the law? So if it were the law that you had to turn in Jews to the government, as it was in Nazi Germany, you would not advocate breaking it? If it were the law that you had to turn in runaway slaves, as it was in the antebellum US, you would not advocate breaking it? Did you REALLY mean to say that?
Carry a German steel whip. Unobtrusive at best, curious item at worst. It is a collabsible spring baton that is about 6" before it is extended, which by the way takes almost no effort, just a flick of the wrist. They extend to about 16-18". They will break bones like twigs and they are especially effective on the wrist bones, elbows and nose. Illegal in some places, but hey...If you do carry, then I would recommend a small revolver, preferably a double action in .38. Stoke it with some hollow points in 125gr. If you have to cap a BG, revolvers don't leave incriminating brass everywhere. Your choice, though entirely. Don't let anyone sway you. Unless they will pay any penalties with you, which is doubtful, think long and hard.
Have you considered a different school? That might or might not be "practical", it's just a thought.

Otherwise, making it "offical", which another poster suggested, might be helpful, as with written notice/question to/of school administration.

As to some particular school being a "firearm free zone", or a "nuclear free zone", by whose authority, and who might be responsible as a result of some "committee" denying people the lawful right of self defense??

My thinking, and all Iam is a retired engineering gypsy, is that if I deny you the ability to act in your own defense, then I'm absolutely responsible for your safety.
Obviously, some would disagree, but when last I looked, 2 plus 2 still made 4, and the world wasn't flat.
me personoly i carry multiple knives three or more and have a 12ga in my car wich is always less than 50 ft from were ever my class is

thank you everyone for the advice!! I have had this conversation with my dad a while back. The reason why I asked this question on the forum, is to see the many different ideas. Not being twenty-one I do carry an expandable asp and a knife in my booksack. I also carry another knife in my purse and a flashlight. My school is not known for much crime, but you can never be too careful!!!
Thanks again!!!
Anything in your knapsack will not be any good if you're surprised. Keep something clipped to your belt or in a pocket.

Situational awareness is the key factor to survival. In China and Japan, martial arts disciples were attacked in the middle of the night to test their state of preparedness. The solution was never allow it to happen (make it difficult for the master to sneak up on you). Applied here, travel well lit paths, travel in numbers, travel prepared. Know what's going on around you, who is around you, and the nearest places you can seek help.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt