Gun Books

Let's hear about your favorite gun book and why. It could be about a particular firearm or type of firearm, manufacturer or their product line, about hunting, historical, or whatever.

For myself, W.H.B. Smith's inimitable, "Small Arms of the World" has been my favorite for well over 20 years and has been one useful all around book. Besides giving you a historical perspective of the firearm, it'll teach you how it operates, how to field strip it, and how to shoot it. Sadly, Ezell passed away before it could be updated.
What a question! With books by Keith, Capstick, Cooper, Still, W.H.B. Smith, Ezell, Applegate, Hatcher, Brophy, McGivern, Fitzgerald, Jordan, DeMaio, La Garde, and many, many others, how can anyone pick just one?

I pick two recent reads for historical content -- The Trilogy of Dennys Reitz by Reitz, With Custer on the Little Bighorn by William O. Taylor.

For everyone who has ever thought about carrying a firearm -- In Gravest Extreme by Massad F. Ayoob.

That is as close to one as I can get. Tomorrow, choices would change. With over 500 books on the shelf here at home, choices are tough. GLV
This would make an interesting addition to the permanent resources of TheFiringLine.Com - a readers list of the classic, best books on guns.
As usual, great idea.
As soon as I get off my butt, get the homepage finished, reinstall the links, get to the Shot Show, take the Mad Dog Advanced Edged Weapons class and make up with my lady for making her the *original* "Firing Line Widow", I will solicit member reviews of books and tapes and add them to a new link.
When I was a young lad, my grandfather bought me WHB Smiths Smallarms of the World (1957 eddition) for x-mas. My folks say I took it to my room and didn't come out until mid Feb. after I had finished reading it, cover to cover.

And Ed McGivern's "Plain and Fancy Pistol Shooting. And Phil Sharpe's "Complete Guide to Handloading", with its history of dern near everything about guns and shooting and loads for 100 cartridges you never heard of. And Mann's "The Bullet's Flight from Powder to Target", the bible of exterior ballistics.
If you like reading about the old stuff and how we got here today read Bratchers The Book of Rifles. It covers a multitude of military rifles and ammunition. Puts a lot of history on Mauser, Springfield 03 and stuff like that.

When I try to buy a used copy of 'Small Arms of the World' sometimes the author is listed as W.H.B. Smith, and sometimes as Edward Clinton Ezell. Gary seems to refer to them as one and the same. Co-authors? Did Ezell take up where Smith left off, or vice versa? If I'm lucky enough to find a used copy, which is a good edition to buy from your perspectives? [of course, I realize this won't relate to current gun configurations] Thanks.

W.H.B. Smith was the original author and after he passed away, Dr. Ezell took the task of keeping it updated; until he passed away.

New copies of the 12th edition may be had for less than $20 from a big bookseller like Barnes & Noble or Amazon.

I have both the 11th, 12th and the 10th. I think the 10th was the last one to include Smith's chapter on the development of firearms.

Rich - perhaps we could start a gun book review forum at some later date? It could be a spinoff like what Amazon does.

"TFL widow". Hmmm. Maybe matching T-shirts for the "widows" - Kind of a "his and hers" deal? Acknowledge the loneliness and suffering they must endure living with the "TFL Hardcore"? Hmmm, "TFL Hardcore?" "TFL Hardcore Widow"? Hmmm, it's endless!

(I didn't want to start a new thread for this. That's why...)
DOC: Right on! And, "The Old Man's Boy Grows Older". I've about worn out my original-issue paperbacks; have found reprints in hardcover, published by Henry Holt.
Ah, books!

Though not strictly a firearms related series, the hunting in Afica series by J.A. Hunter had a profound effect on me.

The titles (as I recall them from 36 years ago!)

Hunter's Africa
Hunter's Return
Hunter by Hunter

John Ambrose Hunter was cast out of Scotland because the neighbor girl became pregnant by him. He was sent to Nairobi, to live with his uncle, a wife beater. The stories are full of vivid and near as I can tell very accurate detail.

A contemporary of Corbett the tiger slayer, they exchanged correspondence.

These books are magnificent! If you can find them I recommend reading them thoroughly.

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

Gary et al - in the Phoenix, Arizona area it is now impossible to find 'Small Arms of the World' by Ezell. The chains are all out. They say they had it in their 'bargain books' section for awhile, but no more.

If anyone knows of a source for new books, please post it in this thread. I'm trying to buy a used copy, but it is starting to look (a) difficult and (b) quite expensive. Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-24-99).]
Jeff and all,
I gotta tell you guys about an awesome used bookstore called Powells. It's on the net at . I saw a special on it and the place is great. Still a small type business taking on the big guys. They have over 2 million used books. They have a couple of copies of small arms of the world by smith not ezell, I think the 9th edition, for 11-15$ hardback.
Happy hunting,


[This message has been edited by olazul (edited 01-24-99).]
Ah, sweet success. Finally got a copy of 'Small Arms of the World' by Ezell. Almost coincident with this thread it seemed the worldwide supply of these books disappeared. Finally got a used copy (11th ed.) via . Cost was $37.50 plus shipping, but I think it was worth it. I saw other used copies, such as earlier editions by Smith, for almost $140. Ironically, apparently a couple of months ago there were plenty of these on the bargain shelves.

If it hadn't been for you guys, I would have paid a dear price indeed to savor this great reference. Thanks for the help.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 02-03-99).]