gun blasts and your hearing

Last time I went pistol-hunting, I spotted a group of javelina 100 yds away. I nodded to my future wife and put in my disposable ear plugs for a change of pace. I then stalked up on them, and zapped two with my Officer's Model Match .38 Spl. It was kinda neat having little sense of blast and have none of that "closed out" effect after the shot.

Although I hardly notice the loudness, I'm now taking the plugs with me hunting, though I forget to put them in, usually. Most of my shots are set-up with enough advance warning that I can do that. Not sure if I would do it in heavy bear country, though. Best is that Bionic Ear business. Just one more $200 item on my list.... Right after my rebore on my Springfield, my Lyman muzzle-loader, and my P-32 are safely in my gun cabinet or pocket....


You know, it's sort of embarrassing to air your priorities for public consumption.
"...peltor tac 6's for $118 from CDNN..."

Through Dillon (Blue Press) they are $142.95 + S+H. So clue me in please, what is CDNN?

And how do you listen to music while hammering nails?

When I was a teenager, a high-school buddy and I went out shooting (our targets were squares of paper, not the other kids in our school). I had an M1 Carbine (to the media of today, that's a high-capacity semiautomatic weapon), and my buddy had his dad's Winchester Model 94 (his dad didn't keep it locked up and had no reason to).

Anyway, we didn't know about hearing protectors. So an hour later, our ears were ringing so loudly we could hardly hear each other talk. That was the only lesson we needed in the importance of wearing hearing protectors while shooting.

What bothers my hearing now is not shooting but less obvious sources of damaging noise. For instance, last week I was halfway through mowing the yard when I realized how noisy the lawnmower had become. I stopped and put on hearing protectors. But my ears are still ringing.

Movies can be bad, too. I heard that the projectionist in the local theater is a young man whose hearing was impaired by rock concerts. So he cranks the volume of the soundtracks up to the level that he can hear them!

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited July 22, 1999).]
Greybeard, yeah it was a manditory thing, a company requirement for those of us who have a PIV (forklift) license, I guess so that we can hear somebody approach around a corner and then scream as we impale them on the forks. ;) (sorry, sick company inside joke) I'm sure liability and future comp cases are taken into consideration as well.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
CDNN Investments, inc
P.O. Box 6514
Abilene, TX 79608
phone: 1-800-588-9500 Fax:1-915-695-4898
No extra charge for credit cards :)

I've done deals with them No Problems.

OK, besides size (one folds), what's the difference between the tac 6 and tac 7 ? I always wanted a pair but never tried them. Who likes them?
back on line up In PA for the week

the tac 6's are nice
they cut out the sound above 85 db and enhance lower volume

you can hear the radio between hammer strikes

another manufacture makes a digital set that mutes the loud sounds so there is no cut out

more expensive though

One of my buddies was nagged by his wife to get his hearing checked. His wife complained that he never hears anything he says.

He finally went and the test results showed that he had lost the ability to hear a segment of the audio spectrum that is exactly the frequency range that most women's voices transmit!

He still swears this loss was caused by shooting, still ignores his wife's nagging.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited July 22, 1999).]
I have had tinnitus since I was 17 years old. It was caused by shooting 22 rifles and pistols. I had a h2 profile when i was in the Army and was probably the only trainee to be authorized ear plugs at Ft Dix in 1968. I remember guys complaining about the noise from the M-14. I guess that is why i was not in a combat area overseas. Earplugs and combat wouldnt work out. when i shoot , I use plugs and earmuffs. There is no explanation sometimes for tinnitus. I understand that people can get it without being around loud noises.
My understanding is that the TAC 7 gives better hearing protection but they are too bulky for rifle and shotgun shooting - therefore the TAC 6.

How about it, experts? Is that the straight skivvy?