Gun and Kids at home

Conviction for robbing a CS gets you up to 25 years in average State Pen, hard time.
Conviction for robbing a bank gets one 20 years average in a FEDERAL pen...easy time.

Why do CS's get robbed a thousand times more than a bank does??

Because they know that the State courts are swamped and the States' resources are finite (they can't just print money and deficit spend on a continuing resoloution like the Feds) and they can likely plea down to a slap on the wrist for the CS job.

The Feds are not so forgiving when you monkey with their FDIC protected institutions. They can't let that happen, or the confidence in the Federal Reserve System, which is all the currency is based upon these days, would evaporate. It's always about control...... and they will do whatever is necessary to keep their system going.
I forgot to mention Florida's manditory minimums...upon conviction...
Have a gun during the commission of a crime, automatic 10 years.
Use it, as in fire it, even if you don't hit a human, automatic 20 years.
If you do shoot someone, dead or just injured, automatic LIFE sentence.

So while some might plead out if a 1st offender, the state makes bank that they'll screw up again & re-instate the original sentence...
Florida fines are, not to put to fine a point on it...quite substantial.
Definitely not hurting for prison money, especially since they privatized many of them...which run less expensively ;)

Ever notice that private prisons never get media raids??
Never hear of Private CO's beating the boowah out of a prisoner??
They ain't Public Facitlies...there's a benefit there!! They save Billions in lawsuits!!
And, being a corporation, can simply file bankruptcy to get out of any major awards & start over again.

Florida has a nice racket going on...and relatively low crime for such a huge population!
big shrek said:
Florida has a nice racket going on...and relatively low crime for such a huge population!

I suppose that could be true, depending on how you define "relatively".

I'd have a hard time describing anything in the top 10 as "relatively low".

But I suppose as long as you're careful to only compare it to the 8 states ranked more dangerous than Florida, it can truly be called "relatively low".

Most Dangerous States
#9 Florida
> Violent crimes per 100,000: 460.0
> Population: 19,552,860
> Total 2013 murders: 972 (3rd highest)
> Poverty rate: 17.0% (tied-14th highest)
> Pct. of adults with high school diploma: 86.8% (19th lowest)

There were nearly 90,000 violent crimes reported in Florida in 2013, or 460 per 100,000 residents. Rapes and aggravated assaults largely contributed to the state’s high crime rates, despite the incidence of rape falling more than 11% between 2012 and 2013. Property crimes were also high, with more than 3,100 committed per 100,000 Floridians in 2013, compared to only 2,700 nationwide. The warm climate and more densely populated areas may have contributed to the high volume of crimes committed.
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Convenience stores get robbed more often than banks because :

There are more of them.
There are no armed guards, just maybe a clerk with a pistol.
Generally, stores are near freeway onramps, major arterials, easy getaway.
Robbing a convenience store doesn't bring in the FBI.
Most people that walk into a convenience store to rob it blend in with the customers. Not true if they walk into a bank.