Guliani's gun position??


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Just posted on the internet:

Republican presidential front-runner Rudy Giuliani is leaving the door open to allowing the blind and physically disabled to carry guns.

During a town hall meeting in northwestern New Hampshire Tuesday night, Giuliani told a former police officer blinded in the line of duty and concerned about the former New York City mayor's stance on guns, "You don't have to worry."

"You have a constitutional right, that is protected, to bear and carry arms. It is the Second Amendment," Giuliani told about 200 attendees in a high school gymnasium in Lebanon. "If someone disagrees with that, you have to get the Constitution changed."

He added that he believes in only three restrictions for those wishing to exercise their Second Amendment right — a previous criminal record, a history of mental instability and an age requirement.

Kenyon Tuthill, 61, who served as a Suffolk County, N.H., police officer until his injury, told FOX News that he was satisfied with Giuliani's answer.

During his two terms as mayor, Giuliani supported strict gun laws at both the local and national level and advocated the federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. But as a presidential candidate, he vows to protect Second Amendment rights at the federal level allowing state and local authorities to determine their own "reasonable" restrictions.

New Hampshire, the Live Free Or Die State, is known for its limited gun-control laws, including no waiting period for purchases, no background checks for buyers of rifles and shotguns and no restrictions on children under 18 possessing firearms, according to the Brady Campaign, a gun-control advocacy group.

But the rural state with lots of sportsmen and a high rate of gun ownership annually has fewer than 100 total murders, including non-gun crimes, and Second Amendment rights are hugely important to constituents of both parties.

New Hampshire allows the blind to possess firearms, Tuthill said.
Republicans chastised Kerry for being for the war before he was against.

But Rudy was for gun control before he was against it, and no one seems to care.
Rudy's website says this:

To deal with a city where crime was out of control, Mayor Giuliani worked to get guns out of the hands of criminals — resulting in a 66% drop in the murder rate and 72% reduction in criminal related shootings.

I have several problems with that statement.

Gun control works to get guns out of the hands of criminals about as well as drug prohibition works to get drugs off the streets, which is to say, not very. It creates a black market, but doesn't do much else.

Gun control works to disarm the law abiding, making them defenseless against the armed criminals who participate in the black market.

As noted by cool hand luke in the other thread, both the cdc and the National Academy of Sciences have studied the effects of gun control, and found it does not reduce crime. Rudy had OTHER policing strategies which worked well, and the nation overall experienced a similar decline in crime, even in areas denied the benefits of his leadership, but he can't point out those things on his website. He goes straight for the line which will keep the northeastern gungrabber votes for him: I strictly enforced strict gun control laws, and LOOK! It WORKED! :rolleyes:

Part of his strict enforcement of strict gun control was the filing of a bogus civil lawsuit against gun makers, claiming they knowingly produced more guns than they could legally sell, so THEY were the ones responsible for the black market, and they owed the city money. He now says that the case, which is still ongoing, has had some results he did not like because personal information used to trace guns was being used in civil lawsuits rather than for law enforcement. Ummm, excuse me, but wasn't that kind of thing the perfectly predictable result of his filing a civil lawsuit against gun makers and making the allegation he did? More important is what he has NOT said. He has NOT said that he was wrong to file the suit because government gun control created the black markets, and gun manufacturers were doing nothing wrong.

Finally, and most importantly, the belief in gun control is a signal to me that a person trusts government more than individuals as a general rule.

(Oh, and the other guys are right about his claims of changing his mind somewhat on this issue. It's not credible at all to me, but even if you believe the stuff he is currently saying, you are left with the problems above.)
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Manedwolf, I really wish you would just come out and say what you mean once in a while instead of being a wishy washy with the fancy language until nobody knows where you stand.;)

in all fairness to the man he did clean the city up(i am from New York) although i never really thought of him as a pro gunner. How exactly does a blind person qualify at the gun range, for his ccl?
Guliani's gun position?

Actions speak louder than words.

Guliani took the most harsh steps against gun ownership in New York City as mayor, making it illegal for many people to own a gun there, people who could own a gun elsewhere in the country. He took Yew York City from what was essentially a Southern State to California in 6 years.

Guliani is just another Bush, a puppet for the corporations. Don't listen to his lies.
Indeed his stated position has changed a bit, but he is still very selective about exactly who gets to enjoy their 2nd amendment right - i.e. not those living in or visiting large cities, and NOT those who like semi-auto rifles with scary crime-causing features like bayonet lugs.

He fought crime rates by more-strongly enforcing every little law on the book, not by removing guns from the citizens of his city, and he was lucky in that he was fortunate to serve during a period of widespread, long-term decline in the nation's crime rate.
He also said during the same event that NY city was "different". I have no problem with the blind guy arming himself. I can imagine situations where a belly gun would save his life and endanger no bystanders. But if the guy happens to visit NY city, all bets are off? I double-checked my copy of the Constitution and couldn't find the New York exemption. As far as I am concerned, Rudy's attempt to pander is just digging him deeper into the hole by showing he has no understanding of what it actually means to have a Constitutional right.
He has, in the past, stated this, in some detail. Lately arrived at "reconsideration" is, in my view, not credible.
To me Giuliani's position on guns is easy to understand: Now that he's running for President on the Republican ticket he needs that 2nd Amendment vote. Once he's taken the oath of office in February 2009 he'll likely decide that that part of the BOR makes nice TP.
Kenyon Tuthill, 61, who served as a Suffolk County, N.H., police officer until his injury, told FOX News that he was satisfied with Giuliani's answer.

Yep, the public is very gullible, buying into the smoke & mirrors routine. The blind, disabled, and cops have lives worth more than the rest of ours, in Rudy's view.