Guess what kind of review the HS-2000 got in "Law & Order" Magazine?


New member
In the March 2001 issue of "Law & Order" Magazine, an article gave a very good overall review of the HS-2000 as a LE duty gun!

In short the writer says that the HS-2000 has a "remarkably low price", "well designed" and "well made".

He goes on to say that the HS-2000 is a "good contender for the...administration seeking a new service sidearm".

The first time I ever heard of the HS-2000 was from fellow TFL members.

I think I'm going to look at one myself!

P.S. Do any TFL members own a HS-2000 and what do you think of it? How much approx. did it cost you new?

Thanks for your opinions.
I paid $330 for my HS2000. It is probably one of the most accurate handguns right out of the box that i have ever shot. I would trust my life with it. I demand good performance out of a firearm. With a careful coat of tetra lube, i took the HS to the range, fired approx 500 rounds of fmj, and various hollowpoints through the weapon. Not a burp, hiccup, or fart one. No failure to feed, both on slow fire, and rapid fire. I rate it up there with my glocks and my bleoved berettas. It will also take beretta and taurus mags, wich i have to taurus mags that i have fitted for the HS. And they work great. As soon as i have about 2000 rounds through it, it will be my carry gun, its about the size of the Glock 19, easy to strip down, strips down like a Sig. Like i said, it is a pleasure to shoot and very accurate...Pick one up, for under $350, its worth it....In my opinion...
I just bought mine yesterday,gen.1,paid $299.00.Today i had a few minutes to fire a few rounds,fired 50 rounds of UMC ball ammo,and 25 rds of speer gold dot,9mm+p.124gr.No problems whatso ever,i was just shooting it to get the feel of it,(was in a hurry)maybe in the next day or so,i`ll take my time and really shoot for accuracy.Feels good shooting a 9mm again,but i`ll stick with carrying my glock 27 or 30 till i feel real comfortable with the 9mm HS2000.Thinks its about the best 300 bucks in a pistol i spent in a long time.Hope HS will come with the 40 soon.
Good shooters...

...if you like the way a CZ-75 points, you'll like the HS2k's grip shape. My roomie's would hang with his FN High Power out to 15 yards or so, and group maybe only 1" larger than the Browning at 25yds. Trigger had a little "hang" right before it broke out of the box, but smoothed quickly with use. Shot 300 jam-free rounds before getting traded away on a wheelgun. Not that is did anything wrong, but the Belgian Browning kept hogging all the 9mm at the range and he needed a trade-in fast, since round butt 4" Model 19-5's don't grow on trees... ;)
Got mine a week ago. Fit and finish are very good for former eastern bloc mfg. The gun is more accurate than I am. The trigger is better than most of my glocks and one of my Sigs. It points well for me and is reliable with Blazer. I guess you can use Sig night sights in the dovetails. It looks a bit bulky for a 4 in bbl pistol, it's size compares to the G17. But for the price you can't go wrong. -Coug
I've had mine for quite some time. It's been very reliable, not quite as accurate as my Sigs or BHPs but right in there.

By the way, did you see the results from the Ohio tests?
Remember, every HS2000 you buy is one more bit of help for Croatia, a country full of brave people trying to migrate from being a Soviet satellite to being a free country with a viable economy.

Besides, who can argue with a fine-performing srvice pistol at those prices? I'm just waiting for the .357SIG version.
While I have no opinion about the HS 2000 (which may well be a fantastic gun), I am disturbed by the suggestion that helping the "brave" Croatians and their economy is a good thing. Just so the historical record is clear, Croatia was allied with Hitler's Germany during World War II and actively participated in the slaughtering of Gypsies, Jews and Serbians. It is also the case that the Croatians are guilty of almost as many war crimes as the Serbians.

I am not suggesting that no one buy guns made in Germany because of its past atrocities (I own an HK) or guns made in Italy because they too were allied with Hitler's Germany (I also own a Beretta). People and governments change. However, no one should kid themselves about the true nature of Croatia or delude themselves into thinking that purchasing a HS 2000 is furthering some greater good.

Actually, it's a true single-action-only (all the trigger does is release the striker, as it's fully cocked by the slide cycling), unlike the half-cocked Glock or decockable P-99.
The HS2K is my Duty sidearm, and I can't get it to fail with over 700 rounds through it. Anytime you take a fairly new and un-proven firearm as your primary weapon, you take a chance that a problem will crop up. To this point however, I have developed complete confidence in it.

I paid $298.50 out the door. The best price I have seen on these is at His website show's $269.95, but he was advertising them on for $229.95 to your dealer. Give him a call!
Go to for a comparison test between the following polymer 9mm's: Intrac HS2000, Glock G19, Walter P99QA, and Steyr M9. It just happens to be in their current issue (April 2001). It's a good publication if your'e not fimilar w/ it.

They accept no advertising, just like Consumer Reports.

Good researching.
any pictures? who makes it?

Der Grosse,

Yeah, we don't talk too much about our own use of slavery for profit or how many Colt's and Winchester's were used to commit genocide against the Native American's.

You ain't been Raped, Burned, or Pillaged until it's been done by an American. We kick ass at everthing! So don't get all "they are the bad guy's" on us. It's un-Patriotic.

Politics shmolitics, I don't care if a gun was made by Stalin/Clinton/Hitler/Reno/Mussolini's own hands. If it is quality, I'm interested.

That said. I would like to see what one looks like and have some more spec's. Thanks -ddt
Here's a link to the factory site - HS Arms The site shows the Generation 1 model. Generation 3 is now available which includes accessory rails, deeper serrations on the slide, front slide serrations, a more textured grip, and improved trigger. I'm picking one up the moment my latest batch of Jersey Purchase Permits comes through.

Personally, after what they said about the Mak, I don't have much confidence in anything "Gun Tests Mag" has to say.
(Actually, it's a true single-action-only (all the trigger does is release the striker, as it's fully cocked by the slide cycling), unlike the half-cocked Glock or decockable P-99.)

Thanks for correcting me on that old "Bullet" put
foot in mouth, I went back and reread gun test and
very clear on stiker type trigger. May need to take
a second look as I understand some improvements to
slide were made.
We just had a HS2000 9MM come though a 2 & 5 day handgun course. After 3000 rounds, I'd have to say I believe in the weapon.

Only problem was the slide failed to lock open on the last shot a few times and there were a couple of double feeds. Both of these I know were magazine related. I think the springs need to be a bit stiffer...

Bottom Line: A very well made gun. Nice trigger. Many wonderful features. It has a low bore line like a Glock, a grip like a CZ, and a slide like a Sig...

Anyone know where to get hi-caps to fit it? I tried C-Z, T-Z and Sig mags to no avail...

D.R. Middlebrooks - Director
Tactical Shooting Academy
Regarding standard capacity magazines:

I have read several posts on GlockTalk that Beretta 92 and Taurus magazines will function in HS2000 if an additional hole is drilled in the magazine for the gun's magazine catch to lock into it.
I love mine

I bought the HS2000 back in January as my first gun. I can not speak highly enough about this gun. Before my purchase, I tried shooting guns from various vendors including Sprinfield Armory and Glock. I ended up buying the HS on advice from the dealer. He said that it was his best selling gun and I would not be disappointed. Boy am I glad I did! This gun is super reliable. I have put hundreds of rounds of regular and +p ammo through it without ANY problems. I would trust this gun 100% in a life or death situation. I live in Florida and recently got my CCW. I plan on buying a gun that is a little thinner for summer carry, but this gun is definately a keeper for the car and winter carry! You will not be disappointed!
The writers and testers at Gun Tests don't know thier a**es from a hole in the ground. There's nothing wrong with the slide fit on the HS 2000's. The accuracy tests would have been a lot different if they had had enough brains to use a Ransom Rest. Anybody who can't shoot a Makarov without it falling apart on them has no business handling a gun.
