Guess what I saw at the range today?

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"Price gouger's should be hung by their fingernails"
I have to say that general statement is out of line. Those being "gouged" are the ones who didn't properly prepare when they had an opportunity at normal prices. The buyers have the choice of not buying.
The bigger problem I have with all the "Johnie come latelies" is their overall effect on nearly everything related to firearms-not just semiauto rifles and their ammo.
Yes, I've taken advantage of the situation to market some items at a considerable profit, BUT all those buyers were quite happy to pay the asking price.
Thing that bothers me, is it trickles down to everything... can't buy a plastic ammo box in nearly any caliber, for example ( I'm trying to reorganize my ammo & empty cases, & have been putting them in plastic 50 round ammo boxes ) heaven forbid, I needed something that shared the 223 box, like 4-5 Contender calibers, 222, 357 Max, etc.
Hereabouts the last gun show was standing room only ten minutes before it opened, and we have crummy gun shows. An Olympic M4rgery was $1700. 5.56 was a dollar a round.

All the regular ammo places (two Wal-Marts, a Fleet Farm, a Gander Mountain, and an LGS) are out of ammo.

Given that, I have no idea where all the people packing the range found the ammo to shoot while they were there...
All this is good for our economy. It is being done just for that purpose I'm suspecting. Kinda like the "housing bubble". Did you get sucked up in that also ?
I suspect that the selling off of the Twinky to a Mexican company was a ploy to test the waters for other buying frensies like this.
No telling what will come next.
"Price gouger's should be hung by their fingernails"

Hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but that is the free market at work. When demand spikes and supple lags behind, prices rise.

I have a buddy with an 07 FFL who builds AKs. He took a few to a recent gun show, and hadn't raised his prices. He sold all his rifles in the first 5 minutes, to another dealer who walked them over to his table and marked them up a few hundred bucks, and sold them that weekend.
America has around 950,000,000 people. About half that own at least one gun. The NRA has around 4,000,000 or so members.

Where do people go to shoot? The answer is most have no place and the ranges we have are getting fewer every day. Urban sprawl, the EPA and Enviornmental activism are killing the country in more ways than just the Second Amendment. Think about that the next election we have and you help elect or re-elect another liberal leaning nitwit that has no compunction to distroy the Constitution.

We need more Ranges and more people shooting at those ranges. We need a more informed and better educated public. How we are to achieve that with an education system hell bent on scoialism and a population that is loosing it's values and it's culture is beyond me.

Sadly it is not the gun and ammo manufacturers that are at fault here.

America has around 950,000,000 people
I think you need to check your resources, I think your high by about 600,000,000
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