Guardian angels and protective auras ...

Ooops. OK Computer. Ya got me.
I gather you are talking about our country being no better than any other country.

If that's what you mean, I must take exception.

My experience is limited; however, having observed the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall rather intimately, and crossed both (by the way), I can assure you that our transgressions pale by comparison to many other nations.

Yes, we Americans have had our transgressions. The Bonus Marchers and the Chicago Police Riots might be worth mentioning. We could add the internment of Japanese Americans in the '40s. I'm sure there are other examples.

But somehow, the atrocities of Americans pale when compared to the rape of Nanking or the Bataan Death March, the planned starvation of millions in the Ukraine, the Cultural Revolution in China, and many more mass atrocities that "real" historians can document.

Briefly, let me assure you that many other countries have treated their populace on a lower scale of despicableness than Americans can comprehend. And the only reason we have been spared such atrocities on a grand scale is because of our control over our government (which we have lost), and our Right to Keep and Bear Arms (which we are losing).

If you want to see atrocities and human rights violations, stay tuned for the fall of the American Way of Life as our Constitution becomes a mere historical oddity.

Or help save our Republic by restoring our Constitution to its place of "Chief Directive" for our government.
I believe in auras. (Mine is usually green, I've been told by numerous folks.) I believe in living a peaceable, harmonious life, and I would not wish to argue against another's belief in guardian angels.

That said, I feel it is my duty to protect those I care about. Since I care about everybody (when my heart is right), I would be amiss to not have adequate means to protect them as best I can. For myself, I am willing to suffer some risks, but when the life of a friend may hang in the balance, it is my duty to end the threat as efficiently as possible. This equates to my carrying one or more firearms whenever I reasonably can.
Well, Spectre, it's either an aura, or you need to linger in the shower a bit longer ... ;)

I don't think anyone took this wrong, but just in case, I certainly didn't mean to denigrate someone else's religious beliefs. However, if they really believe God doesn't expect them to keep up their end of the bargain by using their heads, well ... then I suppose I am still left speechless.

Regards from AZ
Personally I don't know about guardian angles. Used to say I had one when I was growing up. Did a lot of stupid things that would have killed a normal person, but somehow I managed to get out of all of them without a scrape. Used to be a joke of mine about how my guardian angle saved me again.

Then the night before I turned 21 my angle quit. Musta over worked the poor thing. Been relying on self since.


Perhaps it's in the approach. Your aura may be perfect, but what of the poor, benighted-and-perhaps-unwashed less fortunate souls? You need your gun to help protect a distance...because, as we all know, one's protective aura gets weaker, the further one is from the source! :)

Seriously though, it is common sense that the right attitude and good judgement will certainly help keep most out of harm's way most of the time. For those who believe in it, it may be the karma of some poor fool to wander in my path while meaning harm to me or mine. This is a simple case of someone not thinking through what they believe.
I must have had a Guardian Angel during my younger and dumber days. I doubt I could have survived my own stupidity if I didn't. The angel is long gone now. Either I ran him off by overworking him or maybe he decided I finally wised up enough to wing it on my own. But, I do thank him for his efforts.

Do I believe in God? Yes. Do I pray or go to church? Not much. Do I expect God to solve my problems? No. I think God did his part just by putting us here. From there on it's up to us. Our lives are what we make of them.

The best way I ever heard it put was:
God answers every prayer, It's just that usually the answer is no.
Jeff, please don't imply that Spectre might need to shower more. He's water bill poor already :) Man showers three or four times a day as it is.