Guardian angels and protective auras ...

Jeff Thomas

New member
OK, I think I've brought this up before, but it has happened again and I wonder if any of the rest of you run into this situation.

Spoke with my Dad's girl friend this weekend - a 77-year-old 'Roosevelt Democrat', as she puts it. We discussed firearms, and she doesn't have a problem with me using a firearm to defend myself and my family. But, she says she is too old to learn, and besides - she doesn't need one. 'Why not?', I ask. Well, she says she believes she has always been surrounded by a 'protective aura'. As a matter of fact, it protects her daughter as well. But, not her son ... he doesn't have 'the right attitude'. [I loved that part. ;) ]

I have another older friend, late 60's, who told me she believes she has a 'guardian angel'.

I'll tell you ... I now see why I'm so 'paranoid'! I don't have a protective aura or a guardian angel! I'm just flappin' in the wind out here!

Now, both of these ladies are otherwise rational. And, as we gently discuss these issues they really can't even try to give me any logical basis for their beliefs. But, since they've never come to real harm, they hold these beliefs fervently.

From my perspective, these perspectives leave them both just this side of being 'certifiable'! Have any of the rest of you run into this foolishness? I probably need to find a better way of dealing with this. When I'm walking them through a logical discussion of self defense and they hit me with this, I have to work real hard just to keep my mouth from dropping open!

Perhaps the real strategy is to get these folks literally certified as insane so we can keep these otherwise harmless people out of the voting booths! ;)

I think it is a dangerous trick they are playing on themselves with such foolishness. But, it is criminal when some of them want to foist this garbage on me and my family by denying us more logical means of defense!
If I make it to 77 years old then I shall have a "protective aura" too (or anything else I want). :)

Until then I'm going to keep practicing with my pistol 'cause I aint seen any "guardian angels" around!
Um, we may be treading the very thin ice of "Religious People Are Certifiably Insane", which would make for a lively discussion, but NOT ON THESE FORUMS.

But, strictly as an example, I think it points to a broader issue. Many, many people don't seriously consider the idea of having to defend themselves until something Very Bad happens to them. They may think they have a guardian angel, or a bullet proof aura, or are just plain lucky. Or maybe it's just never occured to them.

How many of us have had a "Never Again" experience that altered our fundamental perception of the world? And not just concerning self defense, but in other areas: car crashes, house fires, substance abuse, spousal abuse, etc...

Whatever one's reason for feeling "protected" from those things that pose a threat to all of us, the common factor is this: not facing the reality of the world we live in.

On the one hand, I tell them that God helps those who help themselves. As well as drunks and fools.

On the other hand, I have survived enough hair raising crap to wonder...hmmm.
I once heard the phrase,

"You never need a gun until you need one badly."

Join NRA, GOA and vote!
Treading VERY lightly, to paraphrase, "If there weren't Guardian Angels", we'd invent them. Such is humanity's wish. As a bordering-on-athiest type, I still look up and say "Thanks, boys" to Whoever Runs The Show whenever something good happens to me. Funny thing though, when something bad goes down, I just figure it's Bad Luck. "What fools we mortals be". Off thread (just a bit) -- this came out of an old Reader's Digest as a true event. One kid says "Why is grandpa always reading the bible?". The other says, "I dunno, maybe he's cramming for the Finals".(!)
I think that there are some people out there who are being watched over by something. A case in point is a friend that I have. When he was a kid he was run over by a car and kicked in the head by a full grown mule. Both incidents were enough to kill a grown man, yet he walked away from one with a few missing teeth and the other with one deaf ear. Just last month he was riding a Ninja 600 in town and had to lay it down going about 45 mph. The bike slid under a truck and he flew off and bounced off of the tire of the truck. Bike was totaled, he had a scratch on his arm. I never believed in guardian angels or any of that stuff until I met this guy. The only thing that bugs me with this guy is that he is a natural marksman, he never had shot in his life until I met him, then the first thing he shot was my Norinco SKS, he was bouncing cans around with that thing like you would not believe at 100 yd. This is a rifle that I cannot get to shoot better then 6 in groups from a rest. He is also a better shot than me with all of my other firearms. Sorry that was off topic but it is frustrating ;)
...........'And He shall give His Angels charge over thee,to keep thee,lest thou dash thy foot against a stone'. .........try reading the Bible sometime......
Guys , if you could ask George Washington about angels, he would definetly tell you they exist. At Valley Forge inthat bitter winter of 1777, a angel showed him the future of America ,including a final vision where America is attacked and invaded by vast military firces from Europe, ,Asia , and Africa. He saw that with those forces there "gleamed a dark ,red light (Communist symbol? Washington saw our cities aflame,the nation devastated, and millions dying in combat. But at the fiercest battle, the GREAT ANGEL ,the guardian of the nation,descended from the heavens with legions of white spirits who joined forces with the Americans and destroyed the invading armies. Washington told his aide Sherman of this event shortly after it took place. It was repeated to his closest friends during the 22 years he lived after its occurence. It has been in print from time to time over the past 200 years. When I was a kid in the fifties there was a TV show about the visions shown to Washington at Valley forge. I saw the show! But spiritual experiences are ignored by our secular historians. This would never be on our GOvernment media today! Geoerge Washington was ,in my opinion,the greatest man ever to walk this continent. He still should be the hero and model for every man ,woman ,and child in this country. By the way , his vision is recorded in the Library of Congress.(unless the government in the last few years destroyed it) No doubt there are angels and a very important one came to a very important mortal. Without Washington hanging in there, we would not have won our independence and it looks as though that angel gave him a big ,big boast!
The Catholic tradition includes many writings on guardian angels from the bible as well as other texts written by saints and other prominent Catholics throughout the ages. In a nutshell, the belief is that every person is born with a guardian angel...sometimes more than one. However, your guardian angel(s) cannot protect you in every circumstance. This is made very clear.

Personally, I like the Catholic teaching that each person is given free will to do as they wish. A priest at my church summed it all up best when he said, "Catholics don't take chances."

This is why I carry a handgun. I don't take any chances.

- Anthony
I think Washington was doing some bad sh*t when he saw that vision.

I see no reason why America would be favored among Angels. We are hipocritical and try to control other nations (like a one world gov. would like to do) all the while killing civilians. America has done this throughout history. Remember when it started with the Native Americans? I don't know which American people he saw the Angels join forces with, but it definately ain't the current residence of this country. Oh, and we cry about the hollocaust victims, yet we conveintly forget that we nearly exterminated the native people of this country. We also imprisoned Japanese-American citizens in camps when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Yes indeed, We are such a great nation with so much history to show for it. I can see why God loves us so much.

Some may say I'm offensive, but I only tell it like it is, not how it should be.

[This message has been edited by OK Computer (edited July 07, 1999).]
7-7-99 857PM edt OK Computer, you sound like those politicos who took Washington s name from a school because he owned slaves(which by the way he freed on his death) It is ridiculous to say Washington was smokeing drugs and that there were no visions. There were these visions and Washington was no liar.He was respected by all men and even by the Duke of Wellington. Wellington,on Washingtons death, said he was the greatest man of the age. No small compliment from a Brit! Washington was protected by GOD from the beginning of his military career and was never touched by shot or shell as he often lead his men from the front of the battle. He could have been a dictator. Can you imagine any of our politicians today(Not just Big Comrade) turning down dictatorship?Sure, this nation has committed its share of mistakes: most of them in the 20th Century by VIOLATING WASHINGTONS WARNINGS AGAINST ENTANGLING ALLIANCES! In spite of the nearly completed takeover of our institutions by the NWO crowd, we can take heart from Washington's doggedness intimes of near defeat.

I think my GA got lost when I moved from OH to NC. Until he catches up with me, I think I'll keep my Astra A-75, USP9, and 590 close by.

Sure hope he remembers the secret knock.

- Ron V.

I have long believed in Guardian Angels. I have had more close calls than The Roadrunner, so my angel has worked long and hard!

Better days to be,

Ivan8883, I didn't mean to slam Washington, what I meant was that I can't see how his vision could be correct, considering all the wrongs our nation has done to so many innocent others ever since the birth of this "new" country. Even today it continues. Maybe these where "dark angels" he saw.
OKComputer: Our fundamental Documents may not be perfect, but they're apparently a lot better than any other ideas which have come down the pike--if you appreciate self-determination, Liberty and all that.

Looking at your legitimate gripes in your post, could it not be said that we have obvious proof that people are not perfect? That there is indeed venality, crime and corruption?

So what? Regardless of the distance from these Documents we and/or our leaders may have gone, the fundamental concept of "America" is still valid.

And if you live by this concept, and by example and argument persuade your family and neighbors to live by it: You've done about all you can do. Hell, it might spread!

But if you're gonna be bitter over man's inhumanity to man, over the lack of an ideal world, you're gonna miss out on a lot of fun with a lot of really good folks. :) Bubba, human nature hasn't changed since Cain slew Abel. Trouble is, it's the only nature you got. Or I got...(Well, not DC; she's a Sweetie! :) )

Best regards, Art
I believe Spartacus hit it right on the head when he states: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>...God helps those who help themselves.[/quote]

Many people want God to coddle them from cradle to grave, and then look around stupidly wondering what went wrong when something bad happens to them or their loved ones.

Hey, that's the way life was designed.

It's another excuse for shirking personal responsibility.


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

Art, I agree with you. However, The major thing that gets me is that we pretend to be great despite the fact that we're no better than the rest of the "bad guys."