Governor Palin tells Off Congressman Miller re Federalism!


Americas best looking and most libertarian Guv, the one and only caribou shootin, establishment politico murdering Gov. Sarah" Barracuda" Palin is on the prowl again.

We shoot wolves from airplanes here in some areas to help moose populations, since in these areas, there aint no McDonalds there is only Mooseburger.

Of course the Fund for Bunny Huggers and related groups keep trying to save the poor wolfies figuring what the heck, those brown indiginites dont have to live in their villages, they should come be white folks in the City and drive SUVs or we can give em even more welfare instead of letting them go out a pop a bullwinkle once in while....

So now the happy Congressman Miller, Dem from (you guessed it) California has intoduced a bill in Congress to stop the slaughter of these helpless wolves by ariel gunners and screw what our Department of Fish and Game says...

So here is our one and only Sarahs response:

Of particular interest is her lecture to the good Congresssman about the 10th Amendment.

You guys want a libertarian electable repub, here she is...send her an email and tell her you love her!

WildsheseyingthesenateAlaska TM
I used to live in Miller's district. Good for her; is she interested in running for Ahnold's seat when he leaves????
Why didn’t she tell him how she really feels???:D

That was excellent and she even showed restraint in not pointing out that the lack of any management program cost California it’s wolves and grizz a long time ago.

I write this Miller clown every couple of weeks, calling him on something stupid he’s proposed or supported. He’s an idiot!

Ashamed Miller constituent,
Now that's what I like to see!

I may not be the strictest constructionist, or one of the strongest federalists...but I do at least acknowledge the existence of the 10th amendment and think it's important to at least, you know, give it a passing thought before micromanaging the affairs of states.

We shoot wolves from airplanes here in some areas to help moose populations, since in these areas, there aint no McDonalds there is only Mooseburger.

Why isn't she running for pres? I like it - is this her normal attitude and demeanor? I like it!

Probably the same reason our Governor've got to live in Washington. Who wants that?

I just checked. Thought the moron had gone to Humbolt State (dude!!!!, your dubie’s on fire man! Save the Cariboooo maaan! But I guess UC Davis Law School churns ‘em out too. They still have the dubie, it’s just that they’re riding a bicycle while they smoke it.
is this her normal attitude and demeanor? I like it!

Learn to love it more she's is killer :)

She is now taking on our Senator for Forever (maybe)Ted Stevens. They are not even talking I hear since she keeps making little digs about corruption investigations.

Heres another one :

JUNEAU -- Gov. Sarah Palin's son, Track, left on Tuesday for infantry boot camp in Fort Benning, Ga.

The 18-year-old enlisted last week on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Track is the oldest of Palin's four children and her only son.

"I support my son's independence, and I am proud of his decision because he made it for the right reasons -- to serve his country," Palin said.

In July, Palin went to Kuwait where she visited the Alaska Army National Guard's 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry, a unit that is made up of about 575 Alaska men and women.

She said she wanted an up-close look at the sacrifices made by Alaska-based troops in the Middle East so she accepted the offer of a two-day tour sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.

Ultimately, it may have been a closer look at what awaits Track.

Palin said she has come to terms with the idea that Track could be deployed next year to Iraq, Kuwait or Afghanistan, where thousands of U.S. troops are based.

Last week President Bush approved a gradual reduction of U.S. forces, which stand at the highest level of the war, about 168,000 troops.

"With this quasi draw down, there may be shorter deployments, which is encouraging for Track; in fact, that's encouraging for all of our troops," Palin said. "But more likely than not, Track will end up in the Middle East."

Since her son enlisted, Palin said, she has received several e-mails from women whose sons or daughters have either enlisted or are serving overseas.

While proud of their children's decision to enlist, they have not lost sight of the prospects of losing a loved one in the war.

"I certainly have thought about it; the mixed emotions we all feel will be something that binds us together," Palin said. "But we don't regret that our son or daughter has made this decision."

Track Palin joins Wasilla High classmate John Bates at Fort Benning. The Palin family threw the teens a party on Sunday evening.

Palin said the party was not a farewell, but a thank you for the young men's commitment to serve.

"We want the boys to know that we support them and we've got their backs," Palin said.

WildgosarahgoAlaska TM
Great letter. She told him the way it is. But ... Miller doesn't care how it is. I doubt he gives a rat's rip about the whole issue. I suspect he cares more about the groups that have bought ... er, contributed to him, and one of those groups sounds like PETA. Which means that putting meat on the tables of Alaskans is an abomination, and so to hell with whether it makes sense, is economical, is environmentally sound, and is a traditional way of life for the indigenous population.

Ultimately, I doubt you'll see any positive change of perspective on this issue from Miller. But ... the letter will likely dwindle any support he might have in Congress, so from that angle it's effective. And your guv probably knows all of this already.
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Who knew that shooting a wolf from an airplane in Alaska was interstate commerce?
Gee whiz golly, Wally. Even I could figure out that unless 100% of the airplane was mfg in Alaska, the fuel it used to get in the air, or the firearm and ammunition the hunter used, or the clothes he wore, or even 100% of the food the pilot and hunter consumed... there's gotta be some vestige of interstate commerce to regulate (or the supposition that there MIGHT be commerce so affected elsewhere... like wolf hunting in Wyoming... or is it Idaho?). On such fine threads does Congress weave their tangled webs. Else surely they cannot spend more, regulate more, and thus might wither up into an impotent ball. :rolleyes:

Great response by Palin. Obviously there are some people in our culture who "get it".
I was just reading this morning where the Dems inserted an amendment into the Iraqi troop bill to let the feds law enforcement "help" the states with hate crimes. I get suspicious when ever I see the word federal government and help in the same sentence. Personally I think Bush should veto the bill.

The federal government doesn't help anybody they run it and make the rules.

The bill is named after Matthew Shepard who was attacked and killed. Wyoming gave his attackers two consecutive life sentences.

Bravo for the Governor. Do they have a Palin for president website?
Whoda' thunkit?

a beautiful, bright, and in your face politician...and from Alaska, no less...we could use a lot more like her in all levels of government. Nice going Alaska;)
She is now taking on our Senator for Forever (maybe)Ted Stevens. They are not even talking I hear since she keeps making little digs about corruption investigations.
ooooooh thank frak for that.

One of the few good things that came out of the Ds taking control of Congress is that Ted "Oil Apologist" Stevens and his series of tubes was no longer third in line of succession. Anyone working to oust that corrupt, backwords moron gets a gold star in my book.
"No politician I've seen lately is worthy to carry this woman's jock strap.../B]

I certainly agree -- kinda. There seems to be a bit of a gender-related disconnect somewhere in the statement though. I'll try to figure it out later.