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FBI = Clinton's Mafia. Ain't that something,
a federal law enforcement officer makes a threat against a witness and his son. geez! Is this what America has become? This sounds like an old spy movie about the KGB or something. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't been seeing it. Instead of God bless America, it should be God help America!!!

Any bets on whether Cullen lives to testify or not?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
I worked with an Army Medical Officer at FAMC who told me his unit furnished medical support for the "troops" at Waco. I don't think the Army sends medical support for "observers". My impression is that medical support is only for combatants. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out and to see if Clinton et al can continue with the massive cover up as they have the past six years. I don't think the ATF or the FBI is entitled to military medical support, either.

Well, I've said before on several occasions that it was time for the honorable men and women of the FBI, BATF, and US Marshals Service to resign in order to preserve their honor. Add Delta Force. It's coming down to the wire, folks. If this or several of the allegations prove true then it will be time for the members of these organizations to either prove their honor or just say,"Hey, we are jack booted thugs." You can't have it both ways. If you lie down with dogs you will get up with fleas.

Or are the words: "Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" alien to their natures?

Fortunes include their sacred retirements also.

"Is peace so sweet or life so dear as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Almight God, I know not how others may choose, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" Patrick Henry to the Virginia House of Burgesses

I do not envy these men and women the dilemma they are caught in. They will be known not by their words but by their actions.

Byron Quick
You guys are just getting all this news about Delta Force involvement in Waco. But this stuff has been on shortwave for some time now. The real reporters arent on your mainstream media which is government controlled. Over a year ago i was hearing this stuff about Delta Force. By the way, i just heard a report that over the weekend, three of these special forces people died in NC and one up north i believe in Kentucky. Lets see. We had three of Big Comrades bodyguards die at Waco and now ,perhaps, more witnesses must pay the supreme sacrifice for our new sytem coming on line. Larry Nichols,ex special forces ,and a thorn in Big Comrades side from Arkansas, said today that there is a big difference now in the recruit for elite forces. Today the government has a certain profile that they require for their elite forces. He pointed out that only a few years ago, one would never have worried about our special units doing anything evil against the American people. But the types coming in now are a different caliber and wont hesitate to follow any orders given them. I will believe a Larry Nichols anaylisis of the situation. A Christian church was burned to the ground and over eighty people killed. AND the US military was a Big part of the slaughter. What really upsets me is the reaction of the average Amrican and of Congress. With stooges like Danforth, Johnny, Bill and their crew still are sitting on top of the dung heap.
Just FYI, the military will lend whatever non-direct combat aid is needed to civilian missions, all they need is the correct taskings assignments.

If I deployed to FL for Hurricane Andrew relief, along with all sorts of others, I don't think it's going to be a big deal for medics to be on site for this sort of thing. Military EOD teams are routinely used for civilian bomb squad calls. You see military medics (National Guard at least) at all sorts of concerts and outdoor events. Why is this such a suprise when they had Bradleys and Combat Engineer Vehicles on site?

Having military medics on site was IMHO a prudent move, no matter who was involved, Delta Force or no.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
Deanf, a Emperor does not go to jail and William Jefferson Clinton is for all intents and purposes running this entire country without Any checks and balances from either the Congress or the Supreme Court. We have a Dictator in power now.And if the "sucker Moms are lucky maybe Big Comrade will stay in power .