Gov/public school: social engineering?

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Another support for privatization? Quick summary: superintendent Edgar Hatrick pulled gay penguin family book from the school library shelves in Loudoun County, Virginia after parents complained that the book has a gay agenda.

YouTube video "Stupid in America" supporting privatization:

BTW, you should be asking yourself 2 questions:

1. what is the educational value of gay penguin/gay penguin family literature for elementary school education?

2. is there a literary/scientific/educational merit for the book? It's my understanding that gay penguin is not representative of penguin population.
A naive elementary school student might interpret this to mean WOW, in natural world, most penguins are gay and have 2 moms or 2 dads and somehow, magically, have little baby penguins to raise. Maybe, families who have a mom and a dad are not normal since they don't have 2 dads or 2 moms like the gay penguin family in the book.

Link to FOX News article about gay penguin indoctrination article:,2933,330956,00.html

Children's Book About Same-Sex Penguin Couple Causes Flap in Virginia
Sunday, February 17, 2008

LEESBURG, Va. — A children's book about two male penguins that hatch a chick together has been pulled from school library shelves in Loudoun County, Virginia.

Parents complained that the book has a gay agenda and have called for its removal. But supporters say the book's removal is censorship.

The decision by Superintendent Edgar Hatrick is being criticized by many parents and gay rights advocates. They say the school system shouldn't have allowed one complaint to limit children's literary choices.

The 2005 book is called "And Tango Makes Three." It draws on the real-life story of Roy and Silo, two chinstrap penguins at the Central Park Zoo in New York.

A spokesman for the Loudoun schools said Hatrick thought the book's content might not be developmentally appropriate for some students.

According to Stupid in America by John Stossel, until 4th grade, US students rank competitively with other students in the world, including Europe and Hong Kong/Singapore/Japan. However, after 4th grade, US students fall further and further behind (i.e., get dumber and dumber on comparative basis). According to Stupid in America,

1. the reason why students in Europe does so much better than US students is due to prevalence of vouchers. Due to vouchers, public schools compete against private schools and need to perform, otherwise they lose students and go out of business. When vouchers are used, education dollar tracks the student, not where the student lives. It forces public school to be accountable towards the NEEDS and WANTS of the parents and the students.

2. in one example, commercial educational services provider accomplished in couple of hours what public school failed to do in 12 years after spending over $100K on a functionally illiterate high school student: teach basic literacy. It's amazing what free market can accomplish, given the chance.

In my personal experiences, I've witnessed undergraduate engineering students drop out of the program due to their math deficiency. I've also witnessed people with graduate degree in non-mathematical subject treat mathematics like other non-mathematical subjects....i.e., it can be learned by conceptual verbal explanation w/o solving large number of problems. Most successful math programs like those in Asia emphasize problem solving...not learning mathematics conceptually. Once you reach graduate program in mathematical fields in most major U.S. universities, it looks like UN in that most of the graduate students are from foreign countries where they do not try to teach mathematics conceptually w/o large amount of problem solving.

I've also seen Hispanic students do poorly due to lack of English proficiency stemming from bilingual program (alternative method of immersion is a much more effective and proven method).

Whether public education is controlled at state or federal level, without market forces, it's doomed to mediocrity. It's a shame that country like France and Belgium allow market forces to operate in the area of public education, while US, the world leader in free market, lags behind so deploringly.

Trying to fix public school education is like trying to fix US Postal Services as it is w/o privatization and competition. In Washington D.C. inner city ghetto, children from disadvantaged single parent family was randomly selected and sent to private school that cost 1/3 to 2/3 the cost of public school (the cost of vouchers was privately funded). Suddenly, the children started to do much better and also, the dropout rate was much less. BTW, the children were selected on random basis via lottery drawing.

BTW, most parents who don't seem to care today would care if they had the power of choices. Even highly disadvantaged and dysfunctional family like inner city ghetto family in Washington, D.C. started caring when they were given the POWER OF CHOICE.

Most people, independent of income and education, does not choose to keep on patronizing a services provider who keep on furnishing substandard goods and services if THEY HAD THE CHOICE. Vouchers/school choices allow the parents to send their children to the school that serves the best interest/needs of their children. Parents like most people exchange information with other parents. Right now, most parents doesn't have the power of choices since the public school in their district gets the money no matter what. Most lower and lower middle class parents cannot afford to pay twice for school tuition which is what happens when you send your kids to private school.

Same population of children (disadvantage, inner city family, mostly single parent) can be taught to learn at much more cost effective basis (at fraction of public school cost) if vouchers are used here like it's done in Europe.

Good resource for public education vouchers:

Friedman Foundation For Educational Choice
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I think the book should be banned just for suggesting that penguins are gay.:rolleyes:

That's a slur against linux in general, Tux in particular, and probably violates the GPL.;)
I don't see what the problem is. The school had a book that parents found objectionable. At the parents request, the book was pulled. That sounds to me like that is how its supposed to work.
I don't see what the problem is. The school had a book that parents found objectionable. At the parents request, the book was pulled. That sounds to me like that is how its supposed to work.
Because lying to children about the realities of biology is perfectly ok?

Should parents be allowed to take books out of school that suggest the world is older than 6000 years? Should parents be allowed to take books out of school that claim the settlers of this country were loving, peaceful people that never harmed the natives or enslaved another race?

If parents want to lie to their children at home, fine, but to allow it to happen in school is utterly asinine.
Whos version of the so called truth slick? Comes in a lot of versions.
No, truth only comes in one version. It's scientific fact that homosexuality exists many species. It's scientific fact - ie, truth - that those two penguins formed a family unit to take care of the orphaned offspring.

That's truth. That's supported by evidence. That's scientific fact. Not theory, not hypothesis, not guess, not idea. Fact. To take that away from kids because parents don't want to accept said truth is ridiculous.
There is a HUGE difference between presenting facts and promoting agendas. Handing out condoms and birth control pills to middle schoolers is promoting an agenda, requiring students to learn the 7 tennants of faith and live for several weeks as Muslims is promoting an agenda, presenting 'alternative lifestyles' to elementary school children and even to pre-schoolers is promoting an agenda. When the Gay/Straight Alliance is allowed weekly use of classrooms for meetings but the Baptist Student Union is not, an agenda is being promoted. It doesn't stop there, our colleges and universities have gone so far as to require as part of an art appreciation class that students write produce and even appear in their own pornographic movies!!!!!

Don't even get me started on the education system. It is designed to brainwash and indoctrinate and has very little to do with presenting facts. Even MATH for crying out loud. Did you know that our kids are now being asked to 'guestimate' answers in MATH?!!!

Sorry, I'll get off my soap box for a while.
presenting 'alternative lifestyles' to elementary school children and even to pre-schoolers is promoting an agenda
:rolleyes: it's not an "alternative lifestyle" it's biology

Penguins don't have "lifestyles".
It doesn't stop there, our colleges and universities have gone so far as to require as part of an art appreciation class that students write produce and even appear in their own pornographic movies!!!!!
o_O excuse me?
Did you know that our kids are now being asked to 'guestimate' answers in MATH?!!!
where? examples?
Should parents be allowed to take books out of school that suggest the world is older than 6000 years? Should parents be allowed to take books out of school that claim the settlers of this country were loving, peaceful people that never harmed the natives or enslaved another race?

Yes, they should.

What is taught in schools, and what is not taught in schools, should be controlled at the local level, based on local standards, and determined by local people. If you want to teach a course in gay penguin studies, and the people in the district want it, they should be allowed to have it.

If there was a school system somewhere and a majority of residents of that system wanted to teach that the moon was made of cheese, then let them. The money to fund the school is collected at the local level, and the people paying the money should have ultimate control.
Yes, they should.

What is taught in schools, and what is not taught in schools, should be controlled at the local level, based on local standards.

If there was a school system somewhere and a majority of residents of that system wanted to teach that the moon was made of cheese, then let them. The money to fund the school is collected at the local level, and the people paying the money should have ultimate control.
And watch the United States become the dumbest country on the planet.

We don't allow it to work that way because the majority of people have no idea what is or isn't a good idea in education. I can understand the state level but local? Please.

No, parents should have no authority to take away learning from their own children in a public setting. Teaching them lies or withholding truth ought to be considered child abuse.
on soapbox doing a rant

M14fan you definitely are on a rant. If you want to point out actual facts and cases with some documentation you might get an audience. But to throw out undocumented statements like requiring the seven weeks as a Muslim as being part of the school system you are going to have to show me where, who, and when it happened as a staring point. Telling kids everyone is not the same is always promoted by some as an agenda. But wanting every child to participate in school prayer is not an agenda.

My perspective is: (belonging in another thread)
I here the rants and rave of those who claim how bad the public education system is. Few of the ranters have ever allowed thier kids to attend public schools. And most of those who find fault have never walked through the front door as a parent. Many spend less time with their kids than they do walking their dog and then find the school is responsible for all the problems the kids have. And only a very few parents will ever step forward and try to work with schools in making them better: its just easier to sit home and bitch.
I disagree with you Redworm. Some of the greatest developments and advances our country has ever made were made at a time when local control of schools was the norm, and the Federal Department of Education did not exist. The federal government has no role in education. It is not empowered with that role, and should get out of the education business. Our schools have steadily worsened since the federal government took over a major role in education.

I don't have a problem with state oversight. But most decisions should be made locally, as they were for the first 150 years of our nation's existence. And parents should absolutely have control over what their children learn, and should be obligated to complain when the school does not meet their expectation. Part of our problem today is that too may parents don't complain and have yielded their authority to "experts" in Washington.

I am pretty happy with the public schools in Georgia, but it is because this state, and my locality in particular, are fairly conservative. We still have Christmas Holiday here and we don't have gay penguins. To my knowledge, we have no straight penguins either.

I am OK with you working as hard as you can to promote whatever agenda you want in your school district, and I hope the parents there are satisfied. But there is no need to impose your will or a federal standard on everyone else.

No one's rights are violated when a book about gay penguins is removed from elementary school shelves.
You are right. Ranting without supporting documentation is bad form. I appologize.

Below you will find links to articles about university classes teaching pornography or using pornography as a teaching tool and the California school system that assigned students roles as Muslims for three weeks (I thought the word I used above was several) and teaching them to recite Islamic prayers. there are other articles on both of these subjects but these two were quickly available. There is also a link for the article about the middle school that has chosen to provide birth control to students. As for the club meetings and teaching students to estimate mathematical answers, those are events that occurred an MLK Jr High School in Nashville TN. I was attempting to help my kids with math assignments and the instructions in the textbook were to estimate the answers. The GSA club meetings were posted on the walls in the hallways and inquiries about other types of organizations using these rooms for meetings were rejected.
No, parents should have no authority to take away learning from their own children in a public setting. Teaching them lies or withholding truth ought to be considered child abuse.

Wow that is scary. Our public school system is much like our government
broken so to allow them to decide what is taught is truly frightening.
I disagree with you Redworm. Some of the greatest developments and advances our country has ever made were made at a time when local control of schools was the norm, and the Federal Department of Education did not exist. The federal government has no role in education. It is not empowered with that role, and should get out of the education business. Our schools have steadily worsened since the federal government took over a major role in education.
I didn't say a thing about the federal government but your last sentence is inaccurate. There are many aspects of schools that have worsened but far more that have improved and you will be hard pressed to find an educational researcher that can claim otherwise. I don't necessarily like the federal government having control of the schools and I do believe it should go back to the states but there are many things about schools that the DoE has drastically improved, especially with the curriculum.
I don't have a problem with state oversight. But most decisions should be made locally, as they were for the first 150 years of our nation's existence. And parents should absolutely have control over what their children learn, and should be obligated to complain when the school does not meet their expectation. Part of our problem today is that too may parents don't complain and have yielded their authority to "experts" in Washington.
Parents should not have total control over what the children of other parents learn. If they want their children taught that the moon is made of cheese and that women come from the ribs of men then they can teach that drivel in private schools they pay for but government schools should never be used to teach anything but the things we know to be fact.
I am pretty happy with the public schools in Georgia, but it is because this state, and my locality in particular, are fairly conservative. We still have Christmas Holiday here and we don't have gay penguins. To my knowledge, we have no straight penguins either.
I spent the majority of my school years in Georgia public schools and there's a reason that state continues to be ranked among the worst in the nation.

It doesn't matter whether or not you and your neighbors want your kids to know about gay penguins. They exist whether you like it or not and their existence is as much scientific fact as is the fact that the moon is not made of cheese. To teach children anything else is a flat out lie.
I am OK with you working as hard as you can to promote whatever agenda you want in your school district, and I hope the parents there are satisfied. But there is no need to impose your will or a federal standard on everyone else.
:rolleyes: It's not an AGENDA. Where the hell are you people getting this "agenda" bull from? Science is not an agenda. Reality is not an agenda. Fact is not an agenda.

And yes, there is a need to impose the teaching of TRUTH and FACT to children across the entire nation or this country's people will continue to fall behind the rest of the world in education. Do you want us to have the dumbest kids in the nation, the kids that don't understand science, the kids that don't know how to think rationally, the kids that don't understand the world around them because their parents fill their heads with fairy tales?

No one's rights are violated when a book about gay penguins is removed from elementary school shelves.
I didn't say anything about right being violated but whether or not you want to accept it removing that book from the school shelves is lying to children.
Well, I disagree with you that a book that promotes a gay agenda is science. I know there are gays out there. I don't see the need for a book about gay penguins in elementary school. Anyway, it looks like the book is off the shelf, and that is all that really matters.

Redworm, I am curious, do you have school age children?
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