Gov/LE: commercial dog trainer and tale of 2 K9(1 beaten to death, other starved)

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Okay I do agree with you, and I am guessing you are fishing for someone to disagree with you.

I can see that you really like to discuss economics, that is great. Have a good time, I am probably not going to respond anymore, because I really don't see the point.
In rural area, I would trust services from private carriers such as Fedex/DHL/UPS over that of USPS. If USPS's monopoly power is ever broken, I would suspect a private entity would provide a superior service to USPS's current level of service, even in rural areas.


I can name you 100 places in Alaska that neither UPS or Fed Ex will not serve at all.

I doubt that fed Ex would ever deliver a 41 cent letter to one of 100 villagers in Akutsaikuktuk, Alaska.

Ever try to get a handgun sent to Little Diomede? I have :)

The world isn't black and white my friend, especially when looking at it from academia.

PS...I can send a letter from Anchorage to Yakutsk for about $6. Fed Ex....$200

Sometimes you need REASONABLE subsidization and governmental intervetion.

WildtheneoconAlaska TM


Free market has brought to rural areas affordable cell phone/telecomm, affordable waste disposal system, satellite communication, GPS, web access, efficient home delivery via Fedex/UPS/DHL/etc.

Really? You sure?
Am I the only one SO confused by the posts? It may be the bold/not bolded text that is throwing me off, but wow, huge headache after reading and I have nothing to say...

Well, ok, one thing.

Isn't the USPS considered a QUASI-governmental agency with attributes similar to government and private?

Oh and I thought this was about dogs until I read it.
Your Dogs can only be Trained by YOU! No one can take your dog and turn it into Rin Tin Tin in a few weeks. Your dog needs to be Nurtured by you, your family and brought up as a family member. He / She will become part of your Pack/Clan what ever.

All Three of my Dogs will DIE to protect me. Well one is sort of a Wussy. I would DIE to protect them I think.

Dogs are not Just tools they are Animals that Love, Care, Respond to the Good, The Bad and Attempt to Stay Alive.

My Dogs have saved me from Snake Bit, The Drunken Idiots, The Hole I was about to walk into. One even stopped me from eating bad Meat!

Yep , Treat your dog as Family!:D


Wild AK. I had the Fed Ex put a note in my mail box stating they could not find my house. I live on a dead end road with two people at the end. You can see my house from the main road. I ended up driving 200 miles to El passo and back to get the check. It was a over night delivery!
I've gone over this thread twice now.

theinvisibleheart, when folks have to ask, multiple times, what your point is, you should rethink your posting methods and comments. While it may have made sense to you, it didn't to those who have responded. That should have been obvious.

Reposting part of the OP, as you did with post #5, does nothing to answer the questions of what this thread is about. If folks didn't see it the first time, what makes you think they will see it a second time?

Also, using so much bolding and capitalization, detract from whatever points you are trying to make. Minimal usage is much better than over usage.

I failed to see an articulated reason for the OP, until I read post #17... But when I read the rest of the thread, your point was lost. Side-tracked. Failed to emerge... etc.

This is the Legal and Political forum of TFL. We have no economics forum....

Off-Topic and Closed.
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