Gouging? (warning: Another "I can't believe the prices!!" thread)

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Wait you are making fun of someone asking $400 for unobtanium? The most precious metal know to America right now! I can't believe you are making fun of CTD:rolleyes: They are providing a real deal servicing people who went along lala lala lala lala unprepared.
This is I think the third panic that I’ve been able to ride out because I have a huge stash of ammunition. 2008 era was the only panic that I was caught without ammunition... that one had a sting to it.

So I guess this I also another Neener neener boo boo post. However, I know stangpanther ain’t buying ammunition from CTD, lol.
My shooting activity has lessened in the past couple years.
This is I think the third panic that I’ve been able to ride out because I have a huge stash of ammunition. 2008 era was the only panic that I was caught without ammunition... that one had a sting to it.

So I guess this I also another Neener neener boo boo post. However, I know stangpanther ain’t buying ammunition from CTD, lol.
My shooting activity has lessened in the past couple years.
Always remember.....our crazy price season for ammunition is other people's normal. I have a friend that purchased his first handgun in June and he fell in love with shooting. I gave him two boxes of 50 count 9mm to welcome him to shooting. He saw the $8.95 price sticker and said "wow, don't you wish you had a lot of ammo from back then?". I didn't have the heart to tell him I did.

He has absolutely no ammo shortage. He buys plenty of it and shoots plenty of it. He is having a blast at the range every week blasting that $0.95 to $2.00 a round 9mm. Grins like a cheshire cat with every shot. This is his normal and life is good! People see him at the range and marvel at how much fun he is having. I love it.

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Every winter for several years I have finished a rifle stock from Richard's Microfit Stocks. Another gun was needed for next year, as every gun in the safe has been fitted. It was purely by chance I went to the local store and was eyeballing the new rifles. There was a new Savage model 10 in 223 and a Tikka t3 Forest in 222. The Savage was calling my name, but the Tikka 222 came home with me. The only reason was I have the dies and about 400 pieces of brass for 222 Remington. The supply of run of the mill 223 brass is limited, if even obtainable. Luckily I also have 750 Sierra blitzkings, which of course would work in 223. Point being, availability is a crapshoot right now.
People have hoarded 55gallon drums of everything ammunition related.

Some have hopes of cashing in, others are... well hoarding for whatever future stuff they think will come.
For many years I've seen the question asked "how much ammo should I have?" and my answer has always been, how much do you think you'll need if you can't get any more??

Well, thanks to a combination of panic buying mentality and ordinary greed, we're there now.

It wasn't all that long ago I was wondering where the next roll of toilet paper was going to come from.....other things have been in short, or even out of supply for a while now.

Supply and demand suddenly, rapidly went drastically out of balance. The recreational firearms community has seen several "panic bubbles" over the last couple decades. And we've got yet another one today, PLUS the effect of the virus pandemic (panicdemic??) frightening people across the political spectrum, and "mostly peaceful" protests scaring people even further.

So, guns, ammunition, and everything involved with keeping them running is at a premium right now, and since people will pay more to get what they need, or think they need, the price goes up.

OR, more realistically, the value of your money goes down.....
one of the "teaching" stories that went around back when survivalists felt the end of society due to (pick something...) was just around the corner...

wealthy guy buys gold (Krugerrands) to survive the coming crash...crash hits paper money is just paper...

He's hungry and the farmer has a bunch of chickens...
asks Farmer to sell him a chicken....
Farmer asks "whatcha got fer trade?"
"I got Krugerrands, gold!"
"hmmm well you give me a half dozen I'll give you a chicken...."
"That's crazy! These are gold, an ounce each!!!"
"well, just consider it an expensive chicken!"

Another guy shows up, wants to trade for a chicken...
"whatcha got to trade?"
"I got half a box of shells for that old .30-30 of yours..." (or some .22LR)

"How many chickens do you want fer 'em??"

I hope you see the point.
Two things to consider:

1) Manufactures are most likely working overtime, hiring more people and paying more for shipping. So, the price increase gets past on to the consumer. While we may not like this in most cases it is legitimate.

2) Price increase, shortages, and any hassle they can conjure up is exactly what the enemies of Freedom want. While they will obviously push hard for outright bans they will also work to make exercising our Constitutional Rights so onerous that many just give up under the Boot of Big Government.
"Not only is the cost of reloading equipment not included, neither is the time involved. Time is money."

Yeah, as soon as my hobbies start paying me a salary even remotely close to what my 9-5 job pays me, then my time spent reloading, etc., will be money.

I've always thought that statement is quite ludicrous, really. Of course, for Benjamin Franklin, who came up with that quote, time was literally money because he was trying to think up quasi-aphorisms and catchy little blurbs to fill the pages of his newspaper and almanac.

But, today, you only make money for time you spend working. Anyone here work 24x7x365? No, you actually sleep? What a waste of money earning potential!

And, if time is really money, what are you doing here? Are you getting paid by the keystroke?

And how about your family? What a huge financial suck in both terms of time (money) and actual money... Right?

And, for the love of God, do we really need another "I'm shocked! Ammo prices are high!" thread?

I think everyone knows that ammo prices are high, just as everyone knows that the only people being gouged by high ammo prices are those who are willing to pay those prices... and that's the joys of a Capitalist system -- the price point only bears what the customer is willing to pay.
Invest in garbage bags. Those too will soon be unattainable. People will be dumping stuff into them all the crap they bought during the “panic”. Yes, I know, lead, brass, and other components keep for a long period of time, but in this ever changing world, as the saying goes: FEAR=future events aren’t real!! or, *uck everything and run!!

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I've seen gas from about 27 cents a gallon to over four dollars.

I don't doubt it WILL go to over $ 5 a gallon sooner than we might think.

But I'm not buying 55 gal drums and hoarding fuel.

Its likely that with all the news of gasoline cars becoming extinct,we are heading toward the same issues buying fuel as we have buying ammo.

Might be a great time to host a Mad Max viewing party.

Soylent Green,too.
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