Got an idea for a "survival" rifle - tell me what you think

"Never heard of axe or shovel?" you ever heard of an ICE AXE or SNOW SHOVEL (in survival situ, look at a BLACKDIAMOND catalog or such and see the tools for snow and ice survival ), Futo your idea could work if engineered well enough, insead of axe how bout 12 ga barrel vent rib converted into blade like a sword, and use a 10ga barrel and underbore it like H and R does with their single shot.

I think most of these posts want you to take the ol crew cab dually with the gun safe and tool shed in back.

Read "About face" by Hackworth and see part where he says that the very large USGI spoon is one of the most useful tools to have in combat, where survival is definitley goal.

Based on these responces how did the leatherman tool gain such a wide following?

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited November 04, 1999).]
Well - if anything it will PISS OFF THE ANTI WEAPON Establishment to no end... THE Y2K Survivor...

I can just see the people FREAKING out about it!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
OK, Keith, since you've been there done that, I will have to concede the idea is "not so much". That's quite a harrowing story - glad you made it out. As you point out, a little wire saw is much lighter, if needed at all, and if you say a shovel is not needed, then I'm sure you're right - it just seems that a shovel could come in handy, perhaps not as much in a survival scenario as in a simple backpacking trip. How about this - the entire tool disquises the gun. From all outward appearances it is just an axe/shovel, with the muzzle and trigger assembly covered, for evading the Klinton Y2K Exective Order Gestapo force.
Well being from the Hatfield side of the tug river.. I gotta say we generally carry stuff like shot guns and mattocks in the SAME rack in the pick up truck. but hey, the must useful "survival" arm is a shotgun. As far as dangers of running into cultists, bears, black helicopters, etc... well you are far more likely to be bit in the ass by a copperhead or die of expsure or dehydration. (nice post about that btw) the "ultimate swiss army gun" might be the old venerable ar-7 in .22 lr (think you could make the stock into a canteen??)

Seriously, a firearm is the LAST bit of survival gear i pack and its usually something small and light like a ruger sp 101 in 357, somethiung i can throw in my pocket or in a map case, or in the river for that matter (stainless). Its a useful tool.. but not as important as a compass, map, gorp, a knife , canteen, and space blanket and waterproof matches. EVERY time I go into the woods.. even on a day hike I carry those items, sometimes i take a gun.

I think the most useful "backpacker" is a stainless, lightwieght take down rifle in 22lr.. the real question is... are you using it to hunt.. to "plink" or for "defense" I think the AR7 fits the hunting/survival role well and it floats 9(important if you take a canoe trip in the appalachias)

My 2¢ (and hey its good to be back)

Dr. Rob-- Good to see you on again...

Seems I read an old-timer one time mentioning the single finest "camp rifle"/survival gun to be, in his opinion, a Ruger semi-auto pistol. More accurate than many .22 carbines, it can easily be packed on the hip, and gathers small game well and can even make a considerable force to be reckoned with in a defensive application, if necessary. (Bear shots are best placed in the head, anyway-- trigger-fanning 10 rounds of even a .22 will ruin any ursus' day...) A BuckMark would be about the same.

Futo-- I don't se a big problem with your idea, especially if your shovel was just a smoothbore single shot handle in, say, .410 caliber or 20 guage. The action would be set up such that it could not be used as a shovel with a round in the chamber, and the shovel couldn't be fired when folded. Pretty simple to make if you reiterate that it's not a magnum goose gun. If you were going to bring a shovel anyway, you could readily bring 10 rounds of .410 with very little space or weight. An option for everyone, and the whole thing could be done for about $100.

But for most of us, if we're going to bring a gun, we bring a gun, designated as such, to be used as such.

And some of y'all aren't very nice. Funny, but NOT nice... ;)


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


I think the core of your idea is sound. If you're going to carry a rifle anyway, why not make some use of space to carry survival tools?

No reason a small blade, a wire saw, chem lights, space blanket, etc, couldn't be fitted into a hollow stock or something. Could you design something like that - would it work or would the stock be too flimsy?

Somebody above mentioned a .410/.22 combo - I like that idea. I think Savage makes one of those.

Can't you fire a .45 Colt in guns chambered for .410? - anybody know? That would be a very versatile combo. A hot .45 Colt would take out big game and two legged critters and you have a light shotgun and .22 for birds and rabbits.
To take it a step further, couldn't you have the chamber cut to accept a .454 Casull rather than the .45 Colt?

Now thats what I'm talking bout!

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
I guess I'm from the old school that regards a weapon as a weapon. I'm just seeing a Viking warrior with his combination sword/pick/shovel/oar with a toothpick and tweezers in the handle ....and the handy-dandy fold-out mead barrel tap for evening drink sessions....

Or using my shovel to dig a cat-hole in the woods, and being unable to fold down the shovel attachment quick enough to shoot the attacking mountain lion - when if I had a revolver, I could DRAW AND SHOOT with my free hand.

Sorry if I'm too set in my ways.
Savage makes several types of combos.
410/20/8??/12 under 223/22/22h??/3006/308?? not sure on all the numbers but I have the savage 223/12 preditor and a 22/20 combo also. The 22/20 was the first gun I learned to shoot on and it was a real accurate little gun. I must add that I have a 22 mark II from ruger and it is one of the most accurate pistols I have shot. with the bull barell there is hardely any kick and it stays on target nicely. Personnally if I am going to carry then I am going to carry something with a little bit more stopping power than a 22 but hey to each their own.
Model 24F Combination Gun
Suggested Retail - $438.00 (24F-20)
Ideal for hunters, campers or backpackers, this practical combination gun lets you match a 20 or 12
gauge shotgun with your choice of popular rifle calibers. Features a two-way top opening lever
providing convenient break-action for right or left-hand shooters. Drilled and tapped for scope
mounting, all models have a single trigger, low rebounding hammer with a built-in "two-position"
barrel selector and a crossbolt safety that blocks the hammer. Chambered for 2-3/4 and 3 inch shells,
the 12 gauge models come with Full, Modified and Improved Cylinder choke tubes. The 24F-12/410
also includes a "Four-Tenner" shotgun gauge adaptor, while the 20 gauge model sports a Modified