got a squirrel in my attic today


New member

It was making more noise in the ceiling than an elephant playing the drums.

I got the flashlight on it, and nailed in the face at one foot from the muzzle.
It was a 22 CB short, so I hope I did not put a hole in anything, if went through the animal.

That is spun glass insulation in it's mouth.

link below same as pic above


  • Douglas fir squirrel Win 61 4-7-2015.jpg
    Douglas fir squirrel Win 61 4-7-2015.jpg
    50 KB · Views: 283
Back when I was a kid. We occasionally had a problem with a squirrel or starling in the basement. We would shoot them with 22LR bird shot. It would stop them instantly at under 3 feet. If I remember correctly the pattern was 1-1/2" The shot would not pass through the wood sub flooring so was quite safe.
I've shot many squirrels with .22CB shorts. Many times, the bullet wouldn't exit. It would lodge under the skin on the opposite side of the entrance wound.
Usually scope height like that can result in impact being way low at really close ranges.
How far away was he?
Had a squirrel get into my patio garden. The squirrels are used to me leaving them alone. I've fed them and even had one running around my feet for the breadcrumbs I put outside for the bird (I was polishing a piece of metal). Anyway, since it got into the patio, I decided it wasn't getting out. It was happily munching away on my vegetables and would return if I didn't neutralize him. Skinned him and had him over the course of three meals.
I had a problem with thoes fluffy tail rats when we lived on base many years ago. A nice pellet gun and a pine cone with peanutbutter solved the problem. They chewed a hole in the gas tank on my sons 4 wheeler and tore up our garden. Problem solved.
OK... I'll bite.
What kind of squirrel stays still while a rifle barrel is placed 12 inches from it's snout ?

(or should I infer the spotlight froze it in place?)
Use a rodent poison like d-con or equivalent in the attic or elsewhere to get rid of squirrels.

I would not fire a 22 in my attic. Too dangerous. If for some reason you must shoot then a .17 pellet rifle maybe however the D-con is so much easier.

I would not fire a 22 in my attic. Too dangerous.
Depends on the situation.

My grandfather's house, with the closest neighbor behind a hill 1/2 mile away, and clear shooting for 1 to 2 miles in every other direction ...and no other occupants in the home? Yep, gonna shoot it.

My last house, in the middle of the Salt Lake Valley, with houses 20 feet on either side of me, and in every direction? Nope. Not gonna happen.
I even had to really watch what I did with my pellet rifle in that neighborhood, since the city considered any type of 'BB gun' or pellet rifle to be a "firearm" and prohibited their use in city limits.
The neighbors looked the other way when I'd shoot the invasive doves and rodents ... so long as I didn't cause any problems for them.
Firing a solid bullet in the attic is dangerous. I have shot squirrels in the attic with 22 fine shot. At 3-4 feet it won't penetrate walls roof, etc. Fix the hole where it got in.
it's only dangerous if you live close to others. it would be dangerous at my house, it wouldn't at my parents house.
Use a rodent poison like d-con or equivalent in the attic

Poisoning animals in your attic can lead to the little critters dying in the walls or other nooks & crannies resulting in a terrible smell for several weeks. The best option is to seal access points and use old fashioned traps smeared with peanut butter. Of course if you have a clear shot it does make things a little faster...
it's only dangerous if you live close to others. it would be dangerous at my house, it wouldn't at my parents house.
It could also lead to shooting through wiring or plumbing
Rat traps are better
I have used d-con with good results for decades.

We have a place in VT where d-con is deployed in the attic. There used to be mice there but not anymore.

Also here in CT I have it in the attic where it got rid of the squirrels.

We have never had any problem at all with dead mice or other rodents incl. the squirrels.
Squirrels in the attic - isn't that the name of a movie?
It sounds like the way we used to describe our goofy uncle.

The ones running around our roof sound like they're wearing army boots.
Hard to imagine how such a little critter can make so much racket.
But we leave them be and figure they help keep the snakes and barking frogs away.
Barking frogs, now there's an irritating sound.
You haven't seen anything until you see a .410 used on pigeons in the attic. It does require a little patch work to clean up. It's probably wiser to patch holes first and forget the gun work, if possible.