Got a different WC to try. 358 063

I didn't need em for these, but I do have an old Ideal 358429 HP (by Buckshot) that casts just a hair under my preferred .358, and I wanted to use them for that, but I don't have any of those cast, so these get the first test! :D

I did get em from the S&S forum over there.;)
I LIKEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D

Those PB gas checks look TITE !!!

Beagle333 ,those 358242s look like ZOMBIE boolits !!! Green & the pattern Rocks , too bad ya have to seat em to shoot em !!
Pat marlin over on cast boolits sells both regular gas check makers and plain base gas check makers. Very time consuming.

Naw, you just have to get into a rhythm and have at it--just like most other processes in this hobby/addiction. I have 2 from him and will probably die of old age before I run out of checks in .30 or .32 caliber. ;)
Naw, you just have to get into a rhythm and have at it
Get set up. Get your rhythm going. Keep cranking them out, until you run out of energy or materials... ;)

Right now, I only have a .30 cal check maker, but I could definitely use one in .44 caliber, too.
It's official.... I love Plain Base gas checks. These are lubed with TAC#1 (in its natural color). I am still going to pursue the powdercoating thing, because I don't like lubing. :)
Nearly all my .35 cal molds are PB, so they are all getting new shoes! :D

I tried one of Pat Marlins plain base gas check makers in 35 cal. They would not stay on the bullet. They seemed tight when I loaded them, but I would find them on the ground right in front of where I was shooting a few feet from the end of my barrel. No telling if they were still on the bullet as it exited the barrel, or if they were flying out after the bullet.
I thought about that, and "just in case", I put a small dot of red Locktite on the center of each check before I seat it. I just line a row of em up, dab em all with a pinhead sized spot, and seat. I can't say it works 100%, but I haven't noticed any on the ground during testing yet. :)
I'll keep track of your PBGC experiences. Like I mentioned I picked up a quantity of them but haven't even tried them out yet. I figured I might need them for the MP 358-640's but so far I haven't found the need.

They seem to shoot just fine with the couple of thrown together loads I have tried. Of course I haven't really sat down and worked up to see just how hard I can push them yet, but for mid level pressure and velocity they are doing fine out of the GP-100.

Oh and I was gonna ask about those GC'ed DEWC's but then I remembered those are the "SPECIAL" ones with the nice HP on one end specially for those TURTLES. :D
I tried one of Pat Marlins plain base gas check makers in 35 cal. They would not stay on the bullet. They seemed tight when I loaded them, but I would find them on the ground right in front of where I was shooting a few feet from the end of my barrel. No telling if they were still on the bullet as it exited the barrel, or if they were flying out after the bullet.
Back in the day when Lyman was the only gas check maker in town (before any such thing as a "crimp-on" gas check), it was considered alright and even correct for gas checks to fall from the bullets as they left the barrel. The conventional wisdom then was, "...they have done their job." In those days, I wondered if the fact that some fell off and some did not (found spent bullets with checks still on), could change the flight characteristics and therefore the impact point between those with and those without. Then Hornaday made that a moot point with their crimp-on checks.