Goodbye Springfield Armory Mil-Spec 1911


New member
Springfield Armory has apparently dropped the Mil-spec versions of its 1911 frame pistols. If you want one better hurry.

It's worse.

If you want a new 1911 from Springfield (after 18 Jan 2001 ?) it will be one with the "pc" internal lock with separate key and the "sell-out" loaded chamber indicator.

see for the bad news

makes me sick

Great price !

I picked one up 2 months ago for $495 NIB and will pick up another one tomorrow for $ 375 (3 months old less than 150 rds through it).

Its not too bad news...

The Integrated lock, it is reported, can be completly removed with the replacement of the main spring housing, and a loaded chamber indicator couldnt hurt. The new SAs also come std. with nite sites, and de-horning, plus a dovetailed front site to make them more competitive with Kimbers on features. No harm, no foul from Springfeild Armory.

Also check out the new models with the integrated rail to mount a tac light on the dust cover. :)
I love my mil-spec

My mil-spec compact from Springfield is a great little pistol. Sorry to see them go. Guess all 1911s will be dressed up from now on.

Oh well.

BTW, I for one have no heartburn with SA's integral lock or loaded chamber indicator. I don't feel sold out like I do with S & W. I would own one without hesitation.
I realize that it's not all SA's fault. They do alot for the industry with corporate sponsorship. They make excellent weapons, chosen by the FBI etc, etc.

I'd rather see them make these changes if it means their survival.

I'm not calling for a boycott. I have a standard M1A that i enjoy and will shortly have a second mil-spec 1911. I'm sure I'll continue buying SA products.

On the 1911 issue, though, there will now be the added cost of getting what I'll really want in future purchases. I'll have to buy and fit a replacement mainspring housing for example.

What makes me sick is the "climate" that makes these changes "necessary". Once instituted, whether by law or corporate fear of litigation, 10-round mags, stamped warning label on barrels, Colt's firing pin block, SA's ILS (integrated locking system) and cross-bolt safeties on lever action rifles will never go away. To me they are all signposts down the one-way street of more restriction and less freedom.

That's just sad.

My biggest problem with my Mil Spec is that the ejection port isn't lowered like it is on the later guns. Mine was actually "used" in that I bought it from the gunshop where I worked. It came in on a trade, but the guy had purchased it and had never shot it.

It has a nasty habit of occasionally catching a case as it is ejected and tearing the case mouth pretty badly.

A friend has one of the later ones, with the lowered port, and his doesn't do that.

I've handled some recent Springfields and have been impressed with them. I won't buy one because of BRAZIL stamped on the side of the frame. Couldn't they put that in a more unobtrusive place? Shazamm, Gomer, I hate that BRAZIL stamp. Other than that I think they are pretty decent pieces of machinery.
Just buy a used Springfield Armory 1911. There are so many you can easity find one during what's left of our lifetime. If Springfield finds they aren't selling new ones who knows what they'll do.

I believe the days of concessions are over for a while. Judges are throwing malicious suits out of court and the new president and incoming attorney general are different people. If the returning democrate (UGH) secretary of the treasury who is over the BATF doesn't treat us right we'll just tell dubya bout him.

Wow! I really like the new "Custom Loaded" Springfield 1911s!

I have the regular "Loaded" in full-size, and my complaints were 1) sharp edges (had it "carry" beveled) and 2) staked on front sight. Seems like Springfield dealt with those complaints and threw in some extras like illuminated sights and whatnot. These extras make Springfield 1911s even more competitive with Kimbers.

As for the titanium pin, what advantage does it offer? Faster lock time, perhaps? Drop-safer?

i have good News, the Springfield Mil-Spec M1911A1 is still beening made, i E-Mail Springfield Armomy and they said that they are still giting there new Web site up, and they have not put all the info up about all there Guns, and when they have it all up the Mil-Spec M1911A1 will be there.
Well i'm glad they'll still be available. But with a loaded chamber indicator and key lock they sure won't be "mil-spec"

There is nothing wrong with Brazil...
There is sumthin very wrong about these new integral locks.
I dont think I will ever buy a new Springfield now... At least not one with these changes. John Browning would be PISSED!
George Hill, and all

1. George, your web page kicks major ass. Molon labe.

2. You (George) deserve the Mech Tech Carbine Conversion Unit. The only thing I don't like about mine is that I can't take it completely apart to clean it. With a 3x9 Simmons scope, the 16" Jarvis barrel shoots 185 grain .45 ACP SWC into golf ball sized groups at 100 yards. With a Trijicon Reflex II sight, you can score multiple rapid hits easily at 50 yards on pie plate sized targets.

3. I've wanted a Springfield Mil model 1911A1 for a long time, and after reading this thread today I went out and bought a hardly used one for $500 that doesn't say Brazil anywhere I can see. This is the only Government Model 1911 I will own, once it comes to live here in ten days. After that, J.M.B. will always have a presence in my safe, whatever the lawyers and the lawmakers may do to us.

4. Living in California sucks. The rest of you be more careful than we were.

Regards to all,

Thanks Led... And Welcome to the 1911 Owners Guild.
You have a fine example that gets better and better every time you shoot it. Some loving care from an artisan smith will render that second hand government model worthy of the Gods.
I have a slightllly different view on the integral locks.
I view them as extreme B***-kissery and an attempt to supplicate ourselves to the all-powerful Charles Schumer? et al. I have no use for any such gun and will never purchase or use one. I like real guns.
I just picked up a new loaded Springfield today for $550 with Novak sights.

Hopefully, I can fire off some rounds tomorrow. I think before I spend any more dollars on even more firearms, I'm going to "tweak" this one a little at least.
Since we're back at the top

I'll add that I picked up my Springfield Milspec todayand expect to fire it tomorrow for the first time. It joins my Commander and my Officer's, so now I'll have one of each length.

Aside from some internal slicking up, I'm leaving this gun exactly stock forever.


Check under your grips and see if Brazil is mentioned. I had a friend pick up a Stainless Springfield "Loaded" last year and it was marked on the frame underneath the grips...