Goodbye little Smith! The 642 is gone.

Any skill worth having takes practice and patience. The Alloy frame J frames are not overly pleasant to shoot but they are #1 when you consider weight=size-power . It just takes time and rounds down range.

It always amazes me that those who complain about the recoil of the J frames claim they just love their snubby K & L frames! (probably not with magnums though)
My 642 isn't that bad really---I shoot 125gn +P's in it exclusively----but then again full house heavy .357's in my SP101 don't bother me either.

Maybe its an acquired taste like coffee or beer----something you shy away from initially and go for enthusiastically with continued use.
It always amazes me that those who complain about the recoil of the J frames claim they just love their snubby K & L frames! (probably not with magnums though)

Why's that? My 3" K-frame (65LS) has far less recoil with typical magnums than my 442 does with pretty much anything. If I go all steel, my 21oz Taurus 85 isn't too bad with regular .38 (though a bit stout with +P), thus similar to my 65LS with various magnum rounds. Only when you get to my ~25oz Rossi 461s (one 2" and one 3") is the recoil in .38 definitely lower than the recoil of my 65LS with magnums, but then we are getting pretty heavy for snubs and they are pretty comfortable to shoot .38 and .38+P (though magnums out of them are not really fun, OK for a couple cylinders, but not fun).
That's my point, if you choose to carry an Airweight j frame, practice with carry (or equivalent) ammo with the grips you intend to use for concealed carry. You will get used to the recoil as long as you use proper grip. Gripping a revolver is not the same as gripping an auto.
When I want to just have fun shooting, I shoot a relatively heavy revolver with wadcutters and I shoot soda cans and plastic bottles.
I think the key to super light j-frames is to practice often but in small batches. My first few cylinders are right on the mark but after that fatigue starts to set in. I don't think for me there's any advantage of putting more than a box of cartridges through it at a time. Shoot a few cylinders every few weeks. I carry with 158 grain flat-nosed rounds and that's what I use to practice.
My 642 was unpleasant to shoot with +P ammo at first too. I later lowered my grip position with the web of my hand even with the tops of the grips about 3/8" from the top of the back strap - made all the difference for me.

I use the 135 +P Speer for my defensive load and have loaded the same bullet as well. The 148 wadcutter loads are relatively mild to shoot even in the Airweight.

rodfac - that is a very nice target with the P365! There is a shop not too far from here that has a P365 available for rent. I sure hope I don't like it too much!
Thread is a little old, but one very real advantage to the 442/642 is that a person can easily modify his or her ammunition choice to suit the user from mild to pretty wild. From 148 grain wadcutters to 110 grain std pressure HPs to 158 grain SWCs to 130 or 35 grain plus Ps to 158 grain LSWCHP+Ps without having to shoot several boxes of each potential carry load to make sure it cycles and functions in the weapon. An aging or injured person can tailor loads to suit his or her current capabilities rather easily. If it fits in the cylinder, it’s pretty well going to shoot. Not necessarily so, in a subcompact semi auto.
Good point, Laz. Same advantages especially apply to relatively light-weight revolvers chambered in .327 Federal Magnum.
New member here, this looks like as good a place as any to jump in!

A 642 has been my daily carry for over 15 years, and I've shot over 5,000 rounds through it. Most have been 125gr LRN at 955fps, and I find it delightful to shoot. I think the grip helps a lot, I went through quite a few finding the right one.

There's some great viewpoints here; I've never considered the snubby hard to master, but when I think about it I've been shooting them all my life.
When I started shooting small pocket guns, snubbies, and Micro 9mm, I thought some had heavy recoil snappy or what ever.
Now, I find them all to be just very easy to shoot and never have problem. I think a person builds a immunity to them. They have the same recoil, just the perception has changed dramatically.

My carry guns are all small. My favorite is the Kahr CM 9 which I love. So small, so mild. And the Pico, and the Kahr CW380.
That said, I love the 642. Love the light weight. Do not the recoil is anything but mild. I train a lot with the LCR9mm.
As Hickcock45 is fond of saying when shooting the Snubbies. "There is just something about them." Needless to say, I love shooting them.
The thing is, there's nothing wrong with the Model 36/60. It fits in your pocket or in a holster and can shoot +P in a pinch. But even with a 642, if you need to shoot it in a moment of peril, that lightweight gun will do the job and you'll be none the worse for wear. The gun is +P rated and if you have it on you, recoil will be the least of your concerns.

S&W 60 .38 Special.

Years ago, I had a .357 derringer. Talk about palm-smacking! It only took two rounds, but back then they didn't give concealed weapons permits, so I had to carry it illegally. Never had to use it, fortunately, but my practice sessions were very short. And having only two shots meant I had to carry it discreetly and in a place I could draw and fire it, hitting what I had to at very close quarters.

Nowdays, I'd prefer a 642 or a Ruger SP-101 with three +Ps and two .357s. But my Model 36/60 with +Ps would be fine too. I'd love to have a S&W 60 .357, but I can't afford it.

But another favorite is a Model 317 .22LR kit gun. It holds eight shots and is super light.

S&W 317.

Snubs are not now, and have never been, the guns of choice for the amateur.
I was new to shooting when I purchased a 442. Wasn’t very accurate with it at all. Sold it for the same price I paid for it, and bought a Glock 43 which I shoot pretty well. I’ve made some good and bad swaps with pistols, and this is one I don’t regret.
Good, hand-filling grips make a huge difference. Those tiny 'lemon-peel grips of yesteryear are pure pain to shoot with. Even a simple adapter, like a Tyler T-Grip, makes a huge difference.
Once you have something that's comfortable AND you find the right load, the little blasters can be a ton of challenging fun to shoot!
For the past few years all I shoot and carry are my 442s. I also have a bobbed 37. The stock grips aren’t to good for my old hands so I use Pachmayr Compacts and Hogue Tamers. I really like these little guns


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I lucked into a 642-1 at a pawn shop for $214.00; to include a Bianchi OWB holster that looks like something Tubbs wore.

I love the little thing for it's concealability and utter reliability.

However, shooting it in front of people is most humbling. However, with practice with some powder puff cowboy loads and a rest, it is mechanically accurate as all get out.

I can't decided if I like the new Federal HST wad cutters or the Hornady Critical Defense more in it.

I call it with my swim trunks gun because I can carry it in swim trunks and do on occasion.
I was new to shooting when I purchased a 442. Wasn’t very accurate with it at all. Sold it for the same price I paid for it, and bought a Glock 43 which I shoot pretty well. I’ve made some good and bad swaps with pistols, and this is one I don’t regret.
I have a 442. Don't particularly care to shoot it. I consider it a across the room gun and it isn't hard to hit well enough at that distance for me.
I just put my 642 on consignment....Bought it when I was a recruit. Great gun to carry...shooting not so much. Got tired of lying to myself about combat accuracy and adrenaline... I Carry guns I shoot often

One of my favorite pocket 38spl is my Ruger LCR357 ... with the boot grip .. The little extra heft makes it possible to handle the 38spl +P ,even with the short boot grip ....Its easier to handle 357mag with the regular grip ...