Good place to hunt vermin in oregon?

1858 remmy

New member
Hi, im looking for a place where i could help out a farmer, or rancher with any varmint problems. id like to test out my new rifle sometime this spring.
Thanks :D
I think I would be looking at hog hunting in Oregon and not in the spring bu when ever it is open as Winter still has not hit for Oregon and of course Washington.
do a web search and you will find that the counties are all mapped out. The states fish and wildlife wants them gone pronto as they state that some 6000 of them have come up from California.
I've heard that there are feral pigs along the Oregon side of the boarder with California. I talked to a guy that lived down that way some years back was told that there are a few.

The state hires a professional hunter and trapper to keep pigs out. I don't know who that is but I'd like to be his friend. I'd help for free...

About 20 years back I talked with some guys that were talking about releasing pigs in the Tillamook forest area. I think it was just talk but considering my feelings about the area, I wish it had happened...

You don't want pigs in oregon... I hope people have enough sense not to release them....

I live in the PAC NW now and I'd hate to see the same thing that's happened in the south
The states fish and wildlife wants them gone pronto as they state that some 6000 of them have come up from California.

A whole 6000? Wow! There are spots in TX and FL that will have 6000 on a single ranch. :D
6000 in one spot well then heck they would be easy to eradicate if Texans and Flordans could shoot straight.

There is a tri state commission now Oregon, Washington and Idaho focused on iradicating hogs. We had em in Washington in the Olympics. They were eradicated and put in freezers in short order.
The problem is... You can only shoot one pig in a sounder.... The all hell breaks loose... Mayhem of biblical proportions ensue....

Might catch another if lucky

If you are hunting on a ranch, you can't just pop off rounds without ensuring no livestock are behind the pig.. I've shot pigs standing next to cows on a busy ranch, carefully... A second pig isn't usually an option because no time to make a safe decision
Round here if I watch sales I can get the panels for $14 and the T posts for $3....besides they are reusable and a couple hunters could easily swing it to clean up an area and put meat in the freezer much easier.

Here is a link to the best set up I have seen so far. You do not have to purchase from these guys just pirate how they do it.
I've used a number of methods through the years, both trapping and gun hunting them.

In the south, they may never be eradicated. The best way to control them is to pressure the feral pigs and they will go somewhere else for a while. After a few months, a new group sets up shop.

If used enough, the presence of a box trap can be a great deterent.

I find it more fun just to wait in a shadowy place late at night and shoot one when they show up....

I actually miss pig hunting, I've been out of Texas for a year now. I don't want washington or oregon to have a pig problem though, it's a beautiful area
Cost wise, a .223 round out of a already owned AR is a lot cheaper than 80-150 bucks, at a minimum, for a trap that large hogs tear to hell. I'm not talking a 200# pig. We caught a boar tearing up a deer feeder that weighed in over 500lbs. Our scales didn't go any bigger and he pegged them. We used a backhoe to load him up and bury him off that site. The west coast may think they've seen big hogs, those "big hogs" are eatin sized. No where near as big as the southern hogs.

Maybe you did not watch all the video at the link I posted. Yes the hogs do bang into the fence and a few do kill themselves but they do settle down eventually and the paneling with a post at the joints and half way holds just fine as those are six foot T posts.

I posted the link for a reason so you could watch and see how a company that makes money at it does it. Flapping yer gums does not change the videos showing how it can be done correctly.

I raised hogs for six years and was a show manager for four. I know well what a hog or steer can do and how to handle em.
You can only make money if they are alive... Then you got people claiming animal cruelty because they kill each other during transport...

Then if one of them breaks your leg while handling them, there goes any profit.. Feral pigs have a different attitude about being transported.
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The problem here Art is epidemic across the country. To many people are just lazy and half do things. They can not even be bothered to check out how professionals do something that may make their hunting or other endevor more successful.

If I lived in Oregon or visited any other state with hogs I would set up my hunting equipment to give me the best advantage.