Good News

orionengr, I agree about the safe, but the OP indicated it's a no-go at his apartment. Dog might be a similar issue.

One other point with a dog - while I like them, and recommend them, it's with a caveat: Only get a dog if you like dogs, and will give it the care and love it needs. Otherwise, both you and the dog will most likely be very unhappy.
Yeah, that's why I don't have a dog. I work 10+ hours a day four days a week. Next week, I start school. There's no way I could give a dog the attention and care he deserved, so that's just not happening.

I'm considering asking to be moved to a first-floor apartment. Maybe they'd see things a bit differently on gun safes considering the circumstances.
So Achilles,

The cops took YOUR DNA, YOUR FINGERPRINTS, and kept YOUR rifle for ballistics check? Why?

I'm pretty sure that does not happen here in Texas when cops interview someone who's house/apartment has been burglarized.

I am pretty sure you are wrong, Deaf.

They need his prints in order to eliminate them. They need to run ballistics in case the thieves used the rifle in a felony while they had it.

The DNA is iffy, but I would guess that is also for elimination so they could focus on matching any other traces on the rifle.
Well Mleake,

All I can say is I've had a bicycle stolen before and they sure didn't take my DNA nor fingerprints. And I sure don't hear of anyone getting their car stolen around here and having anything else done like that. Same goes for ballistics. But then that's Texas, and not where this happened.

Well Deaf, a stolen bicycle usually isn't the object of concern for LE that a stolen rifle would be. Stolen bicycles are rarely used to rob, rape, assault, or murder. LE will not typically dust if, say, a laptop and camera are stolen from a burglarized home. I know that, firsthand.

I also know the investigating officer's very first question to my wife was, "Were any guns stolen?"

When she said no, they were in the safe, the officer was very relieved, and the investigation went back to routine mode.

Local paper had an article today about a stolen gun having been used in a rape attempt, BTW. Rapist failed in the attempt, and was arrested. Gun turned out to have been stolen from a local car last week...

Edit: Thought I should provide the link; took a while to find it, which surprised me, because it ran in yesterday's paper.
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You must be one fortunate veteran. The chances of another incidence like yours ending the same way is very slim. I'm glad you will be able to recover all your possessions. I hope he gets the maximum imprisonment.
Thanks to everyone for the support. Pbearperry, Missouri is usually pretty conservative and as such definitely frowns on people stealing things from someone else's place. Time will tell, I look forward to attending the trial.

Doublea A, I am a very fortunate veteran, I know I am in the minority on this one. Luck had more to do with this than anything else, but like my dad says, I'd rather be lucky than good any day.