Good, Healthy Breakfast?

Skunk -

Instant oatmeal falls into the "processed foods" category - it's amazing how they can take something really good for you and reduce its goodness for the sake of convenience...

That said, real oatmeal (Quaker Oats, etc.) is inexpensive, and can be ready in nearly the time that instant is - boil water, add oats, cook for 1 minute, and it's ready.

I add frozen fruit like blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. plus some honey. Usually suppliment it with some lead sausage or some other protein source.

Just my $.02
as a general rule of thumb:

- protiens and fats will make you feel fuller, longer

- complex carbs like starches, cereal grains, bread, etc will give you more energy for sustained activities

- simple sugars like fructose and sucrose will provide you with the short but more intense burst of energy.

Look at the constituents of what you eat to come up with a balanced combo. Fruit is a great snack for between the meals when you feel like you are going to bonk, but I don't like to rely on it solely as a meal.

If you "don't like" straight milk or yogurt makes you queasy, you could be semi-lactose intolerant. People can start off as kids drinkin milk and then become lactose intolerant later on - or so they say. If you don't want to drink milk look to SILK or Soy Milk, products like that. They have an 'interesting' taste.

PErsonally, I love the stuff that tastes like cardboard.

Must take some of you guys forever to make breakfast.
Oatmeal! I've always loved the taste of plain oatmeal. Not the instant junk in packets, but buy the big containers. No sugar, no maple syrup, just a big bowl of hot, fresh oatmeal!
Two eggs over easy on toast, a bannana, apple, or peach, and a big fat glass of OJ. That's Good livin. I don't know about healthy eatin or not, but it is good livin.
A cup o' blackcurrant tea followed by a bowl of Post Blueberry Morning cereal with fresh sliced strawberries makes for a very accurate day at the range. :cool: I use 1% milk.
Okay. On 05 Jan 2001, I decided that I had to do something. Talked with several folks who I work with (R&D area of a large pharma company), and then I went on a strict carbohydrate-limiting diet.

Felt like crap warmed over for about a week.

After two weeks, I felt better than I had in 10 years.

On 05 Jan 2001, I weighed approx. 380.

This weekend, I weighed 275.

And I'm a big boy - My goal is to drop to 240-250.

I eat omelets, steaks, shrimp, lobster, and all that good stuff. This morning I had a three-egg bacon, sausage, ham & cheese omelet. Had a big salad with ham and turkey for lunch. Dinner will either be a bacon cheeseburger, without the bun, or something to be determined.

I don't get hungry.

I'm off blood pressure medication.

My cholesterol is down. Yes. Down. Triglycerides are WAY down. Blood sugar is, of course, way down. But I have more energy.

My knees don't hurt anymore.

Just bought a bicycle, but I'm a little nervous about riding it since they don't allow CCW in this state...

I don't eat sugar, bread (or any processed flour), pasta, grits (corn is high in sugar), potatoes, etc. - ONLY RARELY will I eat more than a couple of ounces of this sort of stuff. And NEVER refined sugar products. It was a bitch the first couple of months, but hey, it's better than being fat.
Normally my breakfast consists of 1 or more cups of coffee with creamer.

Bogie, good on ya on the weight loss.

I tried the Atkins diet (no carbs, high protein) for about 3 weeks before I started having visual and auditory halucinations, and started feeling REALLY bad -- I mean to the point where I really thought I had serious medical problems.

Actually, I did.

When I went to the doctor, I was excreting large amounts of protein in my urine, to the point where my kidneys were starting to shut down, my liver enzymes were COMPLETELY out of whack, as were my pancreatic functions.

He toyed with the idea of hospitalizing me so I could go on dialysis, but I shot that down.

I went on a strict NO protein diet for about 2 weeks, virtually all carbohydrates (that was joyful, too) and had daily blood tests done.

The Atkins diet works for some people, but for some people it can be dangerous.

I'm on Weight Watchers, and have lost weight. The biggest problem is maintaining my motiviation. When I remain motivated, I lose.

Thing about this diet, I'm not eating "high protein." I'm eating about what I would have before - Bacon & eggs in the morning, etc., but I'm skipping part of the meal - No toast, grits or hash browns, no sugar, etc... Bacon cheeseburgers are okay if you don't have the bun, and steaks while passing on the baked potato are just fine... I'm not eating "double" the steaks, etc...

A high protien diet (i.e., eating triple the amount of protien) and a diet devoid of carbohydrates are pretty much the same thing.

Some people just can't handle a diet so far out of balance, and I'm one of them.