Good, Healthy Breakfast?


New member
On thoughts on my lethargy post, what's a good healthy breakfast to eat? As cereal commercials and moms tout that breakfast is 'the most important meal of the day', what's something that's nutritous, economical and energizing? I felt this is kinda gun/combat related because I want something that helps me maintain an alert mindset, as opposed to something that would drain me (i.e. milk).

BTW, I don't drink milk straight, but can eat stuff like yogurt, even if it makes me a little queasy, even if it's a little expensive. Stuff like hash browns make me feel really heavy. I like fruits, but they don't fill you up. Cereal is good, but takes me forever to eat because I eat it dry (no milk) but I can eat it on the go. Stuff like pop tarts and waffles are tasty, I can eat it on the go, but are expensive and I don't know how much nutritional value it has.

Your thoughts? Hopefully fixing my diet will help me with my condition white problem, which I've been fighting lately.

I stay away from coffee because it makes me pee too much (kinda hard to go tactical when you have to go peepee!), I usually drink water for breakfast, can I do better?
Egg omelete, your choice of ingredients, bowl of instant outmeal, glass of fruit juice and a multi vitamin. (Small portions of each)

Filling, nutritional and won't weigh you down.
I'm guessing cold pizza, stale popcorn, and warm, flat beer isn't what you're looking for here...:p (Whataminute--are you
still in college? Or did I confuse you with another skunk...?)

Pancakes are a traditional high-energy breakfast. You could get a similar boost from similar foods--i.e. waffles, biscuits.
Try Tigers Milk or some of the similar non-dairy milk substitutes for th elactose intolerant. (End Lactose Intolerance Now! sez the bumper sticker.) The way dairy prices here in the Pacific Northwet are going, they'll probably be cheaper anyway.

Chech out the physical fitness section of your local library, and fitness magazines and columns in newspapers--diet is a frequent topic. Don't forget the importance of what you eat the rest of the day.
Grits, couple pork chops, couple three eggs, fruit juice works for me unless it is gonna be a high strain day.. Then a hefty spaghetti dinner makes a decent breakfast.

Or juevos rancheros with chorizos and a goodly bit of fried taters.

Eating is a major pleasure.

Shame you don't do milk. Great tween meals snack is ultra slim fast (powder) made with whole milk, sugar and a touch of cinammon.

If I wanna power up in the morning I'll eat a Clif Bar and drink a Met-Rx shake, but that's expensive. For cheap you should probably eat oatmeal or muesli and drink some fruit juice. Granola bars and fruit juice are good too. I'd stay away from stuff that's greasy. It tastes good going down but it'll do you no good if you have to move quickly. Down a good multi vitamin. The Shaklee brand is awesome. Most other multi vitamins like Centrum, GNC, etc. have a binding agent that is basically like road tar. Do you want that stuff floating in your body? Don't forget to work out regularly as that will make you more energized throughout the entire day. Something along the lines of 35-50 pushups, a good many sit ups/leg ups, stretching, squats, and some cardio will keep you feeling great.

C.R. Sam- Wow! You really eat all that in the morning? And you still stay must have a very high metabolism!
Human hummingbird.:D Ticks off my partner, we bout same height and he has a hundred pounds on me.....yet consumes bout half the calories.

Sam........ten stone and far.
Try yogurt with Grape Nuts cereal mixed in with it. Healthy, tastes good, gives some texture the the yogurt.
I like yogurt, but it's the texture that drives me nuts. It's like it makes me gag or something, even if I like the taste.

What is the benefit of multivitamins? I have a jar of that Centrum stuff, and take it whenever I remember (oh, every third day or so?) but I don't notice any difference.

As for oatmeal, is that instant stuff OK? It's expensive, but it's fast. The cheap stuff is blah, how do I make it interesting, mix fruit with it?

What juice is ideal, or are they all the same?

What's the most economical way to eat yogurt? Those small cans of yogurt are really expensive.

Something quick to prepare would be ideal.
I've always found Fruit makes me feel about the best in the morning.

Although I LOVE some good bacon & eggs, hash, homefrys etc w/ everything cooked in some good bacon greese, that just tends to make me want to go right back to bed.

Fresh cantalope, banannas, strawberrys etc makes me feel great though. Doesn't weigh you down, and has enough natural sugar to wake your brain up.
Breakfast of Champions

Three poached fluffy white eggs, four slices of apple smoked bacon, country fried potatoes, a pan fried piece of kielbasa, two pancakes with sryup and butter, a bowl of fresh cut fruit, a cup of coffee, orange juice and ice water.


Two eggs over medium, back bacon, grilled bangers and mash, thick slice of fried tomato, beans on toast, tea.

Both provide lots of energy throughout the day.
I try to always eat meals that cover the three major food groups, Sugar, Caffeine and Preservatives. Since I work nights and live the life of a vampire, this is very important. Normally breakfast is is Papa Johns, KFC, Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, and most other fast food joints I pass on the way to work.
Are sugars in fruits and yogurt better than something like say...Capn Crunch?
Sugar is sugar. But I'll bet you'll feel better after some fruit than you will after captain crunch. The Capatain has a bunch of extra crap in it thats just not necessary for sustaining life.
The sugar that you get in fruit is balanced by all the other stuff in the fruit, like water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It probably wont make you crash as hard as a kids' cereal would.

Whole wheat toast with some butter would also be good.

Fruit would give you instant fuel, but not the kind that lasts all day. A starchy food, like toast or oatmeal would give you longer lasting energy. Yogurt, or a hardboiled egg would give you some protien (and hardboiled eggs are very easy to prepare and consume). A combination of the three would be ideal (for me). I wouldn't worry about fat. You will probably get enough without having to plan it ;) .

Juice might give you a little too much sugar, causing you to crash later on, but I am not a doctor or a nutritionist, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I would stick to water.

Hope you feel more alert!

--Todd Dow
Skunk- Like I said, Centrum and most commercial vitamins are bound with an agent something like tar. If you're gonna take multi vitamins take good ones.
Home made bread (with lots of flour fresh-ground from whole wheat) with butter & honey on it. Whatever else you want with that. Learn to make it yourself, or marry someone who makes it. (I recommend second option.)

I like a cereal called Kashi. All fiber & protein. Tastes like cardboard, 'till I add a BUNCH of raisins (for iron) and fresh banana slices (for potassium to calm your nerves). Then itspretty yummy.

Good ol' Cream of Wheat. Or oatmeal. Flavor it up with raisins & brown sugar and its yummy.
For me, Tues and Thurs it's bran cereal with bananas and strawberries. Mon,Wed,& Fri, it's a custard filled donut and chocolate milk in order to cancel out the hour at the gym in the morning. Sometimes if I end up spending more than an hour working out, I'll throw in a Scooter Pie just to be safe.
If the price of individual yogurt is too high for you, try buying a large container of a high quality, low fat plain yogurt. Then add some frozen berries, canned fruit, or whatever you like and mix it with some honey to sweeten it up. Yummy!

--Todd Dow
Daily, for several years has been instant oatmeal with cinamonn,
non-daily creamer, and sugar substitute. Lasts several hours 'til
lunch.:) (Occasionally also toast and margarine.)
Oh Yea; morning coffee and cigs with my medication......