Good Gun Laws, Bad Gun Laws

eh, I don't mind cases where safety training is mandatory for CCW. if you can't afford a $50 course but you can afford a $200 gun plus $20 worth of ammo something is sketchy

I also don't have a problem with the current 4473 forms. some record of transaction needs to be kept. I can't think of many others...except maybe limitations on hand grenades and other such things like that despite the fact that they seem to fall under the definition of "arms"

the worst? I live in Illinois. no CCW, FOID cards, no ownership in Chicago, yada yada
In Michigan there are no laws against open carry, but in order to transport a pistol in a vehicle you need to have it locked in the trunk or furtherest away from the passenger compartment as possible, and ammo stored separetely. If you have a CCW however you can have your gun on the passenger seat in full view for anyone to see. Doesn't make sense you need a conceled weapons permit to have a gun in plain view, only applies in a vehicle though.
Good: In Massachusetts, if you have a LTC-A, you can carry in bars and establishments that serves liquor

Dumb: If you live in Boston, MA, you're not allowed to possess large cap mag ( more than 10 rounds )
But if you have a LTC-A from anywhere else in the state, and is not a Boston resident , or you have a MA non-resident LTC, you are allowed to possess large cap mags , you can even take them into Boston.
i might come under alot of heat for saying this but in ohio you only have to attend a ccw class once every 5 years. i think it should be every year because not every ccw holder will actually practice on a regular basis. so if its mandatory to show you still have enough skill to hit the target once a year i would feel alot safer. as a security officer i have to requalify every year and every year the instructor asks has anyone practiced since the last class and fewer hands go up every year. everyone would be surprised how bad a shot alot of security officers are in ohio but they would be even worse if they only have to requalify once every 5 years like regular citizens.

PS: anyone that tries to say that security officers are more likely to get into a shoot out than a regular citizen due to the job probably has never been a security officer in ohio.
Any bayonet law is pretty retarded, when was the last time you heard about someone being stabbed to death by a bayonet?

Also I don't much care for the laws regarding pistols and assault weapons here in Minnesota, they don't make a whole lot of sense. You have to get a permit to purchase one and you have to wait a week for the back ground check that they do which seems rather redundant with the federal background check system. Its more of a hassle than anything else, at least they don't charge you for it.
Hey, Matt870.. how about that new law discussed in yesterday's (2/25/08) papers? About allowing for firing of the firearm to "substantial" bodily harm, and garages and such? It seems kind of Floridian in scope. Very expansive and liberal, not exactly Liberal. This state seems to be allowing what some would perceive as too much freedom to CCWers and home-defense. It hasn't been passed or anything but MN seems to be pretty good about the whole right to self-defense at this point already.

The permit to purchase a handgun is free and doesn't take much time. You can always cower in fear for 1-2 weeks while you're waiting, but after that it's just a phone call with your permit at the gun shows and gun shops.

Stupid gun law? How about the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA68), when small finely made imported handguns from Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium could no longer be exported to the US and sold here, simply because they were not of the correct size. There was a point system to follow!

Beautiful and reliable guns from old world masters at Walther, Mauser, Beretta, Bersa, Browning FN, CZ and other famous gun makers were now considered to be "Saturday night specials."

It also gave birth to our domestically produced and often unreliable "cheap pot metal" small caliber guns like Jennings, Sterling, Davis, Bryco, Jiminez, etc.
Bad? pretty much anything that limits the rights of citizens who are law abiding.

Good gun laws, no real thing unless you figure the laws that make crime with a firearm serve double time or the like. That is, robbery without a gun is 60 months, robbery with a firearm is 120 months, That works for me.

Any other law, regarding 'the switch" or cans, or mags sizes, etc, make no sense at all in limiting crime.
What do you think is the goofiest, dumbest, most worthless gun law in your state?
We have madatory background checks at gun shows for private sales, but dont have to do one for a private sale anyplace else.Glad they saved us all by closing that darn "gun show loophole" :rolleyes:

Is there a gun law in your state that you can agree with?
with an Oregon CCW permit, we can carry anywhere except courts, and SECURE areas of mental wards, jails, and prisons.Bars and schools and govt building are A OK, and private or public property "no guns" type signs mean nothing.Just leave the property if asked, just like any other person would have to leave if asked for whatever the reason, otherwise, its a simple tresspassing charge.

For federal laws, I'll say the entire NFA, the "sporting purpose" crap, and the '86 MG ban.All servo absolutely no purpose, as its pretty freaking easy to convert an semi-auto to full auto (anybody with a computer and the ability to search Google can easil do it), and people intent on using full auto guns to commit crimes, just ignore the laws anyways, seeing as how they have no problem breaking the murder/robbery/rape, etc laws, why would they care about an extra 20 years tacked on to the death penalty or a life sentence?
Good New Law

They are trying to pass a new, "good" law here in Nevada. They want to make concealed carry on our college campus kosher. The original bill would have also opened the way to CCW at grade schools. But they removed that part because they thought it was too controversial even for Nevada.
My state prohibits FA weapons

Which I think is pretty stupid. If the Feds are ok with it, and you can afford it, why should the state prohibit it?

I do have to take exception with one statement
as its pretty freaking easy to convert an semi-auto to full auto (anybody with a computer and the ability to search Google can easil do it)

This statement is both true, and untrue, and utterly misleading. It is the kind of statement made to inflame emotions, with only a tiny amount of fact. Being military trained in repair of full auto weapons, and having a personal interest as well, I am fairly well informed on this subject, so I am not merely stating an uninformed opinion.

You can "convert" any semi auto into a full auto, and do it easily in several different ways, this is technically true BUTyou cannot do it easily and produce a reliable safe to operate weapon. I haven't looked, but the information is probably put there on the net, as stated, but the skill and tool needed to do a professional job are not. Building an atomic bomb is "easy" and the information is in the public domain, but the actual construction is something else again. You can convert a semi auto into a full auto "Burp gun" simply and easily, and it will work, for a while, then either stop or blow up in your hands. To build something that starts only when you want, stops when you want, and fires semi auto on demand as well, is not something easily done with most designs, and nearly impossible with others. With the knowledge and the proper machine tools, anything is possible, but for most designs, you can as easily build a simple machinegun from scratch as modify a semi auto.

"Anybody can huild pipe bombs, the information is on the internet", is another one of those things. The information may be there, after all, we live in what is still called a free society, but the ability to do it without blowing yourself up? That is something else again.

These kinds of general statments make me cringe inside. There are already more than enough people who would like to be able to control the information available on the net, and making a point of the fact that there is information available that they would prefer to be unavailable is just irresponsible nose tweaking, encouraging them in their efforts.

Also, information, while technically legal, on how to convert guns to FA can and has been construed as conspiracy to violate Federal firrearms laws. Personally, I think anyone willing to skate on that thin ice in a public medium would not be a relable or trustworthy source of information. Sorry for the rant, but the "anybody can do it, all you need is a computer and google" thing just pushes my buttons.

As to a good gun law in my state? There is one, while my state has a waiting period for handgun purchase, if you have a CHL, it is waived.
This statement is both true, and untrue, and utterly misleading. It is the kind of statement made to inflame emotions, with only a tiny amount of fact. Being military trained in repair of full auto weapons, and having a personal interest as well, I am fairly well informed on this subject, so I am not merely stating an uninformed opinion.

You can "convert" any semi auto into a full auto, and do it easily in several different ways, this is technically true BUTyou cannot do it easily and produce a reliable safe to operate weapon. I haven't looked, but the information is probably put there on the net, as stated, but the skill and tool needed to do a professional job are not. Building an atomic bomb is "easy" and the information is in the public domain, but the actual construction is something else again. You can convert a semi auto into a full auto "Burp gun" simply and easily, and it will work, for a while, then either stop or blow up in your hands. To build something that starts only when you want, stops when you want, and fires semi auto on demand as well, is not something easily done with most designs, and nearly impossible with others. With the knowledge and the proper machine tools, anything is possible, but for most designs, you can as easily build a simple machinegun from scratch as modify a semi auto.
Agreed.I never said it would be even remotely reliable, accurate, or even safe...but the fact is, criminals won't care about any of those things (if accuracy or safety were an issue, they would not be in the high risk environment of violent crime, and woldnt be doing drive by's just randomly firing out the windows of moving cars in the general direction of thier intended target.).They arent gun fans like us, they are criminals.Destroying the gun or its value, in the process, means nothing to them.The ar-15 is probly one of the most popular guns right now, and any idiot can make a lightning link from internet plans in about 10 minutes, and when it wears out (just like a registered one will), juat make another.Also, a gangbanger doesnt care about select fire, which you brought up.if they wanted a semi, they'd have just left it a semi.They want full auto, so that is the only goal.The fact they may lose any single shot, or semi ability means nothing, and the fact they have no choice but to empty the entire mag to stop fireing wont either.The point was, the law does NOTHNG to stop ciminals from making full auto gunand sing them to kill and commit other crimes, and jus spraying rounds as they please.they dont care if they kill 20 innocents while gunning down the 1 drug rival they were actually tring to hit.No emotions or attempts to elicit a certain response involved at all, just facts, to which you stipulated.
In Virginia:
Open carry, Shall issue concealed permits, NFA

1 handgun per 30 days for non permit holders, so called "assault firearms" where you need 3 forms of ID to buy from FFLs, and you can't carry them unless you have a CHP.
Virginia defines "assault firearm" as any pistol or rifle that has over a 20rd magazine ("at the time of the offense") folding stock, or threaded barrel from the factory.

No concealed carry in restaurants that serve alcohol, but open carrying is just fine. Even the new bill that will lift the concealed ban is DUMB, it requires you to "notify" an employee that you're which case you may as well wear a Concealed Weapon Permit badge on your belt because you just "unconcealed" your concealed weapon by saying it's there.