Good Gun Laws, Bad Gun Laws

roy reali

New member
I am pretty sure that most of us here agee that ninety nine percent of gun laws are useless if not stupid. Be that as it may, we have to either try to change them or lerarn to live with them. We also must pray that more idiotic laws don't come to fruition.

I have two questions about gun laws in your paricular state.

What do you think is the goofiest, dumbest, most worthless gun law in your state?

Is there a gun law in your state that you can agree with? A law that makes some sense.

The worse law here in Nevada has to do with open carry. It is forbidden in Las Vegas. I rarely go there, but if there is a place in this state that requires one to be armed it is there.

Last year our legislature enacted a great new gun regulation. If a large scale natural disaster hits the Silver State, our officials can not confiscate private firearms. They want to avoid what happened after the Katrina Hurricane.

Now its your turn.
love the lack of them

Alaska like Wild posted has almost nothing on the books restricting firearms. There are a few regarding brandishing, endangering other, not allowed in a few locations such as courthouses and bars. Other than that nothing for the average person to get concerned with. There might be a few restrictions that some people would get unhappy about but I don't know of any right now.
Any law predicated on possession of any personal weapon and not commission of a crime is dumb and stupid.

Especially when one considers the range of everyday objects that make perfectly efficient weapons. Something thugs in D.C. have found out the hard way when they try to mug women with cans of oven cleaner in their possession.

Of course, that can be considered illegal in D.C. .........
The Other Laws

I guess some of you live in states that are pretty good as far as gun laws go. But we all have to deal with Federal gun laws. So, for those of you live in "nice" states, are there any national gun laws that you think are stupid? Are there any that you agree with? Unfortunately, we all have to live with these laws.
Uhm, tho only one I can think of is " it is unlawful to use a machinegun in any hunting application." I think a mchine gun would be a pretty good hogstomper myself.
I don't know the specific laws, but the fact that there are no carry rights for civilians bugs me. Also, the FOID system...I can't even rent a gun at the range/pick up one at the local store...

I agree, states that restrict the rights of the people to carry guns makes no sense. I left a state that had severe gun restrictions. I felt unsafe. I now live in a state that issues CCW's and has a pretty liberal open carry law. Funny, I feel much safer here. Go figure!
Being as the majority of restaurants serve alcohol ... why would so many pro-gun guys support bans on carrying guns in places that serve alcohol? I have no problem carrying into a place serving alcohol in Colorado (where it's legal) as I rarely drink. If I am carrying, and decide on a beer, I make damn sure it's limited to that (not to say that I don't occasionally go out intending to have more than 1, but in that case the guns stay at home -- you're taking your chances being drunk anyway).

I think there are 2 laws that get mention:

The absolute dumbest Federal Regulation (which has the force of law) that is impossible to rationalize to me is that CCW holders are not allowed to carry in National Parks/Monuments. On a recent trip my wife decided that we had time to take in a few stops at National Monuments, and outside each I had to lock my gun and ammunition up separately, then reverse the process when leaving. Who did that make safer?

The Federal law that probably results in the most deaths is the "gun free" school zone law. Just about all of us who have driven past a school and come within 1,000 feet of the premises have been in violation at some point. And making sure that schools -- where we keep that which we hold most precious, our children -- are not as safe as our banks, where we only keep money, is criminally stupid. And yet ... any attempt to argue against this one and people contemptuously say we don't care about the children!
Agreed, the no carry in national parks bit is simply a ticket to being mountain lion food, nothing else. Anywhere that isn't Shall Issue for CCW (or virtually, as Alabama is) is beyond stupid as well. Perhaps it's just me, but I have a major pet peeve with suppressors being under the NFA regulations. I for one would love to see that obstacle completely gotten rid of so days at the range could be much more enjoyable when I'm not the only one there, especially when under a roof.
That may be changing - The Virginia Citizen's Defense League notified us today that Interior has opened up the rule-making process to change that bit of foolishness, in response to petitions for rule-making - and a letter signed by 51 United States Senators. :D

One-gun-a-month laws. No carry in restaurants that serve alcohol (as one wag put it, that includes every restaurant where you don't order from a clown).

Catchabullet, your equation is all wrong. Dumbasses + alcohol = Dumberasses. Alcohol and firearms, absent that one great catalyst, dumbasses, yields nothing at all.
What about the states that require all ammo to be marked for identificaton. They stupidly believe this will "solve" crimes because bad guys would leave their spent brass at the crime scene.

BS- We all know that brass goes everywhere at the range. You can't possibly pick them all up. Bad guys could easily throw used brass (Not theirs)
at any crime scene.

Another feel good law on the books.
In New Hampshire, it's illegal to carry a loaded firearm in a vehicle without a concealed carry license. It's unconstitutional on its face, and has been since at least 1982, but we're stuck with it for now.
Ive lived in cali. most of my life soooo. the dumbest of all the dumb laws I think would be the "assult weapon" ban/loophole you can have an off list ar as long as there is no pistol grip, retractable stock, flash supressor, or bayo. lug. if you have a detachable 10 round mag, or you can have all the goodies but have to permently fix a 10 round mag. DUMB
I have now moved to ohio to live in a "free" state the dumbest law here is the conseald carry permit only allows you to carry a pistol not a knife....
I live in NY so we got quite a few. One is the assualt weapons ban. I doesn't ban any of them, so it's reallt a folding stock/hi-cap magazine/flash hider ban. There are 2 kinds of NY pistol licences. 1 is concealed carry and the other lets you keep one in you home/bussiness, but it can never leave that location. I dont understand how having a pistol you're not allowed to practice with keeps you (or those around you) any safer.
The gun laws during hunting season are even dumber. If you're using a shotgun during big game season you have to use "a single projectile", but if you live in a rifle zone like I do you can use "ANYcenterfire rifle". So use 00 buck to hunt deer is illegal/immoral, but using a 22 Hornet to hunt bear is perfectly ethical.
One Gun A Month

Who lives in a state that restricts handgun purchases to one a month? I know our Western Neighbor does. Any others?
Dumbest law:
CCW issue restrictions at the discretion of the sheriff.

Not sure which is the least-dumb, but Iowa's not terrible compared to our neighbors.