Good article on Obama

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Gee, and I thought I just asked someone else to tell me where they found something.
An entirely reasonable question as far as I'm concerned. The point was that he explained where he got it from and that he didn't know if it was originally printed in the Sun, then you jumped straight to calling it slander [sic], when even the most basic of research would have shown that it wasn't.
The point was that he explained where he got it from and that he didn't know if it was originally printed in the Sun, then you jumped straight to calling it slander [sic], when even the most basic of research would have shown that it wasn't.
I never attacked the original poster...I accepted where he saw it. I then went on to state that the stuff in the article was clearly biased and not based on any relevant fact. You can call it what you want (slander or libel) the fact remains it is nothing more than a smear piece. It does not address real issues. It uses misleading statements and outright lies (noone ever "promises" to raise taxes or "promised" a weak military) to push an agenda. I might be in the minority here but I do not just let people spew venom without basis just because I agree with their stance. Disagree or agree I make people backup their words and do not accept propaganda from anyone.
Opinion Pages here you will find Mr. Blackwell's long and argious list of writing in the OPINIONS section. Check out the list and you probably will come to the opinion Mr. Balckwell has a history of writing opinions with the same style.

So I'd say there is a significant difference between his writing and a published editorial or article in the same paper. More like we post opinions on this site and he post his opinion in the paper. Neither has more standing than then other in terms of content.
Oh boy, another: "Only my candidate stands between us and THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT!!!!!!"

When you consider how many people seem to be looking for a Messiah instead of a President you have to wonder if America isn't ripe for another Hitler.

Since you don't know where I stand or how I feel it's a bit stupid to jump conclusions.

If you don't sense that the nation is in dire straits then I don't have anything to say to you. Just keep getting up in the morning I suppose. I do know that everyone will NOT get it no matter what. It's no different than, say, geometry. Some will excel, others will struggle and others won't have a clue. Which shall you be?

YOUR "Messiah" will be we the people getting off of their arses and studying the Bill of Rights, Constitution and knowing the judicial processes. Once that is done we can then look at the public record of our elected leaders and JUDGE THEIR ACTIONS ACCURATELY or, yes, we're done. IN other words, YOU will save YOU. Perhaps you were speaking of self there. I dunno. Yes, we've been living under more and more fascism the last sixteen years - of course since no one has seen goose stepping and large "pep rallies" very few statistically will have noticed.

What I'm looking for is someone who can assist in healing the issues of this nation both lawfully & legally (the Constitution and Bill of Rights) and possibly Socially. NONE of the so-called "viable" candidates are pure. Everyone can sharpshoot Obama but the others are far worse: they sat quiet at best or assisted at worst in the demise of this nation in many areas. Will Obama be any different? I SENSE that he's somehow unique to the other two, but I don't KNOW if that is enough to change the course of this nation to resemble something that the Founders would be proud of. Others may sense and feel differently.

One thing most here won't know unless they are Black and have regularly attended Black churches over a long period of time is that they tend to be "fire and brimstone" affairs with much emotionalism. This is why I'm not much concerned about the pastor of his church. I couldn't really care less about the views of his pastor. I don't require a "leader" - spiritual or otherwise - but that's me. I can read the Bible, Koran, the Vedas and any other so-called Holy Book (and I do) so I've no need for a Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, Imam or Guru. We're making a small hill out of a bump in the road. But to each his/her own I guess.

"Oh... so you are one of those RP supporters who jumped on the Obama bandwagon. ... birds of a feather..."

Hmm, your reading skills are, well, "interesting". I see nothing denoting switching from one to the other or any references of same. Perhaps you have an overactive imagination or an ego so large that you must make up things...

"You support a candidate that is on the record as supporting a national ban on concealed carry except for law enforcement and military? And you support that candidate on a board dedicated to firearms rights?"

A bigger issue to me is this war for natural resources (go read our National Security Strategies to know what it is I'm speaking about; we can discuss later). Our attempts to destablize the Caucasus (for oil pipelines) is perceived by the Russian leadership to be a direct threat to a resurgent Russia. There have been discussions of "regime change" in both Russia and China. Now... how in Hell does one do that and not get nuked??? McCain is a warhawk. So is Hillary. Obama... well, he made mention of strategic strikes in Pakistan if he had evidence that terrorists were using Pakistan to make strikes on our troops in Iraq. McCain's "bomb, bomb Iran" should be enough to make him unelectable. You see, Iran is on the short list to be a part of the SCO which Russia leads; Russia has ICBMs... Nothing else need be said from my perspective on this. If it's not obvious then...

Paul or Obama? What's the common factor other than both defended racist nutjobs?

On the Repub side he's the only one I'd save from a burning house. On the Dem side he's the only one I'd save from drowning. How's that?

Of the two I think I'd prefer Paul...
Since you don't know where I stand or how I feel it's a bit stupid to jump conclusions.

Let's review shall we?

You're a gun owner, you're supporting Barrack Obama for President, and you're accusing some ELSE of stupidity. :D

You've posted that you're supporting Barrack Obama for president, and that you feel that it is vitally important for him to be elected or the future of our country is in doubt. But nobody can know "where you stand" :D

If you don't sense that the nation is in dire straits then I don't have anything to say to you.

That explains the following 200 word ad hominem rant. :D

Just keep getting up in the morning I suppose. I do know that everyone will NOT get it no matter what. It's no different than, say, geometry. Some will excel, others will struggle and others won't have a clue. Which shall you be?

Say Chui...about that whole..."having a clue thing" didja happen to notice Obama is a rabid anti who favors outlawing concealed carry? :D

YOUR "Messiah" will be we the people getting off of their arses and studying the Bill of Rights, Constitution and knowing the judicial processes. Once that is done we can then look at the public record of our elected leaders and Once that is done we can then look at the public record of our elected leaders and JUDGE THEIR ACTIONS ACCURATELY or, yes, we're done. IN other words, YOU will save YOU. Perhaps you were speaking of self there. I dunno. Yes, we've been living under more and more fascism the last sixteen years - of course since no one has seen goose stepping and large "pep rallies" very few statistically will have noticed.
...blah blah blah blah blah

No, my Messiah was crucified about 2000 years ago.

Yours is a cheap political hack from Chicago.
Since when did education and common sense have anything in common? So you've got an advanced degree... so do I. Doesn't change anything.
Since when did education and common sense have anything in common? So you've got an advanced degree... so do I. Doesn't change anything.

So now you're going to change your ad hominem attack from accusing me of have poor reading comprehension skills to having no common sense?

OK, whatever floats your boat.

Let's review again:

You purport to be a gun owner concerned about the second amendment, yet you're supporting the rabidly anti-gun B. Hussein Obama for President, and you're knocking someone ELSE for a lack of common sense. :D

So to you, common sense includes a nationwide ban on concealed carry, microstamping, outlawing 10+ capacity magazines, wating periods, providing trace data to State and Local governments, outlawing .50 BMG firearms, laws prohibiting carry within 1000 ft. of a school or church, renewal of the "assault weapons ban", etc... All of which B. Hussein Obama supports.

Oh yeah, that's some kind of common sense there all right.
Am I the only one amazed that Playboy Penguin still has the factory stock grip on that 6" GP100? Wow!
Fellas, fellas, can't you just both agree that neither of you have any common sense and be happy. :p

As for graduate degrees, they give those to chimps. Even I have one...and everyone knows how stupid some of the things I say can be. See, I even ended a sentence with a preposition. :)
cool hand said:
You purport to be a gun owner concerned about the second amendment, yet you're supporting the rabidly anti-gun B. Hussein Obama for President, and you're knocking someone ELSE for a lack of common sense.

So to you, common sense includes a nationwide ban on concealed carry, microstamping, outlawing 10+ capacity magazines, wating periods, providing trace data to State and Local governments, outlawing .50 BMG firearms, laws prohibiting carry within 1000 ft. of a school or church, renewal of the "assault weapons ban", etc... All of which B. Hussein Obama supports.

Oh yeah, that's some kind of common sense there all right.

I have to agree, that for those who care about gun rights, voting for Obama makes no sense.

Some might say they care about other issues, like what socalized medicine, higher taxes, bigger government, decreased enforcement of immigration laws, ect, ect.

If your thinking Obama will get us out of Iraq or change U.S. mid-east policy, you can forget about it, it will never happen.

McCain sucks if your a conservative or libertarian, however Obama is so far left he's making him look better and better all the time.
Okay, coolhand, you've slipped from "poor reading comprehension" into the realm of utter stupidity or intellectual dishonesty. Try reading what I've posted again. I'll type s-l-o-w-l-y for you:

"On the Repub side he's the only one I'd save from a burning house. On the Dem side he's the only one I'd save from drowning. How's that?

Of the two I think I'd prefer Paul..."

Yep, very typical of many on the internet... :barf:
Paul or Obama? What's the common factor other than both defended racist nutjobs?
On the Repub side he's the only one I'd save from a burning house. On the Dem side he's the only one I'd save from drowning. How's that?

Of the two I think I'd prefer Paul...

OK? Let's try this again, is there anything substantive that makes these two fungible in your mind. My perception is that one wants to cut the federal government back to 1789 levels and eliminate all federal gun laws, while the other wants to impose a nanny safety state in which all guns are banned at the federal level and all areas of your life are subject to some sort of federal regulation or tax. Now, apparently, you see how either of these two scenarios are almost equally valid in saving us from the doom you perceive. Could you explain to us mere mortals how they are almost equally good in your opinion at saving us?
Okay, coolhand, you've slipped from "poor reading comprehension" into the realm of utter stupidity or intellectual dishonesty. Try reading what I've posted again. I'll type s-l-o-w-l-y for you

You seem to be having trouble remembering what you've posted.

Shall we review again: :D

Despite all of his flaws I strongly favor him over McCain and Clinton. I called it over a year ago: it will be Ron Paul or Obama... or the US as you and I know it is through

Considering how Ron Paul has all but withdrawn from the race, that leaves you only B. Hussein Obama to save us from your posited "Long Dark Night Of Fascist Republican Darkness"

You seem to be having difficulty remaining consistent in your statements, very typical of some on the internet. :barf:
Obama the only viable choice? Hmmmmmmmmmmm like my good friend L.T. said in his role as himself in the film "The Waterboy" :

"Which brings me to my next point........"

Dude - get help. BHO is a gun grabber who wants ccw permits nationwide revoked.

We don't have any great choices as gun owners in this race, but Obama? Seriously.
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