Good all around caliber to use for Mtn. Lion

If you could take a lever action in .357 I'd say load that with HP defense ammo and that's the ticket.

In the guns you already have I'd probably opt for the AR with a varmint bullet under 50 gr in weight. Shoot it from a little bit of distance if you can.
I've killed one back in 97. It weighed in at about 160 pounds and just made the record book.

I carried a S&W 625 in .45 Colt since I didn't feel like dragging a rifle around all day and with dogs you will be shooting them in distances measured in feet not yards.

One shot with a 250gr XTP was all it took and lodged under the skin on the off side. 4" barrel and less 900fps.


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I'm not any pro when it comes to mountain lions but having a background in hounds I've had the opportunity to sit in on many conversations about them. Sometimes for hours. Many hound hunters use .22M for them. Why? They don't really want to knock em outta the tree with a bunch of life left in em so they chest shoot em with the little rimfire and they bleed out in the tree. Takes a minute or two before they drop but they are dead when they hit the ground and it saves wear and tear on the dogs.

Now if I was hunting them without dogs I'd obviously want something bigger but like the OP I'd want to save the hide given the chance. My vote goes for cast lead in a .357, 44, .45LC or even a .30-30. No HP's but something with a good shoulder and a big ol' flat nose on it. Of the guns the OP mentioned I'd go with the 7mm or .308 and work up a good FP cast load of moderate velocity for em.