Gonna Buy Something Tomorrow.....

Not in the wrong line of work. I just deal with hundreds of people a day, and yes we have regulars, yes we have new guys to the sport we certainly spend a lot of time with, but a lot of customers this day in age are pretty inconsiderate. I know it sounds like I am being harsh, but really you don't have to do a song and dance or a sales pitch to sell a gun these days seeing as the demand is greatly above the supply. When there is a line of people waiting to be helped, probably isn't the best time to ask to pull out every single gun in the case with out having somewhat of an idea of what you are looking for. I understand your money is green and you will spend it how you want, but frankly so is the guys standing behind you in line, and chances are if you don't buy X Y or Z model that day, we will still sell it to someone else.

I don't bother the employees at my LGS. I look at what they have and will compare a few and look at the overall condition. Then I pick what I want and lay my cash down and make them a profit.

That is perfectly acceptable and damn well encouraged, I am referring to the customers that literally know very little about guns (sadly there are more of them than us that inhabit these forums) asking to see everything and anything and tell me hunting stories in the middle of a busy weekend, asking questions than arguing with the advice you give them.

Quite honestly the worst of the worst are the customers who come up because they are impatient and interrupt me when I'm speaking to another customer. Like I said, people are inconsiderate.

Yes I have bought a gun that caught my eye, nothing wrong with that, but I generally do it at either gun shows, or a customer brought one in used to us and I can get a really good deal on it, or its not something you see every day. Or when a dealer runs a special promo for us, I will buy something just because I pay next to nothing for it.

Clearly I was speaking generically, and the more information you posted clearly shows you're on good terms with your LGS owners. However sometimes we are happy to see people because you know the saying about a fool and his money :rolleyes:.

You can take it as me being a jerk but I am quite the opposite, however I am a firm believer in doing a little R&D before setting out to buy. Generally leads to better decisions in any aspect not just firearms.;)

Funny how quick people are to judge me being an annoyed counter jockey yet if you make a thread about idiots you have seen in gun stores it fills up with stories VERY fast. You would be annoyed to if you were the one dealing with all those idiots.:) Just the fact whoever is reading this took the step to actually log on or sign up to a firearms message board, is a step ahead of Joe Average customer. Couple that with hearing 1000 adaptations of the same government conspiracy theories I get to hear all day long.

Any how, Congrats on the Woodsman, its a good looking gun. Hopefully you got a good deal.
HKFan9, I know what you mean. I see customers that come into the LGS and ask to see 20 different guns, ask all manner of ridiculous questions, then leave without buying anything, saying they saw the same gun for $20 cheaper at another shop.

I have been a lifelong shooter and probably bought/ traded well over 150 different guns. ( Ihave 27 in the safe now....) my purchases now, tend to be guns that either I have always wanted but couldn't find or afford, like the new Woodsman or the Diamondback.

But, when a new model that would work as a carry gun comes out, like the Kimber Solo, I am open to that as well. I'm not the guy that sees every new "shiny, whizz bang" model and have to have it.
The Solo is nice.... if you follow the directions. I have sold a few, tough to get hands on sometimes, but I got a chance to shoot them with the Kimber reps before. They and the manual both tell you its designed for premium ammo only. I fed some 115 ball through it with the Rep, and he warned me it might stove pipe, however it ran fine.

Some guys say its a design flaw... but I kinda look at it like how certain cars (i would assume your mustang) is meant to run on high test gasoline.
I never really thought about it like that, HKFan9, but I suppose that is a good point. You see the same thing with 22lr guns too. Some of them need the nicer stuff to function properly.
I am not shy to expensive guns, nor am I any form of rich, I tossed the idea of a solo around in my head, and the two I shot performed well, I think it is a good design like I said when used with proper ammo. However I find it hard to justify as a carry gun given the price tag. Don't get me wrong I own $2000 1911's and AR's and Sako rifles ect, however for carry guns I think I lean towards the KISS principal. I find myself with either a simple 5 shot revolver, 4'' 1911.... right now I just picked up a glock 19 gen 3 frame I plan to build a carry gun off of.

My school of thought is my carry gun's are going to get more pocket lint, banged off more chair backs, ect. I don't need a high end gun to be reliable. I keep having to talk myself out of a STI Shadow however.:rolleyes:
To be honest some of the customers that want to stand there for an hour when we are busy and fondle every gun in the case between 1911's, revolvers, or .22 plinkers is a sure fire way to annoy most LGS employee's.

(Soup Nazi accent) "No gun for you!"