Going Potty with a Belt Holster

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New member
What do you do with your pistol when nature calls and you must drop trousers in a public restroom?
If you have to pee, just unzip your pants and pee. If you have to take a seat, remove gun from holster and set it in the crotch of your underwear/pants. Don't shoot up the stall though, it tends to stop the flow for the guys at the unrinals.

What really comes in handy is the new, politically correct stalls with a baby seat on the door---holds the Kimber nice, high and dry while I do my business. <g>
Amen for the baby changing stations. Plus, it makes me feel good to use something "for the children" to hold my piece. Last time I was in a Barnes & Noble and did this I was greeted with a copy of "Penthouse Letters: The Book" in the changing station.

Then again, you could just carry your piece in a good shoulder rig like I do in the colder months. Solves the problem completely.

- Anthony
I've had the 1911 almost go "boink" when using the urinal, (belt loose Rosen IWB twisting) not to mention having a sit down. Never seen these diaper decks in the stall's and it's hard setting the pistol on the tank when there is no tank there :) Let alone trying to ballance it on the T paper dispenser. Guess I just need to check the stalls out for the pistol deck before getting down to busness ;)
my god this is dumb, I just place my pistol
in my pants, in the crotch of underwear, just
check for hairs before ya reholster, might
jam the gun, it might be a good time to clean
your pistol while your sitting!! LOL
Who uses underwear anyway?????

Ever try that with jean shorts and no underwear???? You'll be picking the pistol up from the nasty puddle on the floor in a heartbeat!!!!!!!

As an administrator, I must ask you to keep it clean. I believe the intent of this thread was to discuss what we do with our firearms, okay???

( ;)sorry, I couldn't resist ;))
Just stuff the thing down yer pants leg whilst ya go. The part I find difficult is when the place is hoppin' and the crack in the doors large enough to peek through. I get paranoid someones gonna see me pull out the gun and freak. A good idea I suppose would be to wrap the thing in TP and set it on the TP holder or as stated,down yer trouser legs......... I'm just trying to make senior member,otay? ; )
One of the reasons "Fish" on the old Barney Miller tv show used a shoulder holster was because he had to visit the men's room so often.

If you decide to hang the pistol on the coat hook by the trigger guard, be careful when you retrieve it. More than one bathroom has had holes punched in the ceiling from a pistol/revolver being fired by accident. Lift too fast, trigger gets depressed, sear releases, ka-boom. Let up the pressure, trigger resets, and lift too fast, trigger gets depressed, sear releases, ka-boom II.

Just hold the damn pistol in your hand, it keeps people from peeking.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Bill, do you peek through a glory hole to see what the other guy's packin'?

Be sure to use your safety when having anonymous bathroom-gun-admirations.
At a urinal, no problem. Unzip, business, zip, wash, go.

In a stall, also no problem. Undo your belt, take down your trousers (sit down at this point if you like), and rebuckle your belt at it's loosest setting just above knee level. Use outward pressure from your legs to maintain tension on the belt. Sit down now if you haven't already, and do your business. This keeps your gun ready to use, you can't forget to take it with you when you leave, it keeps it off the floor where people in neighboring stalls can see and/or grab it, and it keeps your pants from falling onto a nasty, filthy restroom floor.
how do you find people like you dave? you are an asset to gun owners everywhere. I think I'll practice that at home tonight.
As a SoCal resident show business anecdotes are common.This one involves a famous action star who you've seen break arms and legs with lots of fancy martial arts and who shall remain nameless.He is also known for his skill with a 1911 pistol,anyway seems that while working on the set his personal bodyguard needed to use the toilet.BG puts pistol on tank or some other surface and forgets it and leaves.Now, the next guy in happens to be some young craft worker who fires a round through the wall(just cause he was curious I guess)and a 45cal round enters room with many people in it.Fortunately no one was hurt. Moral? don't set your pistol down in restrooms.

[This message has been edited by tuc22 (edited July 23, 1999).]
Just stick the damn thing down the inside of your strong side pants leg, with the pants slightly pulled up. This keeps it hidden, dry, and easily accessible, and is more comfortable than trying to keep the pants up with tension on the belt. Just be sure not to sweep your foot or leg. An ND in the crapper must be one of the most embarrasing incidents we could suffer, especially if it results in a hole in some part of your anatomy.
Coat hanger hooks are to be avoided. The possibility of an AD is great, as well as the possibility of theft by those types who just reach over the stall door and grab whatever's hanging there. This happens a lot with women & their purses. Of course, I imagine getting a gun off the hook would be a little more difficult than removing a purse or coat, but why tempt fate? I only use the hook AFTER I'm done and standing up, redressing, and am very careful about removing the gun. I'd prefer a toilet top for this, but you can't always get what you want (but if you try sometimes, etc.) :)

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
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