GOA Denounces "Lawless" DC City Council

Uncle Ben

New member
Please take just a few minutes to write a message to the DC City Council. Their lawlessness will only encourage other cities to continue fighting against our 2nd Amendment and to ignore the clear "DC vs. Heller" decision.

Please see the article below and the contact information (courtesy of "savetheguns.com") for the DC City Council office:


Gun Owners of America News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact Ellie McDaniel or Eddie Isler
July 16, 2008

Gun Owners of America Denounces "Lawless" DC City Council

The Executive Director of Gun Owners of America denounced yesterday's action of the D.C. City Council in response to the Supreme Court's Heller ruling and predicted that its "emergency legislation" would be challenged and overturned.

GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt characterized the council's action by saying: "It is no wonder that the District is awash with lawlessness. The contempt for the law starts in the city council chambers."

The District's emergency action would keep the unconstitutional gun license requirement; keep the unconstitutional semiautomatic ban; and impose new unconstitutional ballistics, testing and fingerprint requirements on those wishing to exercise their right to keep a firearm for self-defense.

But, even more flagrantly, the District would maintain the trigger lock and unloaded gun requirements which were explicitly overturned by the High Court.

"The District appears to be dutifully passing what the Brady folks drafted for it," said Pratt. "But while interim D.C. Attorney General Peter Nickles fancies that they have crafted 'model' legislation, it is in fact a model for litigative defeat and more court-administered humiliation."

Pratt predicted that the council's action would be challenged and overturned. And he also called on Congress to exercise its constitutional responsibility under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, to rein in the lawless D.C. government.

"The District needs to be reined in for its lawless actions," Pratt said. "It's about time that Congress takes its responsibility to do so seriously."



Online contact:


Write to him:

Mayor Adrian Fenty
Executive Office of the Mayor
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 316
Washington, DC 20004

Call his office:

(202) 727-2980

or email him through this web page: http://www.dc.gov/mayor/index.shtm

Washington D.C. City Council

E-Mail the Washington D.C. City Council Members here:


Call the council:

(202) 724-8032

Call the Washington D.C. City Council Members Individually here:

Vincent C. Gray Chairman-At-Large (202) 724-8032
Carol Schwartz Member-At-Large (202) 724-8105
David Catania Member-At-Large (202) 724-7772
Phil Mendelson Member-At-Large (202) 724-8064
Kwame R. Brown Member-At-Large (202) 724-8174
Jim Graham Member-Ward 1 (202) 724-8181
Jack Evans Chairman Pro-Tempore-Ward 2 (202) 724-8058
Mary Cheh Member-Ward 3 (202) 724-8062
Muriel Bowser Member-Ward 4 (202) 724-8052
Harry Thomas Jr. (Tommy) Member-Ward 5 (202) 724-8028
Tommy Wells Member-Ward 6 (202) 724-8072
Yvette M. Alexander Member-Ward 7 (202) 724-8068
Marion Barry Member-Ward 8 (202) 724-8045

Write them here as a group:

Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
The District's emergency action would keep the unconstitutional gun license requirement;

Not ruled on by SCOTUS.

keep the unconstitutional semiautomatic ban;

Not ruled on by SCOTUS directly, so it will take another challenge.

and impose new unconstitutional ballistics, testing and fingerprint requirements on those wishing to exercise their right to keep a firearm for self-defense.

Not ruled on by SCOTUS.

Is GOA going to be party to the next round of lawsuits or send on misleading crap and foam at the mouth?
GOA is going to do what GOA always does: Criticize anything good for gun owners while letting other people do all the work, and then come along after the fact to pretend that they were part of it if it succeeds or take credit for killing it if it fails, and put their hand out to try to make money off it to fund the Pratt family's lifestyle.
I'm not a GOA member, I'm an NRA member, but I still sent messages to the city council due to two important factors that you did not mention in your reply:
1) they are still requiring gun locks
2) they are still requiring that guns be unloaded

These things were mentioned by the SCOTUS, were they not?

I do see your point about the other items listed, but I don't think that means we should let the city councel get away with what they are still doing. We have to put pressure on them. If gun owners don't put pressure, no one else is going to.
distric/appeals court

One other thing to consider WITH the actual wording of the SCOTUS ruling
is the actual wording of the decision of the prior court ruling that was affirmed.

Now I have to go back and read that...again...
I forget who said it but it still rings true today:"All evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing" (or something to that effect). Gun owners and gun rights organizations should be applying pressure to the DC lawmakers and Congress. Congress should be accountable for DC's behavior. We shouldn't just throw things against the wall and hope they stick. We should be very focused on even the litte infractions against the Heller decision. This will, hopefully, lead to more challenges. After all, the government is not all that forgiving of minor infractions. They put the pressure on, unless you have connections.
Congress has authority to oversee, and overturn D.C.s City Council laws.

Write your senator, and Congress person as well...

Hold your elected representatives responsible for overturning the illegal laws in D.C. It's part of their job...

This is one of the REALLY rare situations where people living in other states can write their congress people, and, the congress people have both the authority, and the obligation to uphold the Constitution in D.C.
FWIW, I sent a note to Fenty asking when he would stop pulling this Nagin-esque buffoonery and hiding behind the armed security disarmed citizens provide for him.

It really is quite appalling how the man and Council clearly don't care what SCOTUS said, morally or factually. Very sick sign of the times.

Truly the political class no longer care what powers the governed gave them, they are a law unto themselves, the governed there to pay the price...
I agree with Stagger Lee. It looks like GOA, as usual, is long on talk but short on action. Why aren't they busy putting together law suits to challenge this latest D. C. nonsense?
Stagger lee said:
GOA is going to do what GOA always does: Criticize anything good for gun owners

So, you're saying that Fenty's and the DC council's actions are good for gun owners? :barf: I'd love to hear the justification for that one!

Or, are you just using any old irrelevant reason to crap on some group you don't like, even when you happen to agree with their position?

Please expound on how the DC Council's actions are lawful and correct. And how every one who may be victimized by the Council's actions is a lowlife you wouldn't want to associate with? :rolleyes:
Or, are you just using any old irrelevant reason to crap on some group you don't like, even when you happen to agree with their position?

No, GOA is a paper tiger.

Lots of noise, often incorrect, and nothing much else.
First of all, nothing anyone not a resident of D.C. does, as regards Mayor Fenty and the D.C. City Council, will have the least bit of effect. You and I, are not voters there.

Secondly, it is the Congress that has the power to correct this issue. Here, you and I have a voice... But only if it is used.

Thirdly, this is nothing more than another GOA rant. Larry Pratt will do absolutely nothing, but rant. If you think otherwise, point me to one single thing the GOA has actually done, other than rant.
DC council's actions are shameful, and should be denounced at every and any opportunity.

Because some gun owners have a chip on their shoulder for GOA, and choose to turn this thread into a rant against GOA, gives the Fenty gang considerable comfort, I'm sure. :barf:

Just a suggestion for positive moderator input.

you and I are not voters there

So you're saying its pointless to contact an elected official outside your own district? What a terrific appeal to legalistic form over substance! Maybe a little less pointless than discussing the topic on some forum on the internet, perhaps?

Secondly, it is the Congress that has the power to correct this issue. Here, you and I have a voice... But only if it is used.

You must have missed this part of the article:
Pratt said. "It's about time that Congress takes its responsibility to do so seriously."

GOA has always been a strident organization. Infighting among the gun community helps, or hurts the cause?

This is sad, really. :(
Congress has authority to oversee, and overturn D.C.s City Council laws.

No, they really don't. Congress ceded basic city operations and lawmaking authority to DC under the District of Columbia Home Rule Act of 1973. This allowed DC to basically be it's own city even though it remains a federal enclave. And under the HRA, DC has the power to enact it's own legislation free of Congressional interference. Congress can't vote to repeal a law that DC passes, even if the Democratic-majority congress wanted to.


And if Larry Pratt was even close to up to speed on this issue or had a competent attorney or even a single member of congress advising him, he'd know that.

Well he may know it. Things like that have never stood between him and a chance to jump to the forefront of an issue, particularly an issue that left the station without him a long time ago.
Again, the real issue that should be shouted from the rooftops, is that the Fenty gangsters are flouting the small scrap of the second amendment that the Supreme Court begrudgingly recognized.

Go ahead, continue to turn this into a slugfest on Larry Pratt, or some legalistic diatribe; and you help the Fenty gangsters succeed. :mad:
Stagger Lee, I'm aware of the Act. However, we all know that what Congress giveth, Congress can taketh.

That is the sole point I was trying to make.
Stagger, how could Congress NOT have to power to modify or limit or completely obliterate one of its legislative enactments by a subsequent enactment? The mind boggles.

By the way, Pratt criticized NRA for advocating this same legislative route instead of litigation.
Yeah, Congress is going to strip DC's Home Rule, disenfranchise that whole Democratic Party machine, and assume full control of the city's operations just to strike down one legislative act that the city's elected leaders passed.

Come on people, let's stick to reality here.

But if you think it's possible, write Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and ask them to do it. Let us know what they say. :rolleyes:
Yeah, Congress is going to strip DC's Home Rule, disenfranchise that whole Democratic Party machine, and assume full control of the city's operations just to strike down one legislative act that the city's elected leaders passed.

They don't have to "strip DC's home rule." Congress has limited and directed DC's government many times. The District's budget is subject annually to Congressional approval. If Congress doesn't like something in the budget, such as expending funds for enforcement of an unconstitutional law, they simply prohibit it. There is simply no basis in fact for your objections. Of course a Democratic majority won't do, but it's not like they can't or that they would have to totally revamp district government (though they should, it's the worse of the worst) which is what you claim.
SEC. 601. [D.C. Code 1-206] Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Congress of the United States reserves the right, at any time, to exercise its constitutional authority as legislature for the District, by enacting legislation for the District on any subject, whether within or without the scope of legislative power granted to the Council by this Act, including legislation to amend or repeal any law in force in the District prior to or after enactment of this Act and any act passed by the Council.