Go John Rocker!!

Pro sport people have to perform they dont have to entertain. If this guy could throw no hitters every other game you can bet your ass the team would keep him as long as they could. And would care little for what he said.

Red,, have to agree, a little over sensitive here it seems, people are sure fast to call him an idiot, but dont want him saying it to anyone else.

On race and PC hows this,

"Most victims of violent crimes report having been victimized by a member of their own race. However, in the case of interracial violent crime, blacks are fifty times more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than whites against blacks. Bureau of Justice victimization reports show that 89 percent of interracial crimes involved black perpetrators and white victims." You will never hear the media say this and if this offends anyone, well then I guess the truth hurts.
Walter Williams,Professor of eccomomics George Mason Univ.
As much as I dislike what he said, he does have a right to say it, and I'll defend that right. The people who are criticizing him, be they motivated by PC or just outraged at the boorishness of his statement, also have a right to have their say on what he said. Why is everyone so concerned about what this guy said anyway? Does it really have any real bearing on our lives?

What I really wish is that people got this mad when they looked at their paychecks and saw the huge chunk of money the federal and state governments confiscate, and then they stayed that mad until enough sympathetic, Constitution-upholding politicians were voted in to change things.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
I would like to read a copy of his statement and judge for myself. As one who has been accused of being a racist, I think it is important to know what we are evaluating.
As to whether he has a right to say what he thinks about NYC, of course he does. Lets find out what he really said.

Merry Christmas, y'all!

Better days to be,
