Go John Rocker!!


New member
Three cheers for telling it like it is and saying what you feel. Screw all the PC bullsh!t. I frankly agree with John Rocker.

This is America and I am allowed to say what I think - no matter if some people find it offensive. You don't like what I think or say? Go cry to your mommy!!

This country has become a nation of crybabies!!
I agree.

He may be a complete ass but he is supposed to be able to be a complete ass in America. This crap of universal symbiotic love is stupid Liberal political correctness idiocy.

In America, you and I should be able to stand toe to toe with our noses almost touching screaming epithets, slurs, and hateful dialogue and there should be no crime in that; nor should the government intervene. It is at the point that our noses touch that the government has the authority to mandate that we be protected from others for the general welfare of society. As long as there is no actual harm done by one to another, the government has no say.

I'm sure there are those who are trying to figure out how to charge this guy with some kind of Hate" crime. Welcome to the wonderful world of thought control and thought police.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

I believe we agree in intent. However, you should not be *forced* to engage in, or be a party to, or a victim of, harangues against your will.

You should not be required to go nose-to-nose (as you put it) with me
simply because *I* want you to! You should be free to go about your
business without interference from me.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
But what did that bad boy say or do? Was it in the news?

Nevermind - I just saw the story. While I agree that he has a right to say anything he wants to. I personally think he was an idiot for saying the extremely bigoted things he did say. He has only hurt himself and his teammates- again.

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited December 23, 1999).]

John Rocker is the Atlanta Braves closing pitcher. He made some comments in a Sports Illustrated interview that are creating quite a stir because many find his comments to be offensive to minorities, gays, and others.

Perhaps he honestly believes what he said, or maybe he was just showing off for the interviewer -- I dunno. This morning on Neal Boortz's radio show a lady called in to say that he spoke to a group (which her son was a part of) and that she had video taped the speech and that what Rocker had to say was wonderful...so maybe he was just trying to play up an image for the interviewer. It came up that the media would probably ignore his "good" speech because it might kill the controversy, but shortly thereafter Boortz asked the lady to call back in because some reporters were wanting a copy of her tape. We shall see about that one...

Regardless of what you think of what he said, it was completely stupid of him to carry on like that in front of a reporter. Perhaps the Braves should give him some PR lessons.

Otherwise, he is a damn good pitcher. Being a Georgian and Braves fan, I must say that I hope they keep him.

So he said that he doesn't want to live in NY, doesn't want to take the train through a neighberhood that looks like a war zone, and also that he prefers to be in an area where the people speak English rather than walking through one of the most famous areas in America and not hearing one person speaking it. This makes him a racist??? He doesn't want to sit by a homosexual with AIDS and this makes him a Homophobic hate-monger???
What a load of crap. I guess in Amerika you aren't allowed to have an opinion that is not pre-approved by the liberal thought control board.
Yep, this is America and he has a right to voice all the hateful, ignorant and vicious commentary that he wants. It is, however a very poor reflection on a talented athlete who is a member of a class organization which belongs to a professional sports league where the matter of diversity was settled more than 50 years ago when Jackie Robinson stepped up to the plate.
I couldn't agree more, CassidyGT. John Rocker has a constitutionally protected right to open his mouth and demonstrate to the entire country and world what an unbelievably stupid idiot he is. PC or not, this moron (where the hell is he from, anyway, Mars?) will be crucified before this is all done, and he'll have it coming. But, then again, he will have stood up and spoken his "mind".
Unwarranted, generalized bigotry is not something to be proudly displayed. It's a dirty little secret to be hidden from public view for as long as it takes to be cured.

Those who avoid such obvious truth deserve the result. There's a difference between being non-PC and showin' your butt.
i fully understand what rocker is saying
about the big apple. i watched the world
series and saw people throwing golf balls
and 2liter bottles of pop at the pitchers
in the bull pen. i've been to the big
apple and know exactly what john in his
own way was trying to say about the place. he is entitled to his opinion.
funny how they like to make fun of
mississippi,or alabama, but can't take
the criticism themselves!
John Rocker appears to be a jerk and an idiot. That being said, however, he has the right to say whatever he wants. There is no law against hating people, only acting upon that hate.

Hopefully he will not be officially punished for his thoughts. His punishment will be in having to live with himself. That alone should be quite severe!
i would like to remind anyone who reads
this string that daryll strawberry was
arrested for cocaine possession and
soliciting a prostitute and nothing
was said by the media. odd is it not?
That's because Strawberry is a generally dissipated man. They've already covered the length and depth of his squalor; to rehash is boring. It's certainly not because he's black.
Unless Rocker jumps off a bridge he will keep his job for much the same reason Latrell Sprewell kept his. Rocker mentioned Sprewell in his "emotional moment". Rocker throws it 98 and is one of the top relievers in the universe. Sprewell can play basketball, period. He is also a rare commodity. Both Darryl Strawberry and John Rocker got the sports writers juiced when either stepped onto a field in New York. Both are spoiled multi-millionaire block heads. Both are left handed. I guess that may make them victims, but I don't like any of these people.
I would defend his right to say whatever he wishes. On the other hand, he's a public figure and is a total moron for exposing himself to the world as a bigot. It's always shocking that we have so many athletes who have so much opportunity but seem bent on self destruction.
I am glad Rocker says what he thinks, period. Who cares if people don't like it. Just because he is a public figure does not mean he can't say what he wants . The TRUTH is, he speaks for tens of millions of people who don't have the balls to say it themselves. So many people feel the same way if you talk to them in private, but put on a false face when they are in public.
Also, it is not like he said anything truly horrid. Now, if he had said something like "I don't want to sit next to a BLACK (or even a worse term) young single woman with 4 kids" or said something more racist, then I might understand the big stink, even if it were true (since 3/4 of black kids are raised with no dad, it is a true stereotype, just not one we are supposed to talk about). He didn't even mention race. He just said he wishes people spoke english in America and does not like being surrounded by the freaks in big cities (freak of all races, he even mention punks, which are generally considered white). Neither do I like the freaks in big cities, and I have lived in the biggest all my life.

I just don't think his statements were all that bad. I am surprised that so many here are quick to jump on the PC bandwagon and say that he should not say what he feels out loud. Many here even seem to agree with what he says, but says he should not have said it out loud. Why are so many here caving to PC pressure? Say what you mean and mean what you say. Everybody needs a little thicker skin, and when we cater to these whiners, we encourage them.
The libs don't seem to mind saying whatever they want, bashing openly on the right wing, bashing on christians etc. No one seems to mind that.

Ps- Sprewell STRANGLED his coach and has since then beat up other people on his team. That is a FAR different thing from voicing one's opinion. I hope that is obvious to all.
Pro-sports players are not heroes or role
models. They are entertainers pure and simple.

If he loses his value as an entertainer
because of his statements, then his team
has the right to fire him, given the terms
of his contract.

He has a right to say what he wants but
doesn't have a right to work for a company
when he screws up.

Thus, I have the right to say he is one
stupid puppy. Grow up.