How long does it stay luminescent is the question everyone asks.
When exposed to a small led flashlight for about 3-4 seconds, the luminescence is very bright for a few minutes, then it start fading, almost imperceptible in the presence of light, it real value shows when two things happen: First, there is complete darkness, all the lights are off ( there is always some light pollution present and that is alright). Second our eyes are accustomed to the darkness, which is what happens when we wake up in the middle of the night, say 3:00 a.m. to go pee. Under those circumstances the photo luminescence is seen by our eyes like a faint white glow, we might not see our pistol, but we see the sights.
Now comparing phosphorescent pigment (Glow-On), and tritium is like comparing apples to pears, they are different, just like comparing a red dot to a scope, they are different, none is perfect but yet there is a good use for each one when the opportunity presents itself.
For example, My friends and I find Glow-On super efficient when we compete at the range for two reasons; first we get to customize our sights so the margin of error is minimal, we try to "hug" the front sight as close as we can to achieve this we like to "design" , and apply it around the rear sight notch in a square U shape, we feel we can control the vertical and horizontal vectors, which allows for right groups at 20 yards. This is a bad picture but it''l give you an idea.
Second, a quick flash light ( Thanks Onward Allusion )beam for 3-4 seconds, makes the sights look like electric light which is very useful when all the attention has to be on the sight alignment, to cite an example. Tritium as good as it is, has no place here you see? this doesn't mean Glow-On is better at all, just different.
Does it need a white base? Absolutely not, it holds its own, we apply it on fishing lures,, every bottle is sold with a small dot sample on it so if some of you guys got some you know what I am talking about.
Do I need to mask the sights? There is no reason, it might take a couple of tries, but if I can do it, anyone can. To use the self adhesive you might have to pick a #11 xacto knife and a ruler to work your sights.
What exactly do i get for $13.31 (s&h included) ?
This what everyone get with the basic one vial order:
I have to emphasize again this is no substitute for anything out there, Glow-On is a Super Phosphorescent pigment, you could even enhance your tritium sights applying Glow-On on the white part, is something we'd like to try yet, you can paint your nails, a fishing shad, put a little on that small flashlight so you can find it in the dark, etc.
How long will the Glow-On be effective? Ten years
Is it good at all for something else? Yes
in any case, this is what Onward Allusion is talking about with the flashlight, since I don't see how anyone can come shooting in the dark without seeing the target.
Just in case my nails glow too