Glock PC collaboration with the Feds

According to Clinton & Co.'s own data (and even ours), in the last few years of the Brady Law, the FBI has been made aware of the precise location (within a few FEET), nature (felon attempting purchase of firearm), and perpetrators (repeat felons committing felonies) of nearly a half-million federal felonies, most of which are supposedly slam-dunk easy apprehention and prosecutions. With NICS, the FBI is alerted within SECONDS of new instances of these felonies. Could law enforcement get any easier?

A half-million gun-related felonies handed to federal law enforcement on a silver platter. Apprehention and prosecution is trivial. What does the FBI do with this hugely easy route to taking repeat felons off the streets? NOTHING!

If the federal police won't even do anything that easy and that trivial, we sure can't trust them to reasonably handle something more complicated with far less payoff like barrel fingerprinting.


Will Beararms, if you are so concerned about the actions of socialists, why do you include references to the Kristian religion in your post? That is sort of like the pot calling the ketle black.
Religion is man reaching out for God. I am not a part of any religion. I am humbled and grateful to tell you that I do have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and He is my Saviour as part of this I belong to a church but that church membership will not get a person to heaven.

Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. To boot, in the New Testament it warns us agianst judging others. God is a God of Mercy and of Rath. In Exodus, it plainly states that God will by no means clear the guilty but in again in the New Testament it clearly states that Christ did not come to condemn.

Don't believe what the revisionists tell us. The men who founded this Nation for the most part loved the Lord and honored Him. How many governments with atheistic roots do you know that allow their citizens to protect their families with firearms?

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."