If you are a person of smaller stature or with small/medium sized hands; DO NOT GET THE GLOCK 10mm. I had one a few years ago(gen 3 model 20). Got it because i liked the 10mm and liked glocks' reputation. Well I am a small guy, 5'6" , 145lbs and my glove size is literally half small half medium, small sized gloves are a little too tight but medium sizes gloves are just a tad sloppy. Anyways I put about 400rds through that handgun and I couldn't shoot it worth a damn. I have experience shooting handguns (mostly .45s) and can make a ragged hole with 18rds at 15yds with a Glock 17, but the size of the grip on that damn model 20 combined with recoil and torque, I literally shot 2ft by 2ft groups at 15yds. I managed to get that down to one foot by one foot after 300rds, but what is the point of having a GUn if you can't shoot it decent? Anyways if you have large hands you will probably be fine, but if you don't, just save yourself the trouble. If you like powerful semi-auto pistols, you can convert quality 1911's to .45super or .460rowland with just a barrel and spring swap