Glock full auto switch?

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I am not going to say a thing. I don't want my name on ANY lists that they may have, its to easy for them to mix up the names. I don't feel like having the ninjas busting my doors down at 3 AM because I tryed to help them.
Just for the heck of it (I know I am stirring the hornet's nest), why would you have any desire at all to "send the link to the ATF" ?
What would that accomplish that you think is desireable ?
I saw the error of my ways and did not.

Also the item is not legal in the US yet it is on a US based server, so it can be removed and thus no one thinks they can just order one. I would not have known that this was illegal a year ago, I thought that you could still build autos just for yourself up till about six months ago (I was starting to plan on building one before I found out).

So I don't want someone to just think they can buy this item and install it. It is illegal and being almost openly sold to people in the states.
So you were doing it for the children ? Saving us from ourselves ?

"It is illegal and being almost openly sold to people in the states."
Wrong. It isn't illegal. Just because you can't buy it doesn't make it illegal.

Something that a lot of people don't seem to realize is that just because you and I can't buy one doesn't mean that nobody can buy one. Law enforcement agencies might want one. An NFA dealer might want to have one as a dealer sample. Point being, should someone be forbidden from advertising something just because you can't buy one ? If someone advertises an AR15 should they stop because people in kalifornia can't buy it ? What about machine guns ? There are boards that do nothing but advertise machine guns: I can buy one (and have) but others can't. Is that a reason to make them take their board off the net ?
I have seen other similar posts where someone questions how someone can advertise machine gun parts.
I guess it is because a lot of people legally own machine guns and want to buy parts for them. Duh. Just because this person didn't own a machine gun, he couldn't imagine how the parts could be offered for sale.
It's a great big world out there.
Most of us don't know all the ins and outs of everything.
Just something to consider before you decide to narc someone out to the feds.

Sorry, I am not really a bad guy. Some gun owners feel that the ATF is not our friend. We get kind of upset when other gunowners run to them for every little issue that bothers them. Especially when they are ratting out someone for something that very well might be perfectly legal.
This is not aimed at people that can buy them. If it was it would say so.

I am sure I "could" (I would never) order one and the guy would never ask a question. If he does not it is just a matter of time before the wrong people (IE your local home invaders) find out about this new add on for their stolen glocks.

I know that some people can buy these, but the sales are watched VERY closely. This does not seem to be the case here, he seems to be willing to sell to anyone without doing any checks at all (just from his site).

I was thinking of Emailing him who can buy them just to keep him from selliing to the wrong people.
First of all, it isn't his responsibility to find out if you can legally buy it. The responsibility is yours.
You can order a 11" AR15 upper right now from any number of places (as but one example). They don't care. They arn't doing anything illegal. If you buy one and can't legally own it, that's your problem. I have eleven tax stamps and have purchased a lot of stuff along these lines. ONE TIME I was asked to see the tax stamp before Hans Vang would sell me a 14" shotgun barrel. That is the one single time I ever have been asked if I could legally own the item I was purchasing. Again, that is my problem not theirs.

If a home invader was going to try to shoot me with a stolen Glock, I would hope they had one of these. The chances of them hitting me would be nil and in a second they would be out of ammo. Have you ever shot much full auto ? I have never fired a full auto handgun although two people I know own full auto S&W 9mm handguns. A good friend of mine fired one of them. I asked him if he thought it was possible to keep two shots on an IDPA silhouette target at 5 yards ? He said no. This guy that said no is an experienced shooter. He owns three machine guns and competes in our local machine gun matches. He has fired many, many different machine guns. If you doesn't think he can put two shots (on full auto) on a silhouette at 5 yards, imagine a guy with no shooting experience shooting a stolen gun under stress in the dark ?
So I "could" walk down the street in the worst area of town with a machine gun yelling "machine gun for sale" and I am not doing anything wrong?
I can guess that openly selling to whoever has cash in their hand in that area will end up with a drive by within a week or two with it.

Shoelace guy should have said "It is their responsibility to be able to legaly buy it and know all the laws" Gee didn't work for him.
well if css wants to get involved for thrills then that's his business. I wouldn't go anywhere near it myself. I figure I have enough worries in my life.
NAh I aint going to play hot potato with the ATF and the machine gun maker. Just does not sound that fun anymore.
[Paranoid Conspiracy Theory switch set to ON.]

Thanks for the posting of the link to this. Even though it is overseas, I sure that by my clicking on it to see what you were talking about, I'm now on some BATFE "watch list". :eek: :D :D

[PCT switch set to OFF. Resume normal operation]

there was a link to a video of this some dude at a range with a full auto glock. he was able to shoot the whole mag in a 2 feet group single handed. pretty sure he was a well trained individual though....
Please accept my profoundest apology. It wasn't you that posted the offending link. It was the originator of the thread. (That's what I get for sitting up late at night, drinking wine and responding to posts. :o )

You wouldn't believe the number of typo's I need to correct. :D

So I "could" walk down the street in the worst area of town with a machine gun yelling "machine gun for sale" and I am not doing anything wrong?

Well, you would be breaking the law, if you consider that doing something wrong. Because you live in the United States.

I think what 444 is trying to say is, in some places in the world you probably could go walking down the street and selling machine guns and it would be perfectly fine. Just like people in Cali can't buy an AR-15 on the street, but I can buy one right out of the paper in a face to face transaction here in Austin. Some places are freer markets than others.

There is no reason to even consider notifying the ATF about this part, because the part is legal for lots of people, just not us regular citizens of the U.S.

If he does not it is just a matter of time before the wrong people (IE your local home invaders) find out about this new add on for their stolen glocks.

You realize this is the exact same [il]logic that the Brady campaign uses when talking about guns, right? "We need more background checks and longer waiting periods, or heck, let's just get rid of all the guns, because sooner or later the wrong people will get their hands on them and invade our homes. It's for the children!"
Something that has always amused me about the internet:
People assume that they have all the answers.
People assume that just because something is illegal for them to do, that it MUST be illegal for anyone else also.
People assume that the internet (and the world) centers around the United States. If you can't do it in the US, then you can't do it anywhere.
Then there is a recent disturbing trend I have seen lately on the gun boards. People who want to be snitches to the ATF and want the approval of the group for doing so. And they know they are doing the right thing because they have all the answers (see #1 above). There couldn't be any aspect of firearms law that they don't know and they are so sure they are always right that they willing to ruin someone else's life to prove it.
I wonder what these guys are doing ? let's turn them in also. Wow !!! Full auto and a shoulder stock. Maybe you will get a certificate suitable for framing if you rat out these guys. ATF might make you a junior agent and give you a shiny sticker-badge. And, in the process, you are doing the world a favor. It's for the children.
Does anyone else find it funny that the page is in english AND Spanish. Makes me think cartels are frequent customers, and we know how much they care about ATF rules lol
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